The ancient god lord

Chapter 1318 Jiang Chen analyzes the demon clan

"What demons? Weren't the demons defeated by our human race and the demon race 100,000 years ago? Now some remnants of the demons have gone into hiding. Now the human race and the demon race are so powerful that the demons can't be their opponents at all."

"If the demons dare to come out and cause trouble, isn't that asking for their own destruction?" Huo Xuan said.

Fu Chunyue, Liu Yun, Mo Qingyan and others on the side were also shocked when they heard Jiang Chen's words.

Except for Jiang Chen, no one else had ever seen the power of the demons.

They believed that the demons were not a threat at all. 100,000 years ago, the demons were defeated and could only hide in a dangerous place with a bad environment.

In a dangerous place, it is a problem to survive, how can they have the ability to counterattack?

What they don't know is that for 100,000 years, the demons have been thinking about rushing out of the dangerous place all the time, avenging their previous shame and seizing control of the Tianwu Continent.

Many powerful demons fell into a deep sleep after cultivating to the Martial God Realm to slow down the passage of their lifespan.

Although the number of demons is not as large as that of humans and monsters, the elite demons concentrate their resources to cultivate some talented and potential demons and cultivate more high-end strongmen.

As for the other lower-level demons, they get very few resources, mainly for the high-end demons, and the polarization is serious.

The lower-level demons have almost no dignity and status.

It is so cruel, so there are many strong men on the demon side.

The human race is different from the monsters. It is equivalent to free-range breeding. There are many practitioners of all levels. Of course, there are very few high-level practitioners.

Most of them are low-level practitioners.

However, low-level practitioners also have the opportunity to become high-level practitioners. This depends on whether they have the ability and the opportunity.

Cultivation is against the will of heaven. I don’t know how many people have fallen in the process of becoming stronger.

"Maybe you underestimate the demons." Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

"I killed the large group of demons in the Despair Desert. The strength of this group of demons, in our human cultivation world, belongs to the top force, right? It was just a demon in a dangerous place. To be honest, I was also shocked when I saw that the demons in the Despair Desert had such powerful strength. If I was not stronger than them, I would have been the one who fell." Jiang Chen said lightly.

The matter of the Despair Desert was widely spread before. Everyone was saying which powerful force did it. No one came out to admit it before.

Many people thought that it was the War God Temple, Dark Ghost or Mission Hall, Wanbao Chamber of Commerce and other overlord-level forces that did it, but no force admitted it.

They also knew the strength of the Despair Desert Demons, so the human race also had a certain psychological preparation.

They also began to be vigilant against the demons.

Now that several people heard Jiang Chen's words, they knew that it was actually Jiang Chen who did it.

It is said that among the demons, there is a ninth-level martial god in the group of demons, and it was Jiang Chen who killed it.

Huo Xuan also took a breath of cold air when he heard this. Jiang Chen's strength was too terrifying. He was indeed an enemy that the War God Temple feared.

"We have all heard about that. I didn't expect that the person who destroyed the Despair Desert was you." Mo Qingyan nodded.

While Mo Qingyan was shocked, she was also proud. This was a feat done by her powerful husband. As Jiang Chen's woman, she also had a good reputation.

"Also, we were passing through a forest area, which was the territory of the demon clan. Under normal circumstances, the demon clan would not actively attack the human merchant ships, but that time was very abnormal. The demon clan actually took the initiative to attack the human merchant ships that entered their area. Fortunately, I was in the merchant ship where I was..."

Next, Jiang Chen also talked about how he clashed with the people from Zongdan Academy.

Among the demon clan, some powerful warriors of the demon clan were found. The demon clan and the demon clan were actually colluding with each other.

Perhaps, many demons sneaked out of the forbidden area secretly, and the human race didn't know.

After all, it is impossible for the human race to have anyone guarding the dangerous places. Many dangerous places are too large to be guarded even if people are sent to guard them.

The powerful demons easily leave the dangerous places, and the human race does not know about it.

"Do you mean that the demons and monsters are colluding?" Fu Chunyue asked.

If this is true, it is really disadvantageous for the human race.

"It is possible. One hundred thousand years ago, after the human race and the monsters joined forces to defeat the demons, there were battles between the human race and the monsters. In the end, the human race was better. The monsters saw that it was not good for everyone to fight to the death, so they did not fight with the human race."

"The monsters sneaked into the deep mountains and old forests. For so many years, the monsters have been suppressed by the human race. On the whole, the human race is stronger than the monsters. The human race also enters the monsters' territory and hunts monsters. Of course, monsters will also kill the human race."

The relationship between the human race and the monsters was not very good. Now the demons are very likely to win over some monsters.

Many demons hate humans.

After hearing Jiang Chen's words, everyone took a deep breath.

If the demons and demons really unite, the human race will be in great danger.

Especially now, the human race is not united and often fights among themselves. I don't know how many strong people have died in internal fights.

Just like the relationship between Jiang Chen and the War God Temple, Dark and other forces, they are like fire and water.

The human race just likes internal fighting.

If the human race does not unite, let alone the demons and demons unite, it may not be able to defeat a single demon.

The strength of the demons is not as simple as it seems. For 100,000 years, the demons must have been preparing.

Everyone's face changed slightly. If what Jiang Chen said was true, then the Tianwu Continent would really be in chaos.

The demons could only hide in dangerous places for many years, and they must be full of resentment towards the human race.

The same is true for the demons. They have been suppressed by the human race over the years. The human race is powerful, and many demons hate the human race.

After all, in order to improve their cultivation, the cultivators of the human race will enter the territory of the demons to snatch spiritual medicines, and hunt monsters.

"Okay, I told you so much, and it is also a reminder to everyone that the demons may not necessarily mess around, but everyone should not take it lightly and prepare early, which is always good." Jiang Chen smiled.

"I believe in your analysis." Huo Xuan said.

"I believe you too, Brother Jiang." Liu Yun said.

As for Fu Chunyue, she also expressed her belief in Jiang Chen's analysis and prepared early, so that if something happens, everyone can deal with it.

Mo Qingyan is even more so. Jiang Chen said whatever he said.

"Well, next, I will also prepare. The two forces, the Temple of the God of War and Darkness, have a grudge against me. They want to take my life. I will find an opportunity to destroy these two forces in the future." Jiang Chen said.

"Hiss..." Fu Chunyue took a breath.

Jiang Chen actually wanted to destroy two overlord-level forces. Isn't this goal too difficult?

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