The ancient god lord

Chapter 1308 Alchemist Conference Begins

After testing the power of the Demon God Battle Armor, Jiang Chen moved his mind, and the armor turned into ordinary clothes, clinging to Jiang Chen's body, just like ordinary clothes.

It seems that the person who created this armor is a very powerful master, who can make the armor transform to such an extent.

Jiang Chen first put away the gloves, and the helmet turned into a cloth hat, and Jiang Chen wore it like this.

There are still many people wearing hats in the cultivation world.

When the time comes to fight, the gloves can be put on the hands instantly, so Jiang Chen is not panicked.


The War God Temple held a secret meeting with some strong men from the allied forces.

The content of the discussion was how to deal with Jiang Chen.

"Now that Jiang Chen has obtained the Demon God Battle Armor, his strength must have improved a lot. It is more difficult for us to kill Jiang Chen. This time, our War God Temple will send more powerful people to deal with Jiang Chen." Yao Luo said.

This time, their War God Temple decided to invite the sleeping strong man.

Those strong men have a short lifespan, so they use secret techniques to put themselves into a deep sleep, which greatly reduces the speed of their life passing.

Some extremely powerful forces will master this secret technique.

When those strong men still have a thousand years or hundreds of years to live, they know that they can no longer break through, and they can no longer obtain the natural treasures that extend their lifespan, so they will decide to fall into a deep sleep and no longer walk outside.

In this way, their life passing speed is only about one-tenth of the usual speed.

Some powerful secret techniques can reduce their lifespan by only one year after thirty or forty years outside.

The secret technique is very powerful.

Many demons are also like this, mastering the secret technique of sleeping, which can slow down the passing of life.

Most secret techniques only reduce the lifespan by about one-tenth.

If they need to take action, the younger disciples will wake them up.

Therefore, when the once famous strong men no longer appear outside, it is not necessarily that they have fallen, but they are likely to fall into a deep sleep.

Yao Luo has reported to the headquarters about Jiang Chen's acquisition of the Demon God Battle Armor.

The chief hall master decided to send some old guys to deal with Jiang Chen.

The combined pressure of Yao Luo and others could not do anything to Jiang Chen, which frightened Yao Luo. He felt that Jiang Chen posed a threat to him, so he applied for reinforcements.

Although the chief hall master was dissatisfied, he agreed to send some powerful people to avoid accidents.

The person in charge of Anyou also spoke up: "We in Anyou are also aware of Jiang Chen's threat and growth rate, and we have also applied to send more powerful people."

Zongdan Academy and Lie Ri Sheng Zong also expressed their opinions and would apply to the sect for more powerful people to deal with Jiang Chen together.

Jiang Chen has too many treasures and such amazing financial resources. If Jiang Chen is killed, they can divide Jiang Chen's property, which is also a great gain.

Now that Jiang Chen has not been killed yet, some people are already thinking about how to distribute the spoils.

The matter of distributing the spoils has been discussed. Zongdan Academy and Lie Ri Sheng Zong will each take a 10% proportion.

The War God Temple and Anyou will each take 40%.

If it is some secret skills or something, it can be copied and shared by everyone.

No one has any objection to this distribution method.

"Okay, in order to deal with Jiang Chen, our War God Temple will send out another War God Army." Yao Luo said.

"We Anyou will send out two Ghost Guards." The person in charge of Anyou said.

"Hiss." Hearing the words of the two overlord-level forces, the people of Zongdan Academy and Lie Ri Shengzong took a breath.

Needless to say, the War God Army is well-known in Tianwu Continent. There are dozens of strong men in the Martial God Realm alone, all of whom are strong men above the Martial Saint Realm, the elite among the elite.

As for the Ghost Guard, it is a top lineup composed of the fifth level of the Martial God Realm and above. They are good at cooperation. Even the strong men of the ninth level of the Martial God Realm can be hunted, and even the strong men of the tenth level of the Martial God Realm can have a fight.

The Ghost Guard is a very terrifying existence. As long as the Ghost Guard is out, blood will inevitably be seen. Either the target person dies or the Ghost Guard dies.

Anyou rarely dispatched the Ghost Guards. The strong men who could be killed by the Ghost Guards were all well-known strong men in Tianwu Continent.

Many people wanted to die at the hands of the Ghost Guards, but they were not qualified.

A Ghost Guard consisted of twelve people.

Now Anyou actually said that he would dispatch two Ghost Guards, which showed how much he valued Jiang Chen.

Two Ghost Guards, that is twenty-four strong men of the fifth level of the Martial God Realm or above.

The most basic requirement to become a Ghost Guard is to reach the fifth level of the Martial God Realm.

The fifth level of the Martial God Realm, placed in a super power, can basically become the master of a sect. It is conceivable how powerful such a lineup is.

Is Jiang Chen so terrifying?

The fact that two overlord-level forces paid so much attention to Jiang Chen and Jiang Chen was killed in this way is enough to become a legend.

Zongdan Academy and Lie Ri Sheng Zong knew too little about Jiang Chen.

A large number of strong men from the War God Temple and Anyou died tragically at the hands of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen is growing fast. Now it has been a long time since we fought with him. We don’t know how strong Jiang Chen has become, so we are cautious.

The major forces quickly discussed and added strong men to each of them.

Jiang Chen didn’t know all this. Even if he knew, he wouldn’t be afraid. Now Jiang Chen has obtained the Demon God Battle Armor, and his combat power has greatly increased. He is just thinking about a big battle.

By killing the opponent’s strong men, Jiang Chen can also improve his cultivation and impact the fourth level of the Martial God Realm.

Jiang Chen's cultivation is now at the third level of the Martial God Realm. If Jiang Chen wants to break through now, he needs too much spiritual power.

During this period, there are rumors about Jiang Chen everywhere, how rich he is at the Wanbao Auction, and there is nothing that Jiang Chen cannot buy as long as he likes it.

In the final bidding for the Demon God Battle Armor with the War God Temple, the War God Temple was not an opponent and lost.

Many people think that Jiang Chen's financial resources are stronger than the War God Temple.

Jiang Chen also smiled at such news. This is also Jiang Chen's purpose, to suppress the prestige of the enemy, enhance his own fame, and prepare for the future expansion of Longmen.

The more famous Jiang Chen is, the easier it will be for Longmen to recruit strong people or geniuses in the future.

Jiang Chen intends to support Longmen to become a dominant force.

Of course, there are also some people who say that Jiang Chen is not good, and some people don't like Jiang Chen.

Time passed quickly, and the Alchemist Competition began.

Jiang Chen and Li He still have a bet, and many people are still looking forward to this competition.

Jiang Chen has been very famous recently, so the bet between Li He and Jiang Chen naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Jiang Chen said that if Jiang Chen lost, he would cut off one of his arms.

If Li He lost, he would die.

At that time, Li He fell into Jiang Chen's hands, and his life and death depended on Jiang Chen's thoughts. Somehow, Jiang Chen let Li He go and made a bet with Li He. /ps:///apk/

At that time, Li He was not Jiang Chen's opponent, so he could only agree. As a tenth-level alchemist, Li He did not think that Jiang Chen could beat him in the art of alchemy, and he was quite confident in his heart.

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