The ancient god lord

Chapter 171 Flower-winged Poisonous Python

If it is distributed according to contribution, it is the fairest.

No one has any objection.

Two days later, Jiang Chen and his party came to the Black Cloud Forest. Now they are on the outskirts of the Black Cloud Forest. They have not encountered some powerful monsters yet. The strongest one is a fourth-level monster, but it was killed by Li Qing.

The spoils of war naturally belong to Guilong Qingyao. Jiang Chen and Jiang Dong did not make any moves, so they did not get any benefits.

Jiang Chen was not angry about the behavior of Li Qing and others. Although the things on these monsters are worth a lot of spirit stones, with Jiang Chen's wealth, these things are really not worth looking at.

As for coming to do the sect mission, one is Jiang Dong's reason, and the other is the sect's need. Every disciple must complete the sect mission, so Jiang Chen came here to hang out.

These killed monsters, Jiang Chen quietly devoured their blood and energy, which is what Jiang Chen values.

This time, Jiang Chen also plans to improve his cultivation. Only by killing and devouring blood and energy can Jiang Chen advance faster.

Otherwise, it would take a long time to cultivate by oneself.

If he swallowed resource pills or other natural treasures, the amount needed would be large, and Jiang Chen was reluctant to do so.

If there is a shortcut to improve cultivation without spending money, why not use it?

And it is easy to gain benefits, and of course the more wealth, the better.

"Now we are not far from Black Cloud Lake. We should be able to reach Black Cloud Lake in another day's journey." Long Qingyao looked at the map in her hand. This was a rough map of the Black Cloud Forest she bought, which roughly recorded the situation of the Black Cloud Forest area.

After all, the Black Cloud Forest is so large and has so many trees, it is unlikely to make a perfect map.

After they entered the Black Cloud Forest, their movements were obviously much slower, because there were many trees blocking everyone, and from time to time they would encounter some monsters that attacked them, which required more attention.

Along the way, they did not encounter other practitioners. Perhaps other practitioners discovered their group and sensed that this team was not easy to deal with, so they did not dare to come and provoke them.

"So should we continue on our way, or find a place to rest?" Jiang Chen said.

"Let's find a place to rest. It's getting dark, and the Black Cloud Forest is more dangerous at night. Anyway, the sect mission is not time-limited, so there's no need to rush." ​​Long Qingyao said.

Just think of it as going out for fun.

Since she and Lin Xiaoxiao returned to Tianyun Sect last time, they have not been to other places except for visiting Tianyun City.

Long Qingyao's words were agreed by everyone, so everyone walked along some sloping areas for a while, found a cave, and confirmed that there was no danger inside, and then everyone stayed here.

This cave is relatively shallow, only a dozen meters deep, and there is some dust inside, indicating that other practitioners have rested here before.

"Let's stay here tonight." Long Qingyao took a look at the surrounding environment, which was not bad.

Everyone brought some beds and other things with them, and they could rest after putting them out.

The storage bag they are using now is large enough to hold a lot of things.

Of course, compared with Jiang Chen's storage ring, it is simply incomparable.

"If you are on night watch, will you guard the first half of the night or the second half of the night?" Jiang Chen said.

"We are women, how can you let us guard the night? Can't you two guard the night separately? One guards the first half of the night, and the other guards the second half of the night." Li Qing, who was standing aside, heard this and spoke directly.

Because they are female disciples and are beautiful, many male disciples usually give way to them.

Now Jiang Chen actually wants to get along with them on an equal footing, which makes her feel very uncomfortable and thinks that Jiang Chen is stingy.

"Why? We are all equal, and I don't owe you anything. If you don't guard, then we won't guard either. There are many monsters in the Black Cloud Forest. If monsters attack, we may not be able to find them. If there is any problem at that time, then each of us will be responsible for the consequences." Jiang Chen said coldly.

"You..." Li Qing was very angry when he heard this.

As for Long Qingyao and Lin Xiaoxiao, they knew Jiang Chen's temper. When they met Jiang Chen for the first time, Jiang Chen asked them to keep watch. He really didn't know how to be gentle with women.

Lin Xiaoxiao is much less talkative now. It seems that after Jiang Chen scolded her, she remembered what Jiang Chen said in her heart. Maybe she still has resentment towards Jiang Chen.

"Okay, you keep watch for the first half of the night, and we keep watch for the second half of the night." Long Qingyao said.

"Okay." Jiang Chen nodded.

Soon, it got dark. Jiang Dong stood at the entrance of the cave, observing the surrounding situation. If there was any situation, he could find it in the first time.

As for Jiang Chen, he was roasting a fire in the cave at this time, and put pieces of monster meat on the rack, and the aroma was overflowing.

These monster meats were the meat of the monsters hunted before, and with Jiang Chen's special seasoning, they were very delicious.

Jiang Chen took out some roasted meat for Jiang Dong to eat at the entrance of the cave.

Others were not polite and started eating directly. Jiang Chen grilled all the meat for everyone.

Jiang Chen did not mind it. It was a piece of cake.

After several months, Lin Xiaoxiao and Long Qingyao finally ate Jiang Chen's barbecue again. They were very satisfied.

Even Li Qing and Wang Bing had a different opinion of Jiang Chen. They did not expect Jiang Chen to have such good cooking skills. This was the best barbecue they had ever eaten.

After everyone had eaten and drunk enough, they rested for a while. Soon the second half of the night arrived. Li Qing took over Jiang Dong's task and began to keep watch.

Jiang Dong was also tired, so he entered the cave entrance and found a place to rest.

When Li Qing was keeping watch, she found that there was movement not far away, a rustling sound, which made her feel a little uneasy.

Suddenly, two green light spots appeared in the darkness.

"Who." Li Qing's face changed slightly and he shouted coldly.

The two green light spots slowly approached, and soon, the two green light spots revealed their true faces.

When Li Qing saw this scene, his face changed wildly.

The green light spots turned out to be the eyes of the giant python. The giant python had patterned wings on both sides of its head, which looked extremely fierce.

And when the giant python approached, Li Qing also sensed the powerful breath. It turned out to be a fourth-order ninth-level giant python.

"Not good, a monster is attacking." Li Qing shouted.

Li Qing's words shocked everyone in the cave, and they ran out to see what was going on.

The giant python in front of him was called Flower Wing Poison Python. It was poisonous, huge in size, and at a high level.

The Flower Wing Poison Python opened its huge mouth and pounced directly at Li Qing in front of it.

Li Qing jumped to the side and avoided the attack of the Flower Wing Poison Python, but how could the Flower Wing Poison Python's strength be so simple?

A python tail swept over in an instant, and Li Qing was unable to react in time, and the whole person was whipped away.

"Ah..." Li Qing screamed, she felt a strong force acting on her body, feeling very painful.

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