The ancient god lord

Chapter 1451 Beihao Battlefield

Tianye warned all the high-level demon clan officials not to take it lightly.

Now that their demon clan has finally gained the upper hand, there is no turning back.

All the demons are back. This is the strength accumulated by the demons over the years.

If it fails again this time, the demon clan's situation will be beyond redemption.

The other demon generals responded and said that they would fight this war with all their strength.

Soon, reinforcements from the demon clan arrived on the Beihao battlefield.

The demons who came to support were all masters of the demons.

With such strong support, the demon army launched an attack on the human and demon armies.

The human race and the demon race saw the demon race's massive attack, so they also responded. The two sides launched a bloody battle with an extremely long front.

There is fighting everywhere.

Mo Qingyan is also in this battlefield. Since Mo Qingyan is always protected by six Martial God Realm experts, the pressure on Mo Qingyan's side is much less.

Mo Qingyan's team was also much more relaxed.

These six Martial God Realm experts were sent by Jiang Chen to protect Mo Qingyan.

Of course, the Mission Hall had no objection to this situation and allowed the six Martial God Realm experts to follow Mo Qingyan.

With the help of six Martial God Realm experts, Mo Qingyan's record was very high.

People in other teams also benefited and received many rewards.

In the mission hall, Mo Qingyan also has a certain say. This is the good thing that strength brings.

Who knows that there is a powerful man behind Mo Qingyan? This man is Jiang Chen, the leader of the Dragon Gate.

"Madam, let's evacuate to a safe place first. There are too many demons here." A strong barbarian at the sixth level of the Martial God Realm said to Mo Qingyan.

"We cannot withdraw. Our mission is to block the demons in this area. We must kill all the demons in this area to relieve the pressure from other directions." Mo Qingyan said in a deep voice.

Mo Qingyan's cultivation level has now reached the third level of the Martial Emperor Realm. Thanks to Jiang Chen's resource support, his cultivation level can be improved so quickly.

Even without the protection of a strong person in the Martial God Realm, with Mo Qingyan's current strength, it would not be so easy to deal with her.

In the Martial Emperor realm, he is considered a relatively powerful master in the mission hall.

After all, strong men in the Martial God Realm are not bad people.

There are now estimated to be less than a thousand strong warriors in the Martial God Realm in the entire mission hall.

After fighting the demons for so long, the mission hall has also suffered heavy losses.

Hundreds of strong men at the level of the Martial God Realm were also lost.

However, there are also many superpowers who have joined the Mission Hall to form a coalition to jointly deal with the demons.

The troops at the mission hall are not so nervous and can still deal with the demons.

In addition, the demon clan must also cooperate with the human clan to fight against the demon clan.

Neither the humans nor the demons could have imagined that the demons could be so powerful.

That's because the demons have been accumulating strength after 100,000 years of lurking, so they can have such great strength.

In the past hundred thousand years, the human race and the demon race have killed each other, and many powerful people have been killed.

Now that the demons suddenly made a comeback, the two tribes were left passive.

There are also some demon clan who have taken refuge with the demon clan. It can be said that it is a melee between the three clans.

"Okay, then let's accompany you, madam, to kill all the demons here." The strong man from the barbarian tribe said.

These six powerful warriors in the Martial God Realm are all elders of the barbarian tribe.

The strength of the barbarians is stronger than that of the average human race.

This is the talent of the barbarians.

Soon, the demons in this area suffered heavy losses and were killed by the people from the mission hall.

After completing the mission, Mo Qingyan's army received the mission again and went to another place for support.

In other places, human or demon armies were defeated by demons.

Now it depends on both sides, who can outlast whom.

Jiang Chen is heading to Beihao battlefield.

The news from the spies on the Beihao battlefield through the communication treasure was that the demons were aggressively attacking the humans and monsters.

The demons were so powerful that they had the upper hand, and the situation was very bad.

The spies also reported the location of the demon clan's base camp.

"Now the Beihao battlefield is in a very intense state. Let's attack the Demon Clan's base camp. This will cause chaos on the Demon Clan's side. As long as it affects the Demon Clan's military morale, the Demon Clan's offensive will definitely be weakened."

"When the time comes, we will deal with other demons. We don't have to annihilate all the demons in Beihao battlefield. We can kill as many as we can." Jiang Chen said to the elite and powerful men behind him.

"Yes, Sect Master." A group of strong men behind him responded.

Jiang Chen only brought more than a thousand people here this time, all of whom were strong men above the Martial Emperor realm.

With such strength and absolute elite, Jiang Chen could deal with a large number of strong men by himself.

Along the way, Jiang Chen and others also encountered small groups of demons. However, under the leadership of Jiang Chen, these small groups of demons were wiped out and no one could escape.

However, before dying, a demon clan sent this news back, letting the senior leaders of the demon clan know that a powerful human army was coming in the direction of their base camp.

When Tianye saw the news, he frowned and said: "Is the enemy planning to carry out beheading tactics? Send a powerful lineup to attack our base camp, hoping to kill us high-level officials and thus demoralize our military?"

"Marshal, I guess the human race is at a loss, so they came up with such a tactic. This is clearly seeking death. How could the strong men of the human race be our opponents?" said a powerful demon of the eighth level of the Martial God Realm.

"Yes, the human race is clearly seeking death by doing this. Our strength is far superior to theirs. It is not so easy for them to break into our base camp. Even if they arrive here, we must make them come but never return."

"Wait for them to come, and then kill them."


Many high-ranking demons heard that there were strong human races coming to them, and they asked for battle, saying that they would let this human enemy army in, and then surround and kill them.

In this way, it will definitely deal a heavy blow to the human race, and it will be much easier to deal with the human race at that time.

As long as the human race is defeated, the demon race will probably not be able to stop the attack of the demon race.

At that time, the demon race will be able to win the Beihao battlefield and complete the mission.

Tianye thought about it and felt that since the enemy dared to come in, he would make the other party come but never return.

"In that case, everyone should be prepared for battle and ready to meet the enemy. This time, the human race's strong army is coming in. Their strength should not be underestimated. Don't underestimate the enemy." Tian Ye reminded.

"Marshal, don't worry. We will not hold back when facing the enemy."

"Yes, we will definitely make them come and go."


Other demon clan strongmen responded one after another.

The demon clan immediately took action and prepared to put the human race's strong army into the encirclement and annihilate them.

They only knew that this was a human army, but they didn't know that these people were all strong men from Longmen, and they were led by Jiang Chen himself.

If they knew this information, they would not be so arrogant.

Because the demon clan who had seen Jiang Chen was dead and could not send the specific information back.

They only knew that a powerful human army came in, and they were basically strong men above the Martial Emperor Realm.

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