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Chapter 370 Eight Kings of the Human Dynasty, Golden Mother Taizhen

"Yu Lin will enthrone King Qi, one of the eight kings of the Human Dynasty, and he will sit in the southeast of the Human Dynasty. He will be in charge of the cattle tribe and the animal tribe other than the horse tribe in the territory of the Human Dynasty, as well as the joy of giving birth to a son and the birth of a great sage.

It can be considered auspicious to the human race! "

"Yu Lin, take the order."

Yu Qilin quickly stood up and cupped his hands.

Compared to the powerful Dragon and Phoenix tribes, the Qilin tribe is relatively weak among the three ancient tribes.

But now Guiyuan and Nuwa are unable to climb up, so their clan's strategy is naturally to get close to Yuan and Gui.

After all, in the human dynasty, there are still two direct rulers.

This also led to the fact that among the three ancient clans, those who assisted the Human Emperor were the most dedicated.

"Su Jiu will be canonized as the Fox King of the Eight Kings of the Ren Dynasty, and will be in charge of the northeast of the Ren Dynasty. He will be responsible for communication with other ethnic groups and external exchanges."

"Su Jiu accepts the order!" The handsome Su Jiu quickly clasped his fists and saluted.

The Fox tribe was also the first to respond to the Fatian Alliance and was also the think tank of the Fatian Alliance. The joining of many ethnic groups benefited from his strategy.

He is one of the eight kings of the dynasty, and he truly deserves his reputation.

"Niu Yan will be canonized as the Ox King, one of the eight kings of the Human Dynasty, and will sit in the southwest of the Human Dynasty. He will be responsible for guiding the Yin spirits, communicating with ghosts and gods, and resisting the demon clan!"


Niuyan clasped his fists and nodded.

"Ma Yang will enthrone the Horse King, one of the eight kings of the Human Dynasty, and sit in the northwest of the Human Dynasty. He will be responsible for guiding the Yin spirits, spreading messages around, and resisting the demon clan!"

Ma Yang nodded, "I accept the order!"

Some members of the Ox and Horse tribes have entered the underworld and become underworld officials, responsible for guarding the underworld.

Therefore, the two tribes of cattle and horses are considered direct descendants of the underworld. They were actually sent by the underworld to assist the establishment of the human dynasty.

It is also one of the bridges between human beings and the underworld.

As for Hou Yi, he more represents the Wu clan.

Although Empress Pingxin was also from the Witch Clan, she now represents the underworld more. They can be regarded as one on ordinary days, but naturally they cannot be confused in certain interests.

In the end, only Taizhen and Suiren were left, but the eight kings of the human dynasty had already conferred seven titles, so who was left? If they were not canonized as kings, then what power would they have.

"The Sui people will be canonized as King Sui, one of the eight kings of the Human Dynasty, and he will sit in the north of the Human Dynasty. He will be responsible for the human race's sacrifice to the Holy Father and the Holy Mother, and lead the Human Dynasty as the high priest!"

"Suiren understands!"

Suiren nodded quickly, and the others also nodded and understood. Guiyuan, the holy father of the human race, is in Beihai. Beihai is the birthplace of Guiyuan, and it is like a holy land to the human race.

As for leading the high priest, the leader of humanity is the Human Mother, and it is normal for the human race to lead the high priest. However, Hou Yi and the Niu and Horse tribes only frowned slightly.

Yuan smiled and said: "The sacrifices will include the Holy Father, the Holy Mother, and Empress Pingxin. After all, Empress Pingxin is so merciful and compassionate that the entire prehistoric era must be worshiped."

"That's good."

Niu Yan and Ma Yang nodded, Hou Yi also nodded, and the other ancestral witches did not need the human race to worship them. The human race even helped the witch clan solve the problem of birth difficulties.

Therefore, one of the key points of the original alliance between the Witch Clan and the Human Clan was to allow them to intermarry.

