Guiyuan looked inside the Ren Dynasty. There were a lot of joys in the Ren Dynasty. They were all preparing for the wedding of the Emperor, and the Ren Dynasty had already announced the Great Desolation.

Emperor Wa will be regarded as the witness. No matter how they fight on weekdays, since it is Emperor Wa who is here to preside over the ceremony, he cannot cause trouble.

Let's play, make fun, don't make fun in front of Emperor Wa.

If Emperor Wa really dislikes him, then it will not be a matter of whether he can die. Even death will be extremely difficult by then.

"There are three marriages between heaven and earth, among which the heavenly marriage is formed by the great marriage of the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven, and the human marriage is formed by the two human races, but the marriage on earth..."

Guiyuan looked away, it was normal for Emperor Wa to preside over it.

Her red hydrangea will become a treasure of merit and virtue after gathering the three marriages between heaven, earth and people, and she can even touch a trace of the power of the innate treasure.

After all, no one has too many powerful spiritual treasures.

Just for heavenly marriage and human marriage, Guiyuan can think of who will complete it, but for earthly marriage.

The three marriages of heaven, earth, and man cannot be accomplished by just confirming them casually. They must be related to the three realms of heaven, earth, and man, and must be consistent with their personalities.

Natural marriage and human marriage are definitely possible.

But land marriage, if it is to be a land marriage, it must be related to the earth.

Nowadays, in the ancient world, there are only a few people related to the tunnel. Even though the framework of the underworld has been slowly established, there are only a few people who can truly represent the tunnel.

To be honest, Styx and Zhen Yuanzi are still reincarnated.

"They got married casually. It should be considered a local marriage."

But Guiyuan thought of these three deities and ruled out Pingxin.

Because marriage is often dominated by one party, it is done in order to coordinate yin and yang and suppress luck.


There are two forces related to the tunnel, one is the underworld and the other is the underworld.

One is Styx, the great emperor of Fengdu.

One is Zhen Yuanzi, Emperor Dongyue.

For the underworld, Styx is more of an executor and regulator. The master of the underworld should be calm, and the most likely one is Zhen Yuanzi.

If Zhen Yuanzi and the spirit of Jitu become Taoist couples, the power of Taoism will be greatly enhanced.

A perfect earth marriage also has great benefits for the earth.

"Zhen Yuanzi's marriage... Emperor Wa will definitely spare no effort in order to complete his third marriage between heaven, earth and man.

If you are married to Zhen Yuanzi. "

Guiyuan began to deduce that Zhen Yuanzi was born from Wu earth and was Yang earth.

And it would be best for him to have another Taoist who respects Jitu as his Taoist companion.

As for the essence of Jitu, Guiyuan deduced it a little and found that he didn't get any information, but considering Guiyuan's current state.

No matter how deep the earth's essence is buried in the wilderness, it is unlikely that any clues will be found.

But in the wild world, his calculations can be completely blocked.

There are only those few saints.

This essence of earth is in the hands of a certain saint.

"However, Emperor Wa and Heping Xin should be more concerned about earth marriage than me. I don't have to worry too much, and I have no causal relationship with it. I should be able to answer it by asking Emperor Wa when the time comes."

Guiyuan closed his eyes again to practice and comprehend the energy of Taisu. His heaven-defying understanding was analyzing this energy of Taisu every moment, and he deduced the path of the Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal in his mind.

Wuji, bodyless...

There is quality, form but no body. It feels like the long river.

Then what level does his Avenue Turtle need to reach to turn it into an existence like the Great Avenue?

"When you understand the three thousand avenues and reach the point where each of them can carry the Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian in your own world, then you can reach the Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian."

"And I must first build the avenues of enlightenment into the thousands of worlds centered on the Guiyuan Realm."

"For Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, this 'body' is not a physical form, but its imprint."

"Dissipate the brand, so that your own path will not be affected by your own brand, and let countless beings in the chaos know how to realize your own great path!"

“If the way of the world in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo is based on the world as its origin, survival, and end as development, then the way of the world in the realm of Taisu Daluo is.

It will take one side of chaos as its origin, its survival, and its end as its development..."

Guiyuan kept thinking, and he actually had some insights these days.

"Without body, all imprints need to be removed, and this reduction removes all other things except Tao."

"In other words, do subtraction and get empty!"

Guiyuan combines the knowledge of many worlds, and it can be regarded as a clear understanding of how to practice to Hunyuan Wujiluo Jinxian.

A little bit of what he knows is to do ‘subtract and find emptiness’!

"But why do you have to reflect him and me? This is a bit like increasing... wrong!"

"He and I are not myself, so all the worlds are mine?"

Guiyuan is carefully analyzing the path of Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian.

But with the analysis, many doubts emerged.

Let Guiyuan only push it to the point where it must be reduced and emptied.

Combined with subtraction and emptiness, and the way of the world.

At least he must break away the Taoist brand in his body and bring himself infinitely close to the level of chaos, so that his Guiyuan Realm can produce Da Luo Jinxian, or even Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

It’s just that with Guiyuan’s current cultivation level, if a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal appeared, he himself would not be able to support it.

The Qi of Tai Su can help him disintegrate the imprint of the Tao that he has comprehended, but it will not completely 'collapse' and cannot be retained in himself.

Instead, he relies on the Qi of Tai Su to connect his own avenue through his own Hunyuan.

Until he becomes Taisu Daluo Jinxian, his form is also the 'Tao'.

If you say nothing, it is nothing, because Tao is just Tao.

If you say yes, then yes, because he is right there.

"This is indeed a supreme treasure. Although it will not allow anyone to step into the Taisu Daluo Golden Immortal in one step, it can make a start. As long as you make a start, everything will be easy."

Guiyuan thought about it in his mind, and Tai Su Zhi Qi, who was like a swimming fish, began to try his method.

He focuses on the nine avenues and minors on the other avenues.

If he didn't have Tai Su Qi, he would naturally have to start from the minor avenue to try.

But now that he has the help of Tai Su Zhiqi, he can naturally start from his own nine natal avenues to ensure that he can do it.

He hesitated for a moment and quickly made his choice.

Let's start with the defensive path, because he is most familiar with this path, and if anything happens, he can control it in time.

After all, in his Hunyuan Dao Fruit, endless various laws of the avenue are constantly intertwined around a core, and in the core, there are nine laws of the avenue lingering.

Under the control of Guiyuan, among the nine intertwined avenues, one of the bright avenues flew out in an instant, which was the avenue of defense.

This defensive avenue is the avenue that has existed since Guiyuan was born. It has already been covered with his brand, his will and so on.

next moment.

Guiyuan showed a trace of determination, and used all his Hunyuan power to instantly dissipate the power of his own defensive avenue, as if he wanted to return it to the prehistoric era.

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