"Witch Clan, Immortal Court, Demon Court. I have offended all three major forces in the ancient times."

After returning to the bottom of the sea, Shen Fei thought about it for a while. All three major forces in the ancient world were offended.

But sometimes you can't help it.

Why is the great calamity called the great calamity? It doesn’t mean that you can just ignore it if you want. There are always ways to involve you in various causes and effects.

Calamity is the reckoning of various causes and effects, those with high blessings

However, after this battle, they had to think twice before killing him. His second level of 'Eternal Immortality' was about to be added up.

By then, with two levels of 'Eternal Immortality', at least Da Luo and even some One Corpse Quasi-Sages' attacks would be ignored by him.

A quasi-sage like King Pan who relies on countless Gu insects to carry out attrition attacks cannot break through his defense at all.

Unless he has a spiritual treasure that can forcefully attack in his hands, he is inherently invincible.

Just a small episode.

First put away the five poison furnaces. He will not refine this. Then he will see if there is a chance to find some people to make an exchange. The way of poisonous poison is not suitable for him.

However, Shen Fei felt a little sense of urgency, honestly speaking for a character like Pan Wang.

In the late stage of Taiyi, he was able to reach the Daluo realm. His Tao body was broken and his soul was in chaos.

With two slaps from Shen Fei, his body was destroyed and his soul was eliminated.

But now he can be said to have used all possible means to win. He looks relaxed and contented, but he has used both of his handy spiritual treasures, and the prehistoric tortoise shell is used to stop the enemy.

Coupled with the newly comprehended 'Eternal Immortal Body' and the light of the Chaos Axe, King Pan was

A Pan King is like this. What if the demon clan or witch clan attacks?

Their quasi-sage will be much more powerful than a Pan King.

And not only King Pan, but also Immortal Court.

At least Dongwanggong must be much stronger than Panwang. After all, in terms of heel, Panwang can't compare to Dongwanggong even if he pats the horse.

Although Shen Fei knew that this guy was easily killed by Tai Yi and Di Jun.

But it doesn't mean that he is weak.

After all, the people in front of him were Taiyi and Dijun. These two brothers joined forces, and there were very few people who could withstand it in the wild world.

Just when Shen Fei was about to continue practicing, a soft voice came from outside.

"Please also meet fellow Daoist Guiyuan!"

Shen Fei, who had just closed his eyes, opened them instantly, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes. These guys are not done yet, and they won't let anyone practice anymore.

Shen Fei's soul came out.

Then he saw a graceful, cool and noble goddess stepping on the sea, with infinite fairy light floating around. It was she who was transmitting messages to Shen Fei just now.

"Western Queen?"

Are you looking for a place?

The movement was quite fast. Shen Fei lifted up the Xuan Zhong Monument. A huge monument appeared on the sea in an instant. Just as he was about to slap the Queen Mother of the West, an alms bowl appeared, and immeasurable pure water emerged, and immeasurable water light burst out to cover Xuan Zhong. The monument blocked it.

"Fellow Taoist, I'm not here to fight, but I'm here to apologize!"

Queen Mother Xi's originally graceful expression was also shocked. Fellow Daoist Guiyuan slapped her in the face without saying a word. He and Xianting didn't have that much hatred.

She quickly told her why she came, although to be honest she wasn't very afraid of Guiyuan.

I just feel that there is no need to tie up the cause and effect with Guiyuan.

A flash of light flashed, and Shen Fei's Taoist body emerged. He stared at Queen Mother Xi and said calmly: "What apology?"

As soon as King Pan Wang died, the latter came to apologize. Shen Fei must not have believed it at first, but now it seemed that the Queen Mother of the West did not have any hostility.

Shen Feicai believed it for now.

Queen Mother Xi looked a little helpless, "I have already made it clear to the Immortal Master that if the fellow Taoist is unwilling to join the Immortal Court, we can also form a good relationship, but... alas, and I really don't know about King Pan.

Otherwise I would definitely have stopped her. "

"It's okay, he's dead."

Shen Fei said lightly, his eyes flashing with solemnity. It seems that King Pan cannot be regarded as the strength of all quasi-sages. At least the strength of Queen Mother of the West is more powerful than he imagined.

When Queen Mother Xi saw Guiyuan's attitude, she knew that Xianting's heart had plummeted.

"This can be regarded as an apology to fellow Taoist Guiyuan. It can be considered as compensation for disturbing fellow Taoist Pan Wang's reckless actions."

Queen Mother Xi turned over her hand and took out a box of innate spiritual jade and handed it to Shen Fei and said.

"There is no reward for no merit. King Pan has already paid the price for his reckless actions. I have nothing to say to you in the Immortal Court. We are friends with cause and effect. You can come if you want to cause trouble.

Let me first ask you how many Daluo and Quasi-Sages are left who can die. "

Shen Fei didn't take it. If he did, it meant there was a cause and effect. He didn't want to form any good relationship with Xian Ting.

The fate of Xianting is not good, and he doesn't need to be greedy for luck to join the force. To be honest, even if he had an affair with Taiyi.

It's embarrassing for him, but if he says he wants to join the demon clan, Di Jun and Tai Yiye will definitely welcome him, but it's just not necessary.

Although the more he understands the current catastrophe, the more he knows.

Dongwanggong took the form of one of the three yangs, and he was born to be an emperor just like Emperor Jun. He and Emperor Jun were born to have a Taoist dispute, and the Immortal Court did not mean that Hongjun did it deliberately.

But there can only be one born emperor.

Dongwanggong and Dijun represent Shaoyang and the sun respectively.

There are no two days in the sky.

They must decide the winner. Originally, Heaven would not interfere, but unfortunately, Di Jun had a younger brother who was born with the Chaos Clock in his arms, and Prince Dong lost the battle innately.

That's why Hongjun spoke out to balance the forces between the two.

In the end, it all depends on who wins to decide whether this catastrophe is the catastrophe of the Lich or the catastrophe of the Immortal Witch.

But based on what Shen Fei knew, justice was still inferior to fists in the end.

The innate treasure is still too arrogant, especially Taiyi, who has broken through to the quasi-sage and killed three corpses with the Chaos Bell, can't imagine how powerful it is.

"This is not on behalf of the Immortal Court, but on my own apology for not stopping King Pan." The Queen Mother of the West seemed to have been prepared and changed her words.

Shen Fei was a little surprised, "You are the Immortal Mother of the Immortal Court, the head of the female immortals. You are one with the fate of the Immortal Court, but now you are separated separately?"

This Queen Mother of the West is interesting.

The Queen Mother of the West was helpless, "Now I have long been a mascot in the Immortal Court. Although we swore to rule the Immortal Court together at the beginning, the Immortal Lord prefers to hold the power alone.

And I just value the fortune of Immortal Court to help me practice. I was working hard at first, but then Immortal Court..."

Queen Mother Xi seemed to feel that she had complained too much, so she stopped talking and said with a smile: "I made my fellow Taoist laugh. This is my own apology. I have nothing to ask for from you, so please accept it."

Shen Fei took a deep look at Queen Mother Xi. At present, it seems that Queen Mother Xi is indispensable for the development of Xianting to such an extent.

Let Xianting go through the saddest period, and then be excluded from the center of power by Dong Wanggong, and enjoy his luck and merit.

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