The ancient god lord

Chapter 1522 Miao Yuan Palace Miao Zi Lan

"How is it?" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Your strength is so strong that we can't do anything to you. However, there are many strong people in our Miaoyuan Palace, and there are many people who are stronger than you. If you can't escape, you can go back to Miaoyuan Palace with us. This is the best choice. Otherwise, if we send strong people from Miaoyuan Palace to hunt you down, you will have no chance of survival." Guan Fangyue said in a deep voice.

"Is this the task issued by your Miaoyuan Palace?" Jiang Chen held a task list with the requirements of Miaoyuan Palace written on it.

"Yes, this is the task of our Miaoyuan Palace to seek a miracle doctor." Guan Fangyue was stunned, but still answered truthfully.

"I received news that your Miaoyuan Palace wanted to cure the old palace master's illness, so I came to Miaoyuan Island. As a result, I just entered Miaoyuan Island and wanted to have a meal, but I met the third lady of the Qiao family, and several disciples of your Miaoyuan Palace wanted to kill me. Could it be that I can't fight back?" Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

In fact, Jiang Chen only knew about this task afterwards.

However, in order to avoid conflict with Miaoyuan Palace, Jiang Chen deliberately said this.

"Are you an alchemist?" Guan Fangyue finally understood at this time.

"Yes, I came here to help your old palace master treat illnesses, but your Miaoyuan Palace's hospitality is really disappointing. I came to help you treat illnesses, but your people actually wanted to kill me. I killed them to protect myself, and you Miaoyuan Palace actually said you wanted to hunt me down. It's really chilling." Jiang Chen said.

Some onlookers, after hearing Jiang Chen's words, were discussing here that Miaoyuan Palace's actions were too much.

Although Miaoyuan Palace is the absolute overlord of Miaoyuan Island.

But Jiang Chen is an alchemist, and he mainly wanted to treat the old palace master, but he was treated like this. Anyone would be angry.

Guan Fangyue and others were so angry that they couldn't speak after hearing Jiang Chen's words.

If what Jiang Chen said was true, then Miaoyuan Palace was indeed not right in this matter.

As for why several male disciples of Miaoyuan Palace were killed, Miaoyuan Palace also knew it.

But if Miaoyuan Palace does not deal with the murder of its own people, it will reduce the deterrent effect of Miaoyuan Palace on other forces.

So they want to kill Jiang Chen, the murderer, to establish their prestige and let others know that those who dare to touch Miaoyuan Palace will only die, so that others will respect Miaoyuan Palace.

"In this case, then you come back to Miaoyuan Palace with us to assist in the investigation. If it is the fault of our male disciples, we will naturally not pursue this matter anymore." Guan Fangyue said.

Guan Fangyue said it nicely, but now she just wants to stabilize Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen was deceived to Miaoyuan Palace before. By then, there will be so many strong people in Miaoyuan Palace, and it will not be so easy for Jiang Chen to leave.

"I went to your Miaoyuan Palace as a doctor. If you dare to play tricks, then I will not treat you. To be honest, I am still confident that your old palace master's illness can be cured." Jiang Chen said.

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, the women in Miaoyuan Palace were all shocked.

Jiang Chen actually said that he was sure to cure it. If that was true, then it would be a great achievement.

Over the years, Miaoyuan Palace has invited many alchemists, but none of them could cure it.

Miaoyuan Palace has invited all the famous alchemists in the nearby sea.

But no one could cure it.

"Okay, then we will take you to Miaoyuan Palace." Guan Fangyue said.

"Lead the way." Jiang Chen said.

The two sides stopped fighting temporarily and went to Miaoyuan Palace.

As for what Miaoyuan Palace would do, Jiang Chen could not care so much. If the people of Miaoyuan Palace wanted to attack him, Jiang Chen also had the confidence to kill them.

After entering the first level of Hedan Realm, Jiang Chen became more confident, which was the confidence brought by strength.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chen followed Guan Fangyue to the gate of Miaoyuan Palace.

Miaoyuan Palace was heavily guarded. The gate was led by a Hedan Realm expert and guarded by more than a dozen Huashen Realm practitioners.

Guan Fangyue said hello and took Jiang Chen into Miaoyuan Palace.

Guan Fangyue brought Jiang Chen to a hall and asked Jiang Chen to wait there while she reported the situation.

Jiang Chen was not embarrassed, and everything was done according to the normal process.

Guan Fangyue went to see the Palace Master and told him the story.

The Palace Master also agreed to let Jiang Chen give it a try.

If Jiang Chen could not be cured, he would settle the matter of killing the disciples of Miaoyuan Palace with Jiang Chen.

Soon, Guan Fangyue brought a woman in palace dress to the hall.

The woman in palace dress was the current Palace Master of Miaoyuan Palace, Miao Zilan.

"I am the Palace Master of Miaoyuan Palace, my last name is Miao, I wonder what this master's name is?" Miao Zilan said.

"So it's Palace Master Miao, my name is Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Chen used his spiritual sense to sense Miao Zilan's cultivation, the third level of the Nascent Soul Realm.

Such strength is indeed very powerful.

The higher the cultivation, the difference of one level, the greater the gap.

Not everyone is as evil as Jiang Chen, who can kill enemies across so many levels.

"It's Master Jiang." Miao Zilan said politely.

"I heard that there were some misunderstandings before you came. I will send someone to investigate the matter. Please don't take it to heart. If you can cure my mother's illness, our promise will count." Miao Zilan said.

Although Miao Zilan was also angry about Jiang Chen killing the disciples of Miaoyuan Palace.

But Jiang Chen is an alchemist, so it is not clear how good he is.

If Jiang Chen's level is not good enough and he still bluffs Miaoyuan Palace, then don't blame Miao Zilan for being merciless.

Miao Zilan is also a shrewd person and knows that Jiang Chen cannot be offended now.

"Okay." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Where is the patient? Take me to check her condition first." Jiang Chen said.

"Master Jiang, please follow me." Miao Zilan said.

Jiang Chen followed Miao Zilan to a courtyard and came to a room.

"Meet the Palace Master." Some maids saw Miao Zilan coming and saluted.

Jiang Chen came to the bed of the old Palace Master. The old Palace Master was pale at this time and looked like he was dying. His body was very weak and seemed to be hanging on with only one breath left.

Jiang Chen frowned and took the patient's pulse.

Then he checked the patient's complexion and eyes.

The patient was very weak and spoke weakly, but he cooperated with Jiang Chen's examination very well.

"Master Jiang, how is it?" Miao Zilan asked.

"How can I describe the patient's condition? She is poisoned, and there is also a curse, so her condition is quite complicated." Jiang Chen said.

"What? There is also a curse?" Miao Zilan's face changed when she heard this.

Others were also surprised to hear Jiang Chen's words.

Curse is an extremely vicious method, which ordinary people cannot do. It is a kind of witchcraft. If you want to practice it successfully, you need talent and it is very difficult.

Moreover, witchcraft is looked down upon by people, who think that the method is too despicable, so ordinary people do not want to touch this kind of witchcraft.

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