The ancient god lord

Chapter 1250 The human flying boat was attacked

The human race also said the same thing to the demon race back then, saying that as long as they defeated the demon race, they would jointly dominate the Tianwu Continent.

But no matter where, there is always only one overlord.

Those who are not of our race must have different hearts.

The demon race has indeed been suppressed by the human race over the years.

Generally, they dare not leave the deep mountains and old forests. Once they enter the human race’s territory, they are easily surrounded and killed by the human race’s strongmen.

“Hmph, our demon ancestors paid a huge price in the battle of 100,000 years ago. Although we finally defeated your demon race together, the human race did not keep their promise and divided the Tianwu Continent into different areas. Our demon race is not as strong as the human race as a whole. Even if it is unfair, our demon race can’t do anything to the human race.” A tiger demon said coldly.

Many demons are quite hostile to the human race.

Now the demon race has taken the initiative to come to the door and sent a heavy gift, saying that they want to deal with the human race.

There are many powerful beings on the demon side, and they agree to cooperate with the demon race.

However, the demons also have their own plans. They think that now they are just using the hands of the demons to deal with the human race.

Once the human race is defeated, the next opponent of the demons will be the demons.

The demons are treacherous, and many powerful demons know it.

The demons are often hunted by the human race, and the demons are resentful.

The demons have almost the same idea. After they have dealt with the human race, they will prepare to attack the demons.

After all, 100,000 years ago, the demons were also the enemies of the demons. With the demons' revengeful nature, how could they coexist peacefully with the demons?

Now everyone has a common enemy, that is, the human race, so they are temporarily joining forces.

At that time, as long as the goal is achieved, it is inevitable that the two sides will turn against each other.

Everyone is not stupid. This world always speaks with strength, but no one tells you what rules are. The one with the big fist says the rules.

"That's right, the human race is too shameless. They are our common enemy. Since we have reached a cooperation, why don't we kill some humans to help cheer us up?" A demon clan leader said with a smile.

"That makes sense. The meat of human cultivators is a delicacy. We were worried that it would attract a large number of human strongmen to retaliate. We could only send some subordinates to pretend to be beasts to plunder some human cities. Of course, this kind of thing can't be done often. Every ten or twenty years, we will plunder a city. We can't just focus on one city and do it in turns. In this way, the strong men on the human side will not care about us. As long as we, the tenth-level demons, don't take action, the big forces of the human race will not intervene in such things." A wolf-like demon leader said.

The so-called beast tide is just an excuse for the demons to eat the human race, and they took the opportunity to launch it.

Instruct subordinates to launch low-level demons to attack the human cities.

One is to reduce the number of low-level demon beasts in the demon territory, and the other is to hunt some human cultivators for them to eat.

They even captured some human cultivators alive and raised them to eat slowly.

Some merchant ships were attacked by monsters from time to time, and it was possible that they were instigated by the monsters, but they were not so obvious.

Some merchant ships were unlucky and all the people on the ship were annihilated.

"Your area has human merchant ships passing by from time to time. Why don't we attack these merchant ships first? Give the human race a wave of hard blows." A powerful demon in the first level of the martial god realm said.

"Haha, that's great, then let the human race see the strength of our monsters? We will carry out a ten-day massacre. As long as these ten days, we will not let go of any human merchant ships passing through our territory." The tiger monster leader laughed.

The words of the demons went to the hearts of these monsters.

It just so happened that the human cultivators they raised were almost eaten up, and they planned to launch another wave of beasts after a while.

Now that the demons have made such a proposal, the demons certainly have no objection.

The demon tribe in their area is very powerful. Even if human forces want to come for revenge, it is not so easy, not to mention that the demon tribe on their side has reached a cooperation with the demon tribe.

These demon tribes will stay here for a while and will also become helpers of the demon tribe on their side, so they are very confident.

"Okay, give orders. In the next period of time, attack all merchant ships that enter our territory. Don't let any of them go." Everyone shouted.

Under the orders of the demon tribe leaders, all the demon tribes mobilized to find out the whereabouts of the human merchant ships that entered their territory.

This time, they no longer sent a part of the demon tribe to attack, but the tenth-level demon tribe also took action, focusing on efficiency, and there was no need to hide.

A flying boat carrying hundreds of people passed over a forest. Suddenly, a large number of demon beasts rushed out from the ground, and black clouds appeared around, surrounding the flying boat.

These black clouds are a little far away from the flying boat. They look like black clouds. In fact, these are flying demon beasts, killing here.

"No, there are many monsters. We are being attacked by monsters." The person in charge of controlling the flying boat was so scared that his face turned pale when he saw the scene around him.

Next, he notified everyone to prepare for battle. The people on the boat also showed despair when they saw the situation around them.

There were too many, and the aura of these monsters was extremely strong.

"Damn human race, all of you go to hell and become our food. Kill them and follow me." A ninth-level monster roared and rushed directly towards the human flying boat in front of him.

Other monsters also roared and followed to kill the flying boat.

"Everyone, hurry up and stop the attacks of these monsters. They are crazy, really crazy. These monsters are crazy," someone shouted.

The human flying boat had already raised the protective array. These light shields wanted to block the monsters outside and prevent them from rushing into the flying boat.

However, the defense of these arrays could not stop so many powerful monsters. After a while, the protective array was broken by the monsters, and a large number of monsters rushed to the flying boat.

The human race on the flying boat had to fight with the monsters.

But the monsters came prepared, with strong strength and large numbers. The human race screamed continuously. After a while, all the human race was killed, and the entire flying boat was destroyed, turned into debris, and fell into the forest.

The monsters took back some of the corpses of the powerful human race, which were to be given to the high-level monsters for enjoyment. The corpses of the weaker human race were eaten by the monsters on the spot.

The flesh and blood of the human race is a top delicacy for the monsters.

Some monsters cannot resist their appetite and will enter the human territory to hunt humans, but such monsters often have a bad end and are easily killed by human strongmen.

For food, they actually lost their lives, so most of the monsters, as long as they have a little intelligence, know that the human territory is very dangerous for them and will not easily set foot there.

Of course, it is not safe in the monster territory either. Weak monsters will be swallowed by more powerful monsters. This is the real law of the jungle.

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