The ancient god lord

Chapter 1263 Luo Gaotian

Tenth-level materials are extremely expensive, and it is not something that a small deacon like him can decide.

Deacon Yuan does not have the authority to set prices.

"Okay, then let the person who can decide on your side come and talk to me." Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Chen has a lot of materials from the tenth-level monster race, and the transaction amount is extremely large.

A small deacon in front of him certainly does not have the authority to decide on such a large transaction.

Deacon Yuan asked Jiang Chen to wait for a while. Not long after Deacon Yuan left, a staff member handed Jiang Chen spiritual tea.

No one served tea to Jiang Chen just now. It is obvious that the staff of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce did not value Jiang Chen at the beginning, and even did not serve tea.

Now Deacon Yuan has tested that Jiang Chen is a big customer, and immediately ordered spiritual tea.

These spiritual teas are top-grade teas, and ordinary customers do not have such treatment at all.

Jiang Chen saw the spiritual tea coming up and guessed the situation. Although the people in the Chamber of Commerce will not offend you on the surface, they will still divide the customers into different levels in their hearts.

But Jiang Chen didn't care. This situation was normal. Only when you are strong enough will others value you.

The same is true when trading. Only when you can bring great benefits to others will others value you.

Of course, businessmen will still do some superficial work.

Jiang Chen drank the spiritual tea while waiting.

Not long after, Deacon Yuan came with a thin middle-aged man. This middle-aged man gave people an extremely extraordinary momentum.

Although the breath was restrained, with Jiang Chen's soul power, he still sensed the other party's cultivation.

The second level of the Martial God Realm, the other party was actually a strong man of the second level of the Martial God Realm.

It seems that the other party's status in this chamber of commerce is not low, a Martial God Realm level existence.

"Hello, this young friend, I heard that you want to sell the tenth-level materials. I am the vice president here, Luo Gaotian, you can talk to me." The thin middle-aged man smiled.

"Hello, my name is Chen Jiang." Jiang Chen also stood up and briefly introduced himself.

Jiang Chen's momentum was very strong, and the breath he revealed also surprised Luo Gaotian.

Because he sensed from Jiang Chen's breath that Jiang Chen was actually a strong man in the third level of the Martial God Realm.

Jiang Chen now looked too young, but his cultivation was actually higher than his, which made Luo Gaotian have to look up to Jiang Chen.

"It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Chen." Luo Gaotian smiled.

"Sit down, let's sit down and talk slowly." Luo Gaotian smiled.

The two sat down.

"I heard that you want to sell some materials from the tenth-level monsters. I wonder how much you plan to sell?" Luo Gaotian asked.

"The tenth-level monster materials I sell will be a bit large, and your reception room may not be able to put them." Jiang Chen said.

"Oh? In that case, let's go to another place." Luo Gaotian smiled.

Many tenth-level monsters have very large bodies. If Jiang Chen has multiple tenth-level monster corpses, then this reception room in front of him really can't put so many materials.

This also made Luo Gaotian happy.

The tenth-level monsters are equivalent to the existence of the human martial god realm strongmen.

It is extremely difficult to hunt them at ordinary times.

The same level of demons are generally stronger than the same level of human cultivators.

Therefore, it is very risky to hunt the tenth level demons.

Without the strength of the Martial God Realm, it is almost impossible to kill the demons of this level.

Soon, Jiang Chen followed Luo Gaotian to a small secret realm.

This small secret realm is a small space created by the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, where you can have secret conversations, and the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce has a very good reputation, so there is no need to worry that the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce will use despicable means.

Besides, this entrance and exit is open at any time. If the people inside want to leave, they can leave at any time, which is equivalent to creating an extra large space.

The small secret realm covers tens of thousands of acres, and this place is wide enough.

"Friend Chen, is this place wide enough?" Luo Gaotian said.

Jiang Chen nodded: "Yes, this place is indeed big enough."

"So, what do you want to sell? I can also give you an estimate. If you think the price is right, we will trade again." Luo Gaotian said.

"Okay, let's trade the demon pills first. These are the demon pills I want to sell." Jiang Chen waved his hand, and forty demon pills appeared on the table in front of him.

Of course, Jiang Chen couldn't take out all the demon pills, but only sell a part of them.

And Jiang Chen also needed to divide some of the spoils he got among his subordinates.

Some demon pills need to be left behind, which may be used in the future, or it would be nice to reward them to his subordinates in the future. /

Looking at the demon pills exuding a strong aura in front of him, Luo Gaotian's eyes lit up.

These are all demon pills of the tenth-level demon race.

"Let me check." Luo Gaotian said a little excitedly.

The appearance of dozens of tenth-level demon pills means that dozens of tenth-level monsters have been killed, which is a very amazing number.

"These demon pills are all fine products. I have marked the price of each demon pill. What do you think of the price? If you think it's appropriate, we can trade." Luo Gaotian said to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen looked at each demon pill and saw a small note with the price of spirit stones next to it.

The price Luo Gaotian offered was also quite reasonable. Although it was a little lower than the market price, the other party bought a lot.

After all, Wanbao Chamber of Commerce also needs to make money.

Buy at a low price, then sell at a high price to make a profit.

Otherwise, if Jiang Chen did not use the channels of the Chamber of Commerce, it would not be easy to sell dozens of tenth-level demon pills in a short period of time.

Wanbao Chamber of Commerce can help with sales, and it is normal to charge some commissions.

"The price is okay, so all these demon pills are sold to you. Please prepare the spirit stones. After this transaction, we will discuss the next transaction." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay, I will notify others to prepare the spirit stones immediately." Luo Gaotian smiled.

After completing this transaction, Luo Gaotian was also very happy, and his performance also increased.

Soon, the spirit stones were delivered. This was an astronomical amount of spirit stones. Jiang Chen counted them and found that the number was correct, and then put them away.

"Next, I will sell some corpses of the tenth-level demon clan. I wonder if you have enough financial resources to purchase them?" Jiang Chen said.

"Our Wanbao Chamber of Commerce is the top chamber of commerce in Tianwu Continent. There are only a handful of chambers of commerce that can compare with our Wanbao Chamber of Commerce. If our Wanbao Chamber of Commerce is not financially sufficient, then other chambers of commerce are probably in the same situation." Luo Gaotian smiled lightly.

He said this with great confidence.

Indeed, with the scale of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, it is not an exaggeration to call it the first chamber of commerce in Tianwu Continent.

"That's great. If you can take my orders, it would be the best. I don't need to go to other stores." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Jiang Chen is not worried that the other party will cheat.

Jiang Chen's strength is here. If the other party dares to mess around, Jiang Chen dares to bloodbath here, even if it is Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, Jiang Chen is not afraid.

Wanbao Chamber of Commerce can achieve such a large scale because it abides by the rules and keeps its word. Jiang Chen does not think that the other party will do such a thing that is not worth the loss.

For businessmen, reputation is the most important. Only with reputation can the business be bigger and stronger.

Once the reputation is damaged, it is an immeasurable loss for such a large-scale chamber of commerce.

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