The ancient god lord

Chapter 234 Tang Mu joins Tianyun Sect

"Disciple Jiang Chen will leave first." Jiang Chen said, then bowed to everyone and left the hall.

Those present were all high-level members of Tianyun Sect, and they were basically elders with cultivation above the fifth level of Wu Wang Realm.

Jiang Chen still had to do these basic etiquette well, so as not to give people a chance to criticize him and cause trouble for himself.

Although Jiang Chen's strength was not weak now, he was a disciple after all, and his status was not as good as these high-level members.

Jiang Chen did not feel wrong about what Li Zongzhu did. Anyway, Yinluo Sect did not gain any advantage, and lost a strong man of the fifth level of Wu Wang Realm.

Tianyun Sect lost at most one inner disciple Lin Jun and one disciple of the fourth level of Wu Zong Realm Di.

Tianyun Sect really didn't care much about losing one or two disciples of this level.

If Jiang Chen sat in Li Zongzhu's position, Tianyun Sect would not go to war because of this matter when its strength was similar to that of Yinluo Sect.

Going to war would kill many people, and would only weaken the strength of the sect, without any benefit.

Once the strength is weakened, it will be very passive when facing other forces in Beihai County.

Tianyun Sect is now powerful, and it has such a status in Beihai County.

Jiang Chen returned to his small courtyard. At this time, Long Qingyao and others were also waiting for Jiang Chen here. Seeing Jiang Chen coming back, they came to ask about Jiang Chen's situation with concern.

"Jiang Chen, you are finally back. How is it? Did the elders make things difficult for you?" Long Qingyao asked with concern.

Seeing Long Qingyao like this, Jiang Chen's heart was also warm. He really felt the concern from Long Qingyao's tone.

This feeling is really beautiful.

In the past, when facing Liu Yun, Liu Yun mostly got concern from Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen was willing to give Liu Yun good things, but Liu Yun was the one who hurt him the most.

From the moment Liu Yun destroyed his Dantian, the two of them were no longer possible. Now Jiang Chen only hates Liu Yun.

"I'm fine. The elders only asked some simple questions and didn't embarrass me. Then they let me come back. They told me to stay in the sect. In Tianyun Sect, the enemy can't mess around." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I'm glad you're fine. Is that person really a strong man from Yinluo Sect?" Long Qingyao asked.

"Yes, but this matter is too sensitive. It is not recommended to spread it. The attitude of Tianyun Sect is to keep things quiet. Because if they really want to hold on to this matter, neither Tianyun Sect nor Yinluo Sect can save face. If there is a war because of this matter, it will not be good for both sides." Jiang Chen said.

"It turns out that it is really a member of Yinluo Sect. Yinluo Sect is too much." Long Qingyao said coldly.

"It's okay. I won't let this matter go with the people of Yinluo Sect. I will make them pay the price." Jiang Chen said, with a grim tone.

Jiang Chen has never been a person who is willing to suffer in silence.

Yinluo Sect has tried to kill him many times. If Jiang Chen was not so powerful, he would have been dead long ago.

This time, Jiang Chen's strength was misjudged, which led to the failure of the plan.

If Jiang Chen's strength was not insufficient, how could Yinluo Sect continue to exist?

When Jiang Chen's strength increased, this Yinluo Sect must be destroyed.

Although Yinluo Sect cannot be destroyed now, it is still possible to make Yinluo Sect bleed.

"Jiang Chen, you still have to be careful. There are still many masters in Yinluo Sect." Long Qingyao frowned. Although Jiang Chen's strength is good, she is still worried that Jiang Chen will have an accident.

Jiang Chen is still very young and has not grown up.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on." Jiang Chen smiled.

Next, several people had dinner with Jiang Chen and left, as a celebration of Jiang Chen and Long Qingyao becoming core disciples.

After that, Long Qingyao, Lin Xiaoxiao, Jiang Dong and others left.

Not long after the three left, someone suddenly came to knock on the door. Jiang Chen thought someone had left something behind and came back to get it.

Jiang Chen opened the door and it turned out to be a beautiful girl.

When Jiang Chen saw the girl, he was also stunned, because he knew this girl.

"Brother Jiang, I finally see you." The girl said with a smile.

"Miss Tang, you, how come you are here?" Jiang Chen said in surprise.

This girl is the third daughter of the city lord of Luoyun City, Tang Mu.

Jiang Chen looked at the clothes on Tang Mu, which were the clothes of the inner disciples, which meant that Tang Mu was already an inner disciple of Tianyun Sect.

"I also joined Tianyun Sect, and I am also an inner disciple of Tianyun Sect now." Tang Mu said excitedly.

As long as she joined Tianyun Sect, she could see Jiang Chen often, how could she not be happy?

Tang Mu liked Jiang Chen, so she chose to join Tianyun Sect, of course, there was the matter of using relationships.

Now, after three months of training by City Lord Tang, Tang Mu finally became a second-level martial artist, and used his connections and financial resources to send Tang Mo to Tianyun Sect as an inner disciple. Tang Mu officially joined Tianyun Sect today.

As soon as she joined Tianyun Sect, she immediately inquired about Jiang Chen's residence, using spirit stones to open the way, and soon an enthusiastic disciple took her to Jiang Chen's residence.

As for the core disciple assessment competition, Tang Mu didn't know yet. She also joined Tianyun Sect today and didn't go to watch. In her eyes, Jiang Chen was still the Jiang Chen three months ago.

"Then congratulations." Jiang Chen smiled.

Joining a large sect is indeed a good choice.

"Brother Jiang, don't you invite me to come in and sit down?" Tang Mu said.

"Hey, look at my memory, please." Jiang Chen made a gesture of invitation and invited Tang Mu into the small courtyard.

The Jiang family still needs City Master Tang to take care of them, so it is necessary to have a good relationship with Tang Mu.

Besides, Tang Mu previously gave Jiang Chen a martial arts skill, Wu Trace Steps, which was of great help to Jiang Chen. With this favor, Jiang Chen would not neglect Tang Mu.

"Brother Jiang, how have you been doing since you joined the Tianyun Sect?" After Tang Mu sat down, he began to ask about Jiang Chen's situation.

Jiang Chen was making spiritual tea for Tang Mu at this time.

"Not bad." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

Indeed, Jiang Chen did not encounter any trouble in the Tianyun Sect. Some disciples tried to trouble Jiang Chen before, but were also injured by Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen really did not suffer any loss.

No matter where you are, if you want to live well, you must have strong strength.

"Yes, my second sister is a core disciple of the ninth level of Wuzong Realm. Her name is Tang Yi. If anyone dares to bully you in the future, you will tell me my sister's name. I believe they will not dare to bully you. If my sister's name is If you can't shock the other party, tell me my brother's name. My brother is very powerful. He is a true disciple of Tianyun Sect."

"Do you know what level the true disciples of the Tianyun Sect are? They require disciples of the Martial King Realm to become true disciples. My brother's name is Tang Long. He is a master of the second level of the Martial King Realm. He is not weaker than me. Dad, he is the pride of our Tang family." Tang Mu said at once that he was his patron.

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