The ancient god lord

Chapter 1347 Wen Qiaofeng

Seeing the opinions expressed by many senior members of Longmen, Jiang Chen nodded slightly.

In fact, Jiang Chen really had nothing to say to everyone. As long as everyone worked well, Jiang Chen would not be stingy. The entire Longmen was supported by the resources provided by Jiang Chen before.

They got a lot of good things from Jiang Chen, and their cultivation had improved enough.

If they joined other sects, they would not have such generous treatment.

The distribution was also quite fair. As long as they made contributions, they could get certain benefits according to their own merits, and no one dared to embezzle.

Next, Jiang Chen released the barbarians and the blood clan.

Positions were arranged according to everyone's cultivation.

Practitioners above the Martial Emperor Realm were uniformly elder positions.

Practitioners in the Martial God Realm were also elder positions, and they were treated the same as practitioners in the Martial Emperor Realm.

If you want to get higher treatment and higher positions in the future, you have to rely on your own abilities.

A powerful Martial God Realm expert is definitely not comparable to an ordinary Martial Emperor Realm practitioner.

It won't be long before a martial god-level warrior can easily surpass many martial emperor-level practitioners and be promoted in the sect.

If it is a Buddhist martial god-level practitioner, then it has always been just an ordinary elder's position.

If the martial emperor-level elders make enough contributions, they can be promoted to the same position. This mechanism is quite fair.

No one raised any objections.

After the Longmen was readjusted, with the addition of a group of strong men, the strength of the entire Longmen was very strong.

"Now our Longmen is ready. It's time to enter the world. I want to make Longmen the first sect in the southern region and absorb many strong men to join our Longmen." Jiang Chen said to everyone.

"I am willing to follow the sect master."

"I am willing to follow the sect master."


Everyone shouted.

Next, Longmen officially sent people out to spread the news of Longmen's entry into the world.

Take the lead in annexing some surrounding forces.

The major forces were unwilling to be annexed at first, so Longmen directly took away the sect's territory.

If the other party dares to attack, Longmen will use tough means to kill the leader directly.

Before annexing the other party's sect, Jiang Chen will give the other party two choices.

One is to disband the sect, and the original territory of the sect will all be taken over by Longmen.

Jiang Chen will not touch the money of those people in the sect. Everyone will regain their freedom and exist as a casual cultivator or a family member.

In Jiang Chen's sphere of influence, the existence of a sect with a martial emperor is not allowed.

But a family can have such a strong person sitting in it, if they are from the same family.

For example, a family has a member of the martial emperor realm, this is allowed.

Others are so powerful that they want to protect the family, so it can't be allowed, right?

But an organization is not allowed to have a strong person at or above the martial emperor realm.

Because this kind of power is equivalent to a sect.

The demons may attack the human race at any time.

In extraordinary times, only extraordinary means can be used.

Many forces were dissatisfied with Jiang Chen's approach at first, thinking that Longmen was too overbearing.

However, when Longmen showed its strength and easily defeated some sects with martial emperors, other major forces became honest.

Jiang Chen also gave the requirements for joining Longmen, as well as treatment and so on.

There are still many people willing to join Longmen.

All practitioners above the martial honor realm can join Longmen.

Practitioners in the martial honor realm will be directly rewarded with a Qiangzun pill.

Martial saints can have Qiangsheng pills.

If you are in the martial emperor realm, you can get a Qiangdi pill.

These pills can improve the cultivation of the corresponding realm by one level, greatly improving your own strength.

However, there is a probation period to obtain pills.

The time is half a year. During this half year, have you worked hard for Longmen?

If you do tasks for the sect and meet the standards ahead of time, then the pills will be issued in advance.

If you do not perform tasks within half a year and fail to make a certain contribution value, then there will be no pills.

However, the estimated contribution can be exchanged for resources in other ways.

In fact, the standard set by Jiang Chen is not high. As long as you work hard for Longmen, you can complete it quickly.

Only those who want benefits but don't want to work hard can't complete these tasks.

These people are not what Jiang Chen needs.

Hearing the conditions of Longmen, many practitioners above the Martial Honor Realm are interested, so they join Longmen.

Longmen's strength soared rapidly.

Soon, Longmen occupied the territory of five states.

Longmen is still recruiting a large number of talents. As long as they meet the age and participate in the selection, they can become Longmen disciples after passing.

Jiang Chen did this for the fresh blood of Longmen in the future, so that Longmen will have strong people from generation to generation.

Longmen's behavior was discovered by the spies of Anyou and the Temple of War, and the news was immediately passed to the headquarters of the Central Region.

Because the distance between the two regions is too far, it is not an easy thing to go from the Central Region to the southern part of the Southern Region.

They also found out that the main reason for Longmen's entry into the world was that Jiang Chen returned to Longmen.

Bringing back a group of strong men, Longmen became very powerful and annexed the territories of several surrounding states.

Collecting a large amount of resources.

As for Jiang Chen, he also began to retreat, using a large amount of resources to devour his spiritual power and impact the sixth level of the Martial God Realm.

"Jiang Chen has returned to the Southern Territory. It's time to deal with the scourge of Jiang Chen. Otherwise, letting Jiang Chen grow up will be very detrimental to us." A certain ancestor of the God Transformation Realm secretly said.

"Let's go to the Temple of War, and let the old guys from the Temple of War follow us. Jiang Chen has returned to the Southern Territory. Let's go to Jiang Chen's territory. Maybe Jiang Chen has other helpers. Call the old guys from the Temple of War. Let's go together, even if Jiang Chen is not prepared, he will die." Another dark ancestor of the God Transformation Realm said.

The three powerful men in the God Transformation Realm reached a consensus and headed to the Temple of War.

The Temple of War was also surprised when they saw the three ancestors of the God Transformation Realm approaching from the dark side.

It is usually rare to see such strong men, but Anyou actually had three of them at once.

Anyou's three powerful God Transformation Realm experts explained their purpose of coming, which was to invite the God of War Temple to send experts from the Divine Transformation Realm to go to the Southern Territory together to kill Jiang Chen.

"We have also received news that Jiang Chen is in the Southern Territory. However, recently, our people have also received some bad news. Many demon clans have experienced unusual movements in their restricted areas. The demon clan actually rushed out of the restricted area and destroyed the restricted area. The nearby human cities were plundered, and many people died."

"The major earth ponds asked for help from our God of War Temple. We sent many people to investigate. The demons were a little restless, so we did not deal with Jiang Chen's matter immediately."

"Since you have personally come to talk about joining forces to deal with Jiang Chen, our War Temple will not refuse. We, the War Temple, will also dispatch three powerful gods in the God Transformation Realm to go to the Southern Territory with you to kill Jiang Chen. Kill." Wen Qiaofeng, the master of the Temple of War, said.

The master of the Temple of War is Wen Qiaofeng, and now everyone in the sect of the Temple of War hates Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen made their War God Temple suffer too much humiliation.

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