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Chapter 407 The Road to Great Enlightenment as a Golden Immortal

After Zhunti finished speaking, endless Buddha light burst out from his body, and the vast Buddha chants resounded throughout the underworld, and then eight hundred innate Sanskrit words with bright golden light flashed around him, rotating around him. These are the Sanskrit words that build the pure land of Buddhism. .

At this moment, the sound of thunder is loud, like Zen singing, telling the supreme essence.

"The Bodhi falls and the Pure Land comes out!"

Zhunti pointed his finger in the void, and in the dark world of the underworld, immeasurable light appeared. In the light, a Bodhi tree rooted in the void, shining with immeasurable wisdom, immeasurable divinity, and immeasurable light, was located in the pure land.

The vast mysteries of Western religion are sweeping in, constantly blending with the laws of the underworld. The Bodhi tree, which was originally so bright, is now stained with a gray tone.

This means that this method is integrated into the underworld.

A pure land world suddenly appeared, illuminating the boundless void of the underworld.

Fengdu just watched quietly, because this was a deal between Zhunti and Queen Xin. He gave Zhunti a part of the power of the underworld, but the price paid by Zhunti was much higher.

But sometimes it can only be said that everyone has what they need.

"There should be mountains."

The pure land roared, hundreds of Sanskrit gold characters were intertwined and fell into the center of the pure land, and a towering mountain of thousands of feet suddenly rose from the ground.

"When there is water."

Zhunti said calmly, pointed to the foot of the mountain, and hundreds of gold characters fell. Suddenly, a sea of ​​suffering emerged, spinning around the mountain, endlessly, bringing the power of circulation to the entire world.

"When there is sun and moon."

Zhunti explained the mantra, the sun is born, where is the bright moon, a star slowly rises, its body does not shine, with the help of the remaining light of the sun, illuminating all living beings, this pure land world, there will be the rotation of the sun and the moon, during the day dark night.

"When there are lotus flowers everywhere, and the fragrance of wonderful flowers..." After saying that, golden lotus flowers appeared in the pure land, and there was endless fragrance everywhere.

"Relics, all dharmas are empty, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor pure, neither increasing nor decreasing."

"That's why there is no color in the air, no thoughts, no thoughts, no eyes and ears, no nose, tongue, body and mind, no color, no sound, no scent, no touch.

There is no realm of vision or even unconsciousness, there is no ignorance and no end of ignorance, there is no old age and death, there is no end of old age and death, there is no accumulation of suffering and destruction of the path, there is no wisdom and there is no gain, because there is no gain. "He led people to recite sutras, and then he led countless people from the West to fall into the Pure Land.

These are all Westerners who have committed sins in hell.

Zhunti transformed into a big Buddha and sat in the pure land, with Buddha's words in his mouth.

"Disciples who join our Western religion should practice the eight precepts to understand the bodhicitta."

"When I enter Western Buddhism, all my past sins are attributed to my body and become the dharma body. I seek the retribution body to obtain the corresponding body."

"If you are moved by your thoughts, you will enter reincarnation again, go through thousands of tribulations, spread the Dharma and preach the truth, and have countless disciples, endlessly."

"This is the three realms and ten directions, where all the Buddhas are one, pure and free, perfect and flawless."

Having said that, the disciples of the Western Sect who were originally located in Fengdu and the eighteen levels of hell, their karmic sins rushed like running water towards the Zhunti Glazed Body in the Pure Land.

Moreover, there was also punishment. All the sins fell on Zhunti. In an instant, Zhunti's figure was present in the eighteen levels of hell, being punished.

"Junior brother, you have great perseverance, great cause and effect, great merit..." Jie Yin sighed. In this case, Zhunti has completely linked his destiny to Western religion.

If the Western religion does not follow the direction they envisioned and cleanse Zhunti of his sins one by one, Zhunti will fall into hell forever, and he will not even be able to protect his holy position.

And his Western disciples knelt on the ground one by one, chanting "Buddha's mercy".

"I see that all living beings are aware, so they can practice this way. Western teaching is a theory that leads people to do good. If a demon comes to me, I will be ashamed to be a saint!"

Zhunti smiled.

"This guy does have great perseverance. All living beings have Buddha nature, and all spirits can become Buddhas..." Guiyuan looked at Zhunti in front of him. This guy had already understood a little of the nature of 'Sakyamuni'.

Many Buddhist insights gained in eternal life and in the prehistoric world have been extracted by Guiyuan at this moment, and combined with his own heaven-defying understanding to digest the insights at this moment.

[You observe the creation of the Golden Immortal, use a little bit of clarity and awareness to form your own path, and use reincarnation to find this path. You analyze the mystery...]

[A bit of gold is immortal, and reincarnation can also be immortal...]

Endless insights flashed in Guiyuan's mind, why reincarnation is called a ray of life, because it gives failed seekers the chance to come back again and again.

It has to be said that reincarnation is indeed the foundation of the ancient world, carrying the past and present, billions of treasures, and the future of countless sentient beings.

Peace of mind is indeed a great merit, but naturally some of it has survived from Pangu.

But reincarnation has its drawbacks.

Otherwise, if this were the case, there would already be countless Da Luo.

Each reincarnation consumes the true nature of a living being, which is its true spirit.

Whether it is the confusion of entering reincarnation, or the many punishments when settling karma.

In this case, after reincarnation, the heel, aptitude, and understanding of the person born again will almost always be weakened.

Only by awakening the accumulation of previous lives and the superposition of life after life can we make progress in every life.

But once it is consumed too much, awakening will become more and more difficult, and awakening from the past life depends too much on one's own understanding.

Once you are unable to awaken in your lifetime, it is a vicious cycle.

Difficult to generalize.

For example, it is possible that a Taiyi, after a few reincarnations, may not even reach the level of Golden Immortal, or in other words, True Immortal.

You can establish a pure land, bear the sins of these Western beings, and be punished on their behalf.

Greatly shorten the reincarnation time of the true spirit so that its true spirit will not spend too much time here.

This is a huge gamble. From now on, all those who join Western religions will experience reincarnation at a faster pace, and they will not be able to achieve enlightenment in one life, a hundred lives, or a thousand lives.

Eternal life is seen at the end of reincarnation. With the accumulation of life after life, creation is nurtured in life and death. After witnessing many kinds of things, there is a final leap, transcending reincarnation and eternal immortality.

Theoretically, as long as time lasts long enough and there are enough reincarnations, all living beings will eventually attain enlightenment and become Buddhas.

As long as the number of reincarnations is fast, then the probability of me becoming enlightened is greater.

But the teachings of Western religion must not be distorted.

Otherwise, it will just collapse. It can only be that he is worthy of being the leader of the Great Vision Enlightenment, and he actually has such a big heart.

"All sentient beings have the wisdom and virtue of the Tathagata, but they cannot realize it because of their persistence in delusional thoughts." Guiyuan said to himself: "If you get rid of delusional thoughts, then all wisdom, natural wisdom, and unobstructed wisdom will be revealed."

"If it is formed by awareness, it may be called the Great Enlightenment Golden Immortal."

Jie Yin couldn't help but look at Gui Yuan, beaming with joy, clasping his hands together and praising: "I never thought that Great Immortal Gui Yuan would have such a deep understanding of this.

If you can join our Western religion, you can also obtain the position of Buddha. "

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