Zhu Jiuyin Ancestral Witch just fell in love with the terrifying reproduction ability of the human race.

After the eight kings of the Ren Dynasty were canonized, everyone looked at Taizhen. If the eight kings of the Ren Dynasty were all canonized, then why did Taizhen come here.

Moreover, compared to the fact that these people were almost all acquaintances, the former Mother of Immortal Court was not actually familiar with them, and had nothing to do with the human dynasty.

But Tai Zhen is a person with great supernatural powers after all, so naturally he couldn't say it directly. He just cast doubtful eyes on Yuan.

Since it was Yuan Jiang who called them here, it was naturally Yuan Jiang Taizhen who called them over.

"Fellow Tao Zhen will be canonized as the Golden Mother of the human dynasty. He will be responsible for all casual cultivators in the dynasty and the affairs of cultivators. He has the position of eight kings, but does not have the actual status of eight kings."

"Accept the Emperor's will!"

Taizhen nodded, and the others looked at each other, and they all saw each other's surprise. This is a quasi-sage, and he fell under the human race so easily?

But they didn't dare to say anything more.

Even though they each have their own backgrounds, Tai Zhen is a long-established great supernatural power user, and has many connections with many great supernatural power users.

It's not their turn to speak.

The Human Emperor Seal appeared in Yuan's hand, which was refined from the Heavenly Emperor Seal given to him by Gui Yuan combined with his own Dharma Body.

"Now, Hou Yi, Ao Guang, Jinfeng, Yulin, Su Jiu, Niu Yao, Ma Yang and Suiren are enthroned as the eight kings of the dynasty to guard the territory of the dynasty.

Taizhen is the golden mother of the human dynasty and is in charge of the affairs of the human dynasty in cultivating immortals. "

After saying that, the vast human emperor body emerged from behind him in an instant, and at the same time, the human dynasty's golden dragon of luck emerged.

But everyone found out.

The fate that once took the shape of a dragon has now transformed into the realm of the human dynasty. Sitting in the center is the human emperor, Yuan.

In each of the eight directions of the territory, the presence of the eight kings is more solid, while Tai Zhen is located next to the territory, and his figure is more illusory.

The nine people present instantly felt that a vast flow of luck was flowing out from the people's luck.

It condensed on their foreheads, intertwined, and turned into a substantial seal that fell on their hands.

As soon as they got the seal, they felt a steady stream of information emerging in their minds.

"How to bring luck to the dynasty? How could there be such a perfect magical power of luck in the ancient world?"

"In your own territory, you can borrow the power of the people in your territory, and this karma can also assist your practice."

"Kings can appoint officials on their own to assist, but their luck will be divided. However, if the creatures in the territory live and work in peace and contentment and practice smoothly, this seal can absorb the luck of the creatures...the two complement each other."

“The Golden Mother’s Seal cannot gather the power of all immortals, but it can canonize loose cultivators of human dynasties.

Those who have done meritorious service to other people can become the guardian immortals in each city, complementing the city. "

The Eight Kings and Golden Mother Taizhen were absorbing the information inside, and their eyes flashed with extreme surprise.

There is such magical power in this world. As long as you hold this seal, you can actually draw on the power of all spirits in the territory.

"This is the method of fortune handed down by the Holy Father, which can utilize the power of humanity to a greater extent. But we must remember that water can carry or capsize a boat.

If the creatures in your territory complain, the power of humanity and luck you can mobilize will also be weakened. "

"The Great Seal will also provide feedback on why your other luck has weakened and strengthened, and it will also provide feedback on how you can enhance the Great Seal's luck..."

Yuan said calmly, but in fact when he first learned about it, he was quite amazed. It was as if there was an extra being who was good at domination and was trying his best to help you deduce how to strengthen yourself.

This is also the reason why even though he has never established a humane dynasty, he still does it in an orderly manner, as if there is already a being who has helped you go through the wrong path.

Directly help you plan how to control the power.

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