And the clear light falling from the surroundings also transformed into a Taoist body.

In the Sanqing Dynasty, Nuwa Fuxi, Emperor Juntaiyi, and Hongyunzhen Yuanzi.

All of them had extraordinary heels and distinguished status. They had just left each other from Zixiao Palace, and after greeting each other, they looked at Shen Fei together.

They all know the three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace. They are not from Zixiao Palace, so they are the first to go.

Not all Daluo can enter the Zixiao Palace. If they don't enter the Zixiao Palace, it means that they are not good at following and have bad luck.

"Guiyuan has met all fellow Taoists."

"Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun met fellow Taoists." Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun said with a smile.

Nuwa and Fuxi also nodded lightly and said, "Nuwa and Fuxi have met fellow Taoists."

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi ignored Shen Fei, while Yu Qing just glanced at Shen Fei.

"Shangqing has met Taoist friends."

"Taiqing has met Taoist friend."

Shen Fei smiled slightly and said, "It seems that you all are here for this gourd too."


The rest of the people are a little jealous, this is an innate spiritual treasure. Even if they have extraordinary heels, the innate spiritual treasure is still extremely precious. After all, they can understand the law.

Di Jun and Tai Yi still didn't speak, but it seemed like everyone's eyes were filled with tears when they looked at the gourd.

Even if they have accompanying spiritual treasures, who would think they have too many treasures?

And there is also ambition in their hearts.

Naturally, more treasures are needed to win over others.

After everyone called each other, they all looked at the gourd vine. There are ten people here, and there are only seven gourds. It goes without saying that some people will not be able to get the gourd.

Not long after, the gourd vine that was frantically sucking up the surrounding innate spiritual energy stopped.

At this moment.

The purple and green gourds on the gourd vine spontaneously separated from the gourd vine, and a faint voice came from the void, "Keep one gourd to extend the spiritual root, and you can take the rest."

"Teacher, have mercy!"

"Taozu is merciful!"

Sanqing, Nuwa Fuxi, Emperor Juntaiyi, and Hongyun Town Yuanzi were all shocked. How could they not recognize this voice? It was Daozu Hongjun.

They all bowed one by one.

But there was only one person, and Shen Fei just watched quietly. The others worshiped Hongjun because they listened to his advice, but Shen Fei didn't even go to Zixiao Palace, so why did they worship him.

When everyone saw that Shen Fei was not moving at all, Zhen Yuanzi reminded him kindly: "Fellow Taoist Guiyuan, this is the Taoist ancestor and you need to pay tribute."

He thought that Shen Fei didn't know Hongjun, and he didn't go to Zixiao Palace after all, so he didn't understand etiquette and offended Taoist ancestors.

"I know."

Now that he is in Buzhou Mountain, and with the Pangu brand on his body, Hongjun will not take action at all.

"It doesn't matter."

Hongjun's faint voice sounded in the void, and the gourd suddenly disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Everyone raised their eyebrows, this person is too arrogant!

He actually didn't show any courtesy to Taozu.

As the gourd disappeared, everyone maintained etiquette for a while before returning their attention to the gourd. Taiqing said with a smile: "I will accept this first gourd."

Taiqing waved his palm gently, and the first gourd flashed with purple and gold light and fell into Taiqing's hands. No one stopped him. Taiqing was the head of the Three Pure Ones and occupied the first place in Zixiao Palace.

There is such a foothold and opportunity.

Hongyun next to him sent a message to Zhen Yuanzi, "Fellow Taoist Zhenyuan, I think the second gourd is destined for me, but now there are only six gourds left. Wouldn't it be good if I took one."

When Zhen Yuanzi heard this, he pushed Hongyun out angrily. He didn't know what happened to his seat now, so he just gave it up.

Even the innate spiritual treasure must be given away?

He smiled and said to everyone: "The second gourd is destined to be my friend Hongyun."

After saying that, the shadow of Di Shu appeared behind him.


Yuqing and others nodded. With Zhen Yuanzi protecting them, Hongyun would also have this opportunity.

Hongyun went to the gourd vine and picked the second purple-red gourd.

By the third time.

The two spoke at the same time.

"This thing is destined to me."

After finishing speaking, the two people looked at each other at the same time, and Taiyi said coldly: "Why did you have the courage to touch this treasure!"

The other person who spoke was Shen Fei.

Shen Fei knew that the remaining six gourds inside were definitely not destined for him, but after all, he had to take one away.

Among them, the Three Pure Ones unite, and Nuwa will become a saint in the future.

Either Hongyun or Dijun.

He prefers flying knives to kill immortals rather than containing red sand.

As for strength?

Zhen Yuanzi has the Book of the Earth, and Emperor Juntaiyi has the Book of the River Map and the Luo Book and the Chaos Bell.

But this is a prehistoric continent, and Zhen Yuanzi, who possesses the book of land, must be extremely difficult to deal with.

It seems that Dijun Taiyi is stronger, but how do you know if you haven't fought against him?

And the innate treasure is not that easy to refine!

So at present, it seems that this purple and white gourd is more destined to him.

"Since we are all destined, why not act according to the rules. How about doing one?"

Shen Fei looked at Taiyi and said with a smile. In an instant, the particles of the five ancient giant turtles in his body began to mobilize. In an instant, an endless giant turtle standing in the middle of the ocean appeared in everyone's eyes.

The waves of the blue sea are like the four legs of a pillar supporting the sky, like the tortoise shell of a continent.

A roar that reaches heaven and earth

Terrifying pressure suddenly appeared all around. Not only Di Jun and Tai Yi, but also San Qing and others' expressions suddenly changed.

When Taiqing saw this terrifying vision, he couldn't help but count it out.

"It turns out to be him!"

Taiqing said to himself, Yuqing and Shangqing looked at their eldest brother.

"The first turtle in the world was born in the North Sea, and it has lived since the beginning of the world. We have seen it before when we traveled, but at that time it was still confused and ignorant.

Now he has actually transformed? "

Taiqing even frowned slightly at this moment. He still had nothing to say. According to the destiny of this turtle, it was impossible for it to transform.

Taiyi, who originally looked contemptuous, now has a serious expression on his face, "Are you the giant North Sea turtle that Kunpeng said? Just so, he once said that as long as he kills you, he can join us.

For the great cause of our demon tribe, I have to sacrifice you. "

"Kunpeng, that bastard bird, really doesn't know whether to live or die."

When Shen Fei heard what Tai Yi said, his eyes flashed with light, and the pressure like a vast ocean amplified in an instant, "I almost forgot, you are also bastards. No wonder you share the same odor!"


"If you want to fight, fight, if not, get out! I want to see what the legendary Chaos Clock can do!"

"Why use the Donghuang Bell to kill you! Avoid hurting the innate spiritual roots and go to the sky to fight!"

next moment.

Hearing Shen Fei directly insulting him and Di Jun with a feathered bird, the anger in his chest burst out instantly, and a black three-legged crow with golden light all around appeared.

Golden Crow Dharma.

The boundless Golden Crow Divine Fire turned into a huge Golden Crow and crashed towards Shen Fei. The temperature around him rose sharply, and boundless fire burst out, seemingly burning through the sky and piercing the void.

The Golden Crow Divine Fire, which is capable of burning all things, is the natal magical power of the Golden Crow clan.

Take the true fire of the sun and combine it with the golden crow's own Tao charm.

It is so overbearing that even if it is stained by Daluo Jinxian, it will burn off a layer of skin if there is no way to remove it!

Seeing this, Hongyun was about to help when he was pulled back by Zhen Yuanzi.

"Fellow Taoist Guiyuan's feet are extraordinary, let's take a closer look."

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