The ancient god lord

Chapter 1329: Dark Fourth Palace Master Ming Feng

Many people from the War God Temple and Anyou looked at the giant tower in front of them in surprise.

After it was smashed down, the tower began to shrink, and Jiang Chen flew out of the Demon God Tower at this time.

A big pit had appeared on the ground, and there were seven bloody corpses in the pit, which were the seven ghost guards.

Facing the suppression of the Demon God Tower, how could these ghost guards resist?

Now Jiang Chen's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and he can also bring out the more powerful power of the Demon God Tower, and the power is even higher.

Seeing that a team of ghost guards was killed by Jiang Chen, many people swallowed their saliva, and looked at Jiang Chen with a little more fear. Such a powerful warrior died in the hands of Jiang Chen. If they go up and fight Jiang Chen now, it is no different from seeking death.

After Jiang Chen killed the ghost guards, he ignored the others around him, and the others did not dare to attack Jiang Chen, fearing that they would become Jiang Chen's next target.

After killing the twelve strong men, Jiang Chen then performed the Heaven Devouring Demon Dragon Art in mid-air, and a strong suction force came from Jiang Chen's body.

The surrounding heaven and earth auras all drilled into Jiang Chen's body.

"What a strong devouring force, the surrounding heaven and earth auras are all condensed towards Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen's practice is too domineering." Many people felt the fluctuations of the surrounding heaven and earth auras and looked at Jiang Chen in surprise.

The more powerful the practice, the faster the speed of devouring auras.

It was the first time that everyone saw Jiang Chen's domineering speed of refining auras.

No wonder Jiang Chen's strength is so strong, the practice must be very powerful.

Many people's eyes flashed with greed. If Jiang Chen died, they would get Jiang Chen's practice method.

But the problem came. Jiang Chen is so powerful, how can they deal with Jiang Chen?

This is a headache.

The blood and energy of the twelve ghost guards that had not yet dissipated were also extracted by Jiang Chen's practice at this time and gathered towards Jiang Chen.

"Boom." After Jiang Chen swallowed so much spiritual power, a powerful breath burst out from Jiang Chen's body, and the surrounding land was shattered.

The people around were also shocked by the powerful shock wave and retreated again and again, looking at Jiang Chen with a look of horror.

The impact force that burst out from Jiang Chen's body made them retreat, and they were still far away. If they fought, they would only be crushed by Jiang Chen. The gap in strength between the two sides was too big.

Now everyone only wanted other strong men to arrive quickly.

"Finally, I have reached the fourth level of the Martial God Realm. What a powerful force." Jiang Chen felt his own situation and found that his strength had become much stronger.

Every time he advanced, his strength almost doubled.

Now that Jiang Chen's cultivation has improved, Jiang Chen is more confident in facing the next enemy.

After all, it was not difficult for Jiang Chen to kill a ghost guard.

The ghost guard was still Anyou's trump card, but in the end, it was wiped out by Jiang Chen.

"Now we are still more than 200 miles away from the formation I set up. I have to continue flying and lead them into the formation. I hope I can annihilate them in one fell swoop. The people from the War God Temple and Anyou are really annoying." Jiang Chen thought to himself.

In this situation, Jiang Chen can solve the problem without the Barbarians and others.

Jiang Chen then flew to the formation he had set up.

When everyone saw Jiang Chen flying towards them, how dare they stop him?

They all made way for Jiang Chen to pass.

Jiang Chen saw that these people did not dare to stop him, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"They are sensible. If they forcefully block me, they will only become the dead souls of my men." Jiang Chen thought to himself.

"If you don't want to die, retreat quickly and leave the War God Temple and Anyou afterwards. Otherwise, you will always be my enemy, and the final outcome will only be death." Jiang Chen shouted to the pursuers behind him when he left.

"Asshole, this Jiang Chen actually dared to mess up our mentality, it's really unreasonable." A strong man of the fourth level of the Martial God Realm cursed when he heard Jiang Chen's words.

This clearly affected their military morale. Once someone took Jiang Chen's words to heart, then the next thing would most likely not be done.

If everyone was afraid of death, why would they have to fight and kill?

"Don't listen to Jiang Chen. We are two major overlords. If you don't believe it, you can't destroy a small Jiang Chen. All those who dare to be enemies with our War God Temple will have only one end, that is death. Our War God Temple has existed for more than 100,000 years. How can a small Jiang Chen provoke us?" A strong man of the third level of the Martial God Realm of the War God Temple shouted.

"Long live the War God Temple."

"Long live the War God Temple."


Others shouted one after another.

Anyou did the same, mobilizing everyone to kill Jiang Chen.

After these people shouted a round of slogans, their fear of Jiang Chen was reduced.

Next, continue to chase Jiang Chen.

They need to report Jiang Chen's location.


Yao Luo soon learned that a group of ghost guards had been wiped out.

An Wuji was furious. He didn't expect that such a powerful ghost guard could not stop Jiang Chen and was killed by Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen, I didn't expect you to grow so fast. You escaped with your life a few years ago. This time, I will kill you with my own hands." An old man in the dark said coldly.

This old man was the fourth hall master of the dark, and he came in person.

A few years ago, in the southern region, it was the fourth hall master's clone who fought a big battle with Jiang Chen.

The fourth hall master's clone wanted to die with Jiang Chen because of insufficient strength. He knew Jiang Chen's potential.

He eventually sent Jiang Chen into the void space. As a result, Jiang Chen was lucky and drifted to the Northern Region, and then rose in the Northern Region.

Now Jiang Chen has grown to a point that both Anyou and the War God Temple have a headache.

The fourth hall master learned that Jiang Chen was in Tianwu City, so he personally came to participate in the operation to besiege and kill Jiang Chen.

The fifth hall master is An Wuji. This time, Anyou dispatched two hall masters, which can be said to be a strong lineup.

Plus two ghost guards.

Many giants don't have such a big face.

"Brother Ming, Jiang Chen's strength is extraordinary. He can destroy a ghost guard by himself, which means that his strength is above ours. We can't be careless." An Wuji said on the side.

The fourth hall master's name is Ming Feng, who has the ninth level of the martial god realm and is a giant-level strongman in the Tianwu continent.

The cultivation of the Fifth Palace Master is also at the ninth level of the Martial God Realm. Even if they face a ghost guard team, they are sure to win, but they can only kill a few of them at most. However, they do not think they have such strong strength to kill the entire ghost team.

Because if the ghost guard finds that the enemy is too strong, they can escape. At that time, each member of the ghost guard will run separately. How many can they catch up?

Therefore, they can only defeat the ghost guard team, but cannot annihilate it.

If they want to annihilate it, even if a strong man at the tenth level of the Martial God Realm takes action, it may not be possible.

Because if the members of the ghost guard want to escape, it is difficult to intercept them all, and at most only two or three can be left.

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