The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 360 Arrangements for him and me, a sudden change in the past

Ancient times.

Guiyuan felt the battle of wills in the mysterious world, and felt the terrifying Taoist pollution that was constantly coming from him.

Even at the Hunyuan level, even Guiyuan cannot completely block the power from the original.

Compared to Tianzun and God, the most terrifying thing is the beginning.

The first enlightened avenue was much weaker than Pangu's, and the fully created world was not as perfect as the prehistoric world, where all three thousand avenues could be enlightened.

Everyone can prove the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

Moreover, with the power of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal in one body, there is no risk of losing control. However, in the mysterious world, the higher the realm, the closer to the original stage, the more dangerous it becomes.

Because of the essence of Hunyuan, Hunyuan is one.

The Hunyuan Dao Fruit itself is the nature of existence being unified and unified.

Therefore, the so-called extraordinary characteristics of the mysterious world are attracted to each other. It is more likely that the initial realm is not high enough, and he cannot completely isolate the place of Taoism he transformed from his own Tao fruit.

As a result, the higher you get to a higher level, you can actually feel the ‘original’ existence.

This is sometimes the original world, which is similar to the origin of the world that evolved in chaos, and then evolved due to various factors.

Although they have been influenced by other factors and evolved into worlds, such as the Zhuxian world and the Little Carp world.

Instead, they are free to develop.

Like the mysterious world, the final result is most likely to become the initial qualifications.

Just like his Guiyuan world.

"That's why we know how powerful Pangu is."

Guiyuan said to himself, and similar to the prehistoric era, there is also the Marvel world. The same is true for the Marvel world, which is why he does not dare to go even to the Seven Stars of the Realms now.

As for the battle of wills, he wasn't worried at all. He had already experienced this scene.

His other self, Yang Yuan, discussed the Tao with the disciples in his will, and in the future, he interacted with the will of Taoist Taoist Creation and the Emperor of Immortality.

It's just that compared to the original will, their will may be weaker.

But the essence is still the same.

It just means it takes a while.

"Now that the two great worlds that are easier to deal with have been dealt with, the remaining ones may need to be laid out slowly. The main thing is that in the remaining great worlds, there are almost top powerhouses observing the world."

Guiyuan said softly, but because of the existence of the personality, he was not worried about the consciousness of the world taking direct action. He just felt that some top beings might have problems.

"Zhang Tao..."

Guiyuan felt that he was in full height, which was a bit interesting. It happened that that world could try to follow the path of the human emperor, and the human emperor was also a kind of enlightenment.

It was impossible for him to become the Human Emperor in the prehistoric times.

After all, with so many saints staring at you, you can be forgiven for saying that Yuan was created by Nuwa, or that the human race became the Human Emperor.

But when you return to the Yuan Dynasty, you can become the Holy Father of the human race because of your merits, and you are not yet a human race.

It certainly won't be allowed.

It’s unlikely that he would have to go through reincarnation and become a human being.

Then use his body to support the sky?

Are you kidding me, giving up your original cultivation to become a human emperor?

Even if Guiyuan can carry the Five Saints now, if Hongjun ends up.

He really may not be able to beat it.

Today's prehistoric Hunyuan combat power situation.

He and Nuwa, Hou Tu are considered on one side, Laozi and Tongtian are neutral, and the other saints are on the same side.

But the problem is that he and Houtu are on good terms. He has guided Houtu to become a Taoist, and the subsequent Dongyue Emperor Zhen Yuanzi and Fengdu Emperor Minghe can be said to be his allies.

But Nuwa is an ally with him more because he is a detached person.

But the prehistoric human race is also the manifestation of her Dao Fruit here. She must want the human race to develop according to her, if she becomes the human emperor.

When the time comes, will the human race listen to him or Nuwa?

The Holy Father of the human race plus the Human Emperor.

By that time, the human race will only know its father but not its mother, and the status of the Holy Mother Nuwa will definitely decline.

Guiyuan knew very well that the alliance between him and Nuwa was more about intervening in a transaction between them, and Guiyuan didn't know much about the Transcendents at the beginning.

It can be regarded as indirectly selling Honghuang.

Let Nuwa, who is a transcendent person, come to the ancient world and merge with the Nuwa in the ancient world.

Taking into account various factors.

Many heavenly saints would not allow a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal to directly control the human race, and Nuwa would not allow the human race to fall completely into his hands.

There is no need to engage in these things in order to deduce the human emperor's way.

"It's time to try to pull Dou Po World, and then see if you can understand the vast world above Dou Po World."

"Feng Baiyu can try to follow the path of Sakyamuni, teach all sentient beings with wisdom, become the ancestor of Taoism, and create a new path in the eternal world.

Spread the martial arts of human immortality..."

"The Turtle King who swallowed the world has now transformed. He has stepped out of the starry sky first. The path of practice of swallowing can be a supplement to human immortal martial arts. Just practice the path of swallowing the stars and look for that guy with the golden horn!"

"The Holy Turtle of the Barbarians covering the sky needs to take the path of survival..."

"The leader of the Kongtong Sect in the Holy Ruins, Lao Shangui is on his way to the end..."

As for the cultivation of mortals and the pursuit of demons, he planned not to make arrangements for the two worlds at the moment, lest he would be unable to do anything when he really wanted to use his true form.

Guiyuan was thinking about it, like eternal life, he used his personality at full height.

The two worlds are more dangerous. The top experts have too many plans, and the immortal Fang Han can overturn the table at any time.

The second is that these two worlds are more suitable for condensing personalities.

In terms of swallowing, he did not master the power of the personality at the beginning and was only trying the projection of the Celestial Dao Fruit, so he and I were just the Turtle King.

It doesn't matter, the world-devouring cultivation path is suitable to make up for the human-immortal martial arts.

Just let him and me practice from the beginning, and then slowly lay out the layout, and avoid being discovered by the mountain guest, and there is the existence of the Origin Continent above us, so this world can take its time.

As for Zhetian and Shengxu, they are not needed.

These two worlds are to complete his path of unification of the three generations, and can push him further on the path of the epoch cycle of origin, existence, and end.

The most important thing for them is that they each cultivate a path, and then the three generations will become one.

There is a connection between these three worlds, and there is no need to re-understand innately how to connect the origin, existence, and end to the same time.

Three generations in one.

Naturally, he can condense it into the Hunyuan Dao Fruit he wants.

After Guiyuan arranged all the others one by one, he was about to look at the group chat, when suddenly the heaven and earth shook, waking up all the people with great magical powers in retreat.

Guiyuan felt the changes in human destiny and already knew what was going on. He soared from Jin'ao Island in an instant.

The next moment he appeared in the ancestral land of the human race.

I saw that a majestic and vast high platform had been built here.

And on top of it is Yuan.

But in the position next to him, there were some races standing. Gui Yuan raised his eyebrows, "Yuan's ability is not bad, he actually won over the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn."

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