Yao Chen and others were all in confusion, watching Furukawa complete the wedding banquet.

Just now, the situation where Hong Xuanji easily wiped out all the people in the Soul Palace was still deeply imprinted in their minds. You must know that it was a Fighting Saint.

In Dou Qi Continent, it can be said that he is a person who deserves the title.

A fighting saint is enough to kill them in Xingyun Pavilion several times, but such a strong man is actually in front of this middle-aged man who looks a little dignified at best.

Just one sentence and he disappeared.

"I didn't expect Furukawa to know such a strong man! A fighting saint was killed easily. What kind of existence is this, a high-level fighting saint?"

Feng Xian sent a message to Shu Chen, his tone full of exclamation.

Yao Chen's tone was even more solemn, "But you didn't realize that even this person was facing the young man in black robe and the person with a blurry face.

Is this considered extremely respectful? "

Feng Xian swallowed. It seemed that it was indeed the case. Even the middle-aged man asked the young man wearing a mysterious robe who was standing in the main seat for instructions before taking action.

"Is it possible that your ancient race has a more powerful existence?"

“The most prosperous people back then were the Xiao Clan and the Ancient Clan, and the only ones we could talk about with them were the extremely mysterious Soul Clan.

Those who died just now were from the Soul Clan, and the Xiao Clan had long since declined.

Could this be someone from an ancient tribe? "

Yao Chen guessed that based on his thoughts, he could never imagine the existence of the outside world, and there were rumors that Gu He was a member of the ancient tribe.

Could it be that this is not a rumor but true.

"Everyone has a good meal and a good drink."

Furukawa looked at the many people who were still staying in Maple City. Compared with the full house of distinguished guests at the beginning, the wedding banquet now seemed extremely sparse.

But to be able to stay here under the coercion of the Soul Palace, it can only be said that he and Furukawa do have true feelings. After all, not everyone can compare with him.

Like Tianming Valley, who was said to be recruiting him before, Fenglei Pavilion had already fled away.

Furukawa brought Yun Yun to the table where Guiyuan and the others were sitting. Furukawa and Yun Yun respectfully saluted Guiyuan and said: "Master of the group, without you, I, Furukawa, would not be where I am today!!"

I'll drink this cup, you can do whatever you want! "

"It's just chance."

Guiyuan said with a smile that Furukawa has a good character, high talent, and a firm will, but compared to the Son of Destiny.

It can be said that no matter how talented you are, you still have to give way.

But group chat can make up for this lack.

After all, the greatest advantage of a child of luck is not only chance and the blessing of luck.

After Guiyuan took control of the Guiyuan world, he did not take care of Xiao Yan, a "fellow fellow", and the earth where Xiao Yan was located had no relationship with the earth in his previous life.

The earth where Xiao Yan was originally located was probably just a small world under the control of the Great Overlord World.

It was just a coincidence that he was reborn in the world of Dou Po, but his memory was not cleansed.

It felt like I had traveled through time.

This has nothing to do with Guiyuan. For people of their level, they are considered fellow villagers only if they were born in the same Chaos Realm.

It does not mean that all people from the earth are fellow citizens.

The wedding ceremony is over.

Each of the guests received a seventh-grade elixir from Furukawa as a gift in return. This was a real gift, after all, these are the people who are still here.

They can all be considered as siding with Furukawa.

Naturally, people like Guiyuan and others stayed in Maple City.

They were not just here to attend the wedding banquet, but Guiyuan said there were important things to discuss.

But it is impossible to say that Furukawa is not allowed to enter the bridal chamber.

"Furuhe is happy, but some people are going to be sad."

Everyone watched Gu He and Yun Yun enter the bridal chamber.

At the dinner table, everyone was happy, except for one person who lowered his head silently.

The God of Thunder looked at Medusa who looked lonely, and this Furukawa really didn't understand the charm.

Marry everyone.

Why just marry one?

You insist on creating some sadomasochistic plot, right?

"According to me, it is actually normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. The key is that if Furukawa becomes a Dou Emperor in the future, he will live a long life and there is no need to worry about lack of energy in the future... Ahhh! Hiss!"

Feng Xiaotian shook his head and was about to give a long speech to give Medusa some psychological training so that his good brother could enjoy the blessings of everyone.

But he felt that the soft flesh on his waist was twisted by a thousand and eighty degrees.

He didn't dare to use his divine power to shake it away.

She could only cry out in pain, but Huang Rong said coldly: "What? Do you think it is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines? Do you also want to have three wives and four concubines?"

"That's definitely not the case." Feng Xiaotian said righteously, "I only lick two people in the world, one is the group leader, and the other is you."

"You're so disgusting!"

Huang Rong punched Feng Xiaotian, and everyone couldn't help shaking their heads and laughing.

Xiao Yan looked at Huang Rong and Feng Xiaotian who were fighting with a strange expression.

Isn't Huang Rong's official spouse Guo Jing?

And he had a lot of doubts in his heart, but he didn't know how to ask them, so he could only keep them in his heart.

Furukawa's wedding banquet was over, and what happened in Maple City that day spread across the entire continent like the wind.

Furukawa's marriage was not a big deal.

But the real big thing is that Furukawa has become a fighting saint, and if Furukawa can refine a holy elixir, it will be a ninth-grade elixir.

Will become a recognized elixir sage in mainland China.

Dou Sheng can dominate the entire continent.

Not to mention, he is also an alchemist.

It can be said that he is a very important figure in the entire continent.

Moreover, Furukawa seems to come from a mysterious force. The Soul Palace, which is extremely mysterious even on the mainland, wants to enslave Furukawa at the place where Furukawa is getting married.

All were killed by mysterious forces.

Some people say that Furukawa is probably from the Ancient Clan. Combined with his surname, and the fact that the only people on the continent who can compete with the Soul Clan are the Ancient Clan.

In the small world of the ancient tribe.

After listening to the information reported, Gu Yuan frowned tightly, looked at Gu Dao and asked, "Is this Gu He really not a member of my clan?"

"Indeed not."

"Is there any chance for him to join the ancient tribe? Alchemy Sage... this is not a small name!" Gu Yuan thought of the news from the intelligence report, "And what kind of force is behind him.

A three-star fighting saint died instantly. "

The rest of the people think that the Soul Palace is mysterious, but for the Ancient Clan, they have most of the information about the Soul Clan, let alone the forces under the Soul Clan.

"I don't know, but this force probably has extremely terrifying intelligence capabilities. I found out after investigation that every time he moves, he strikes his enemies with extreme precision.

To achieve his goal, he gathered six different fires, which were considered rare in the mainland. "

Gu Dao's tone was full of surprise.

Gu Yuan thought for a while, "Send a message to Xun'er, asking her to get close to Gu He while trying to find a way to get the Xiao clan's ancient jade.

Try to win him over! "


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