The ancient god lord

Chapter 247: Dragon's Lair

The next morning, suddenly there was a strong wind and lightning appeared in the sky. This situation indicated that a heavy rain was coming.

"Okay, everyone, hurry up and get on the boat. We are about to set off. At this time, the dragons should become active." Ouyang Hai asked everyone to return to the boat and prepare to set off.

As for the Martial King Realm experts from other dynasties, they also boarded their ships one after another and were also ready to set off.

Everyone headed towards the sea area where the dragon cave was rumored to be found.

Just halfway through the walk, it started to rain heavily.

However, many people's large ships are blessed by magic circles, and the light shield that appears directly blocks the rainwater from falling on the ship at all.

Jiang Chen also looked envious when he saw the wonderful effect of this formation.

It would be great if he could learn the formation.

It's a pity that he didn't meet a powerful formation master, and no one taught him the art of formation.

Now he is just an alchemy master.

It is rumored that the number of formation masters is even rarer. The more powerful the formation masters are, the easier it is for them to be respected by all the major forces.

After an hour of heavy rain, they finally reached the designated sea area. At this time, the waves were huge and the ships were constantly rising and falling.

However, with the blessing of the formation, the ship will not capsize so easily.

The rain continued to fall. After sailing for a while, everyone saw water splashing not far away, and then a huge figure emerged from the water. This was the upper body of the dragon.

Jiang Chen also saw the dragon for the first time. The aura exuded by the dragon was fifth level and fifth level.

"Jiaolong, sure enough, there is a dragon here. It seems that the news is true. The dragon appears here. There must be a dragon's lair nearby." Someone was overjoyed after seeing the dragon.

Why do everyone come here?

Just to hunt down the dragon in exchange for the bounty.

More than three hundred strong Martial King realms were very excited.

The fifth-level and fifth-level dragon also discovered the human ship at this time, and was also shocked, especially with so many Martial King Realm experts on board. It only had itself, and it was impossible to be an opponent.

So the dragon immediately dived into the water, trying to get away from the human race.

"Want to run away? Have you asked me?" On one of the big ships, a strong man at the peak of the Martial King Realm immediately shot a sharp arrow.

There are densely packed runes on this sharp arrow, which is a positioning arrow.

The sharp arrow shot into the water at an extremely fast speed and hit the dragon that was about to escape.

The dragon was hit by an arrow, which hurt, but compared to a dragon that was dozens of meters long, the small sharp arrow was only a flesh wound.

It didn't have time to deal with the arrow, so it quickly moved away.

At this time, the archery peak Martial King Realm master held a compass, and the pointer on the compass was pointing in the direction where the dragon escaped.

"Here, everyone, hurry up and follow." He immediately ordered and had people chase him in the direction he pointed.

Other ships saw that someone actually had a positioning arrow and successfully hit the dragon. They knew the dragon's location and followed them one after another.

Ouyang Hai was no exception and also ordered others to follow him.

The peak Martial King Realm expert who shot the positioning arrow had no problem with so many people following him.

If the dragon's lair is really found, there must be more than one dragon.

Even with the dozens of people on their ship, they would not be opponents. It was necessary to have more helpers to contain the other dragons and share the pressure.

Soon, they saw a small island.

It is said to be a small island, but in fact it can only be regarded as a giant reef of twenty acres in size.

Among the giant rocks, there is a huge cave, which is the dragon's lair.

The injured dragon didn't know that the arrows on his body had a positioning function, so he went back to the lair directly, bringing many powerful human beings with him.

At this time, the surrounding dragons were also alarmed. They did not expect that so many powerful human beings appeared.

"There is a dragon here, and there is a dragon there..." Many people pointed at the dragons around them and kept counting them with excitement on their faces.

In the end, they counted twelve dragons, all of them at the fifth level, and the strongest one was at the fifth level and seventh level. "

"Roar." Jiaolong was also angry when he saw so many powerful human beings.

"Everyone, come on, kill these dragons. Each of them is worth 15 million spiritual stones. Twelve of them, the total is worth 180 million spiritual stones." Someone shouted.

Hearing about such an astonishing number of spiritual stones, many people felt as if they had been given a shot of blood.

"Kill." Many Martial King Realm experts braved the heavy rain and landed directly on the sea, mobilizing their true energy to let themselves step on the water.

They all used their martial arts skills to kill these dragons.

Ouyang Hai was not to be outdone. He also stared at one of the dragons and everyone attacked him.

The strength of these dragons was not very good, and they all died miserably under the siege of so many people.

As for the losses, only three people died, and a few people were slightly injured.

The power of the dragon's desperate counterattack is also very powerful.

"Finally, they are all killed. Everyone, hurry up and collect the bodies of the dragons." Many people were very happy. Looking at the bodies of the dragons floating on the water, many people planned to pull them onto the big boat.

After all, the dragon's body is tens of meters long, and many people's storage bags don't have that much space.

As a result, at this time, a roar came from not far away.

I only saw huge waves approaching. In the huge waves, there were two huge dragons coming to kill. Behind the two huge dragons, eight dragons also roared and killed.

The two giant dragons at the head were estimated to be about 60 meters long, much larger than the 40-meter dragons we just encountered.

The eight dragons behind were also larger than the dragons we just encountered. The lowest aura was at level 5, level 8, and the strongest was level 5, level 10.

The two dragon kings at the head were level 6, level 1, and level 6, level 2.

"Oh no, there are still so many dragons? Their auras are so strong." Everyone was shocked.

There are still level 6 dragons. Now, they know that this is a tough battle.

It's impossible to escape. The speed of level 6 dragons is faster than their boats, and they can easily catch up.

Jiang Chen's face changed slightly when he saw this scene. He didn't expect to actually encounter a level 6 dragon. It seems that his luck today is not very good.

At this time, Jiang Chen quietly devoured the blood and energy in the body of a dragon corpse on the water below.

This dragon was the closest to Jiang Chen and was within Jiang Chen's absorption range.

After absorbing the blood and energy of the dragon, Jiang Chen's cultivation level increased a bit.

"Listen, everyone. Once we fight, you have to wave the formation flag and fight the dragon with me. Do you understand? This is a bloody battle." Ouyang Hai looked at the people on the boat and said.

"Yes." The others did not dare to question Ouyang Hai at this time, and they all agreed.

Ouyang Hai is a peak warrior in the Martial King Realm. No one present is Ouyang Hai's opponent.

Besides, if Ouyang Hai wants to kill someone, it will not pose a threat to Ouyang Hai if everyone does not unite.

Everyone is afraid of Ouyang Hai. Whoever dares to be the first to propose to unite to deal with Ouyang Hai, Ouyang Hai will definitely kill this person first.

This is the truth.

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