The ancient god lord

Chapter 1422: Heavenly Soul Technique

Looking at the faces of these people, Jiang Chen smiled coldly in his heart.

Some people change their faces very quickly.

"Then I will let you go, but if you dare to mess around, don't blame me for being rude." Jiang Chen said,

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he cut the iron chains on these people.

Under the blade of the Demon Soul Sword, these iron chains were easily cut off.

Some of them have died, and even those who are still alive have different degrees of injuries and their strength has been greatly reduced.

After regaining their freedom, many people feel that they have survived a disaster.

After some people regained their freedom, they took the initiative to hand over their storage bags to Jiang Chen.

After these people were caught, the Fire Rock Giant had not had time to collect their storage bags.

They planned to take them back and count the spoils, but now they are all cheap for Jiang Chen.

Some people did not want to hand over their wealth to Jiang Chen, and turned around and ran while Jiang Chen was collecting other people's storage bags.

But how could this person's actions be hidden from Jiang Chen?

"Hmph, you want to run? Is it possible?" Jiang Chen said, and a chain in his hand was pulled directly in the direction of the fleeing person.

The chain hit the back of the person at a very fast speed.

"Ah......." The fleeing person screamed and spit out a mouthful of blood.

In front of Jiang Chen, these people had no power to fight back.

Others were shocked to see Jiang Chen knock a person down in one go.

At the same time, they also felt that the fleeing person was too blind.

Jiang Chen could kill these fire rock giants, how could he run away?

They couldn't escape the clutches of the fire rock giants before, and now Jiang Chen, who is more powerful than the fire rock giants, how could they be opponents?

This is really a stupid move.

"Since you don't want a chance to live, then I will fulfill your wish." Jiang Chen said, and a longer chain in his hand directly tied up the person who was about to escape.

"Since I can let you go, I can also tie you up again." Jiang Chen said lightly.

The face of the tied person changed drastically.

"No, don't do this. I was wrong. I was wrong. I will give you the storage bag now. Please spare my life." The man endured the injuries on his body and begged Jiang Chen for mercy.

But Jiang Chen would not give the other party another chance. He had already given it just now.

"It's too late. Wasting the only chance will cost you a price. Your storage bag, even if you don't agree to give it to me, I can take it away now." Jiang Chen said, and with a wave of his hand, the storage bag on the waist of the tied man flew into Jiang Chen's hand.

Then he ignored this person.

Others did not dare to help. Even if they helped, the hardness of the iron chain was not easy for them to break unless their strength reached the God Transformation Realm.

Once their cultivation reached the God Transformation Realm, they would be teleported out, and there was no time to break the iron chain.

Seeing Jiang Chen's means, others dared not mess around.

After Jiang Chen received everyone's storage bags, he signaled that everyone could leave.

"Master, can I hand this person over to me?" Hong Ling looked at the cultivator tied by Jiang Chen.

"You want to devour his soul directly?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yes, we ghost cultivators directly devour the souls of other living beings. This is the fastest way to improve our strength. Whether it is the Nether Ghost King or the Dark Ghost King, they all use this method to improve their cultivation to such a high level."

"Although I am also a ghost cultivator, I have been controlled by the Nether Ghost King. I don't get any resources at all. There are no souls to devour, so my cultivation is very slow. I have been born with spiritual wisdom for almost 10,000 years, and I have only reached the third level of the Divine Realm. Alas." Hong Ling said.

"Directly devouring souls is a low-level method. The resentment of ghosts will also have side effects. In the future, as your cultivation level increases, the more souls you devour, the easier it is to breed inner demons. If you are not careful for a while, it is easy to go crazy, mentally confused, and even death." Jiang Chen said.

"What can we do about this? If we want to improve our strength as soon as possible, we can only do this. Although the lifespan of ghosts is much higher than that of you humans, it is limited after all. It is not endless. Only by improving our cultivation can we increase our lifespan and live forever." Hong Ling smiled bitterly.

"Since you are my subordinate, you have helped me a lot during this period. I will give you this technique in advance. It can help you." After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a secret book appeared in his hand.

This secret book is of course one of the secret books that Long Xia gave to Jiang Chen.

It is very suitable for ghost cultivation.

Hong Ling took the secret book, opened it and read it for a while, and her eyes showed joy.

It talks about how to erase the spiritual consciousness of ghosts, then turn ghosts into pure soul power, and then absorb them. In this way, it will be of great benefit to one's own soul.

At least you don't have to be affected by the resentment of the swallowed souls, reducing the possibility of the growth of inner demons.

It's just that the means are more complicated.

If you swallow it directly, it will be much easier.

After practicing this secret book, you can continue to make your soul stronger and stronger.

This secret book is called Tongtian Soul Art.

It is a secret book obtained by Long Xia after killing a high-level official of a large sect.

Hong Ling was very excited after reading the introduction inside. It was actually possible.

"I will also give you this Ten Thousand Souls Flag. You can absorb these soul powers well. During this period of time, you can stay in the Demon God Tower to improve your strength." Jiang Chen said.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he took out the Ten Thousand Souls Flag and gave it to Hong Ling.

The Ten Thousand Souls Flag has tens of millions of ghosts, which is suitable for Hong Ling to improve her strength.

Hong Ling's eyes turned red when she saw Jiang Chen being so generous.

No one has ever been so good to her.

This Ten Thousand Souls Flag is also an absolute treasure for a being like Youming, because there are too many ghosts in it.

This is the result accumulated by Youming over the years, and now Jiang Chen directly gave it to Hong Ling.

"Thank you, young master, I will not let you down." Hong Ling took the Ten Thousand Souls Flag.

She secretly said in her heart that she must work well for Jiang Chen in the future and never let him down.

This Ten Thousand Souls Flag is of no use to Jiang Chen.

Moreover, the combat power of the Ten Thousand Souls Flag is not very good, because the souls in it are not strong enough. Although there are many, they cannot hurt strong enemies. No matter how many there are, they are useless.

Next, Hong Ling first took out the soul of the person who wanted to escape before, threw it into the Ten Thousand Souls Flag, made it one of them, and then entered Jiang Chen's Demon God Tower.

Now Jiang Chen is alone, without Hong Ling as his helper, because Hong Ling needs to improve her strength now, so many ghosts are enough to improve her strength a lot.

Jiang Chen continued to go deeper and quietly touched a place.

There were many traces of fighting around, and some fire rock giants were patrolling.

Jiang Chen restrained his breath, and these stone rock giants had not yet discovered Jiang Chen's existence.

After Jiang Chen sneaked in, he found that there was actually a lake inside, with a small island in the middle of the lake, and on the island grew several spiritual fruits, which were the fruit of transformation.

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