The ancient god lord

Chapter 380 Chu-Zhou Border

After leaving the county city, Jiang Chen released his flying boat, got on it, and flew to the border.

This time, Jiang Chen went to the border between the Great Chu Dynasty and the Great Zhou Dynasty. The border line is more than 2,000 miles long, and many places are dangerous and difficult to cross. In order to prevent invasion from neighboring countries, both sides built walls in some important places.

This is also to prevent the other party's people from entering quietly. Soldiers are also sent to patrol in many areas to see if the other party's army has entered the territory privately.

The defense is relatively strict, especially now that the relationship between the two sides is so tense, the border guards are more strict.

Now the Great Zhou Dynasty is asking all the major forces in the Great Zhou to send people to join the army.

For example, the City Lord's Mansion must send at least 300 practitioners above the martial arts master level to participate in the war. In addition to sending people from the guards, the City Lord's Mansion must also ask other major forces in the city for people. Forces with a little status will send a few or a dozen people.

If the number is not enough, recruit from outside, and it must be 300. This is also a task issued by the Great Zhou Dynasty.

If a certain force refuses to send people to join the army, the Great Zhou royal family will impose certain punishments on this force. This consequence is something that many people are unwilling to bear, so they can only send some masters to participate in the war.

Some forces are more active and send more masters, because if more masters are sent, the Great Zhou Dynasty will give more benefits.

Not all people are short-sighted. They know that if the Great Zhou Dynasty is destroyed, they will not have a good end as forces within the Great Zhou Dynasty, so they are more willing to participate in the war.

For example, the Tianyun Sect in Beihai County sent more than 100 disciples or elders to join the Great Zhou army.

This is only the first batch. If the war is difficult in the middle and late stages, the Tianyun Sect will send the second batch, or even the third batch.

Not only the Tianyun Sect is such a force, but some forces also do the same, which greatly relieves the pressure on the Great Zhou royal family.

Eight days later, Jiang Chen appeared here at the border, but as soon as Jiang Chen approached the border, he was stopped by the soldiers guarding here.

"This is a military stronghold. No outsiders are allowed to enter. Who are you? If you want to enter, you have to prove your identity, otherwise, we won't let you in." The soldier said.

There are hundreds of soldiers guarding here, and this place is more than 200 miles away from the real battle area.

Many logistics teams will pass by here to transport supplies or bring newly recruited practitioners to report.

"I am a mercenary. I have received a mission from the Mission Hall. The mission content is to go to the front line to kill the soldiers of Da Chu or Da Wu." Jiang Chen said, and then took out a token from his arms. This is the proof that he received the mission, and there is a record in it.

The soldier took Jiang Chen's token and checked it. Soon, he showed a look of shock.

"You, you are the mercenary Demon Dragon?" The soldier's voice trembled a little.

Using his divine sense to check the contents of the token, the soldier saw Jiang Chen's nickname for the mercenary, and the record of accepting the mission.

Hearing the soldier who was checking call out the name of Demon Dragon, the surrounding soldiers looked over here.

The name of the Demon Dragon has been too famous recently. He has made great contributions to the elimination of the remnants of the Yin Corpse Sect in the three counties. At the same time, the Great Zhou royal family also built momentum for Jiang Chen, wanting to create a hero, and also wanting to call on more strong men to work for the Great Zhou royal family.

Therefore, in the Great Zhou Dynasty, the name of the Demon Dragon is known to many people, and even in the army, many people have heard of the name of the Demon Dragon.

Knowing that this Demon Dragon is a very powerful mercenary, the three Martial Emperor Realm Seventh Level strong men of the Yin Corpse Sect remnants all died at his hands, and there are many other Martial Emperor Realm and Martial King Realm strong men.

Laying down a shocking formation, killing tens of thousands of Yin Corpse Sect troops, reversing the situation, etc., all show that the terrifying strength of the Demon Dragon has been placed on the list of the top strong men in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Yes, I am the Demon Dragon." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Now Jiang Chen is wearing a mask, not a mask, but a black scarf, covering the lower half of his face, revealing the eyes and the area above.

"It turns out to be Lord Demon Dragon. I'm sorry for your disrespect." The soldier hurriedly said politely and returned the token to Jiang Chen.

"Lord Demon Dragon, we have all heard of your name recently. I didn't expect you to appear in front of us. It is said that Lord Demon Dragon is very mysterious and no one knows his identity." The other soldiers also gathered around and said to Jiang Chen very respectfully.

No matter where the strong are, they are easily respected by others. The strong are respected.

"Everyone is polite. We are all people from the Great Zhou Dynasty. We are responsible for dealing with the Yin Corpse Sect. Okay, can I pass by?" Jiang Chen said.

"Of course, Lord Demon Dragon will participate in the war, and then the people of Da Chu will definitely suffer a great loss. This is the certificate. When you take this certificate and arrive at the war zone, someone will arrange a place for you to rest. Mercenaries and our army live in different places." The soldier said.

Mercenaries do not live together with soldiers, but a certain area is marked out for mercenaries to move around.

Except for some important military areas where mercenaries cannot set foot, mercenaries can move around in many other areas.

When going on a mission, the army of the Great Zhou Dynasty generally does not care about the mercenaries. As long as the mercenaries bring back the heads of the enemy and the identity cards, they can get a certain reward.

As for military merits, they can be handed in in the army or in the mission hall. There are also bases of the mission hall in the army.

This is also for the convenience of mercenaries.

It is said that in Da Chu and Da Wu, they also issued a mission to the Mission Hall, that is, whoever brings back the head and identity card of the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty will also have military merit.

The Mission Hall really makes money on both ends.

Every soldier has an identity card, which is a certificate to prove his identity and prevents enemies from easily sneaking into the barracks.

At the same time, doing so is also convenient for the enemy to prove his military merit.

"Okay." Jiang Chen nodded, took the token in the hand of the soldier and passed through here.

After entering, Jiang Chen encountered many checkpoints again. As long as Jiang Chen took out the certificate given by the soldier to prove that they were mercenaries, the soldiers at these checkpoints let him pass.

At a certain checkpoint, Jiang Chen took out the token again. This place is very close to the place where the army is stationed.

"You are a mercenary, come with me, I will arrange a place for you to live." The captain of the soldiers looked at the token certificate in Jiang Chen's hand, then took Jiang Chen's certificate and took Jiang Chen to a place that looked like a village.

"This is where you mercenaries live. Of course, this is just one of the places where you live. We will set up a place every twenty miles. This is the map. If you want to go out to kill the enemy, there are route instructions here. When you go out in the future, just follow the indicated route." The captain of the soldiers explained to Jiang Chen.

"Thank you." Jiang Chen also thanked him politely.

"Many of you mercenaries have bad tempers. If you fight among yourselves, it will be difficult for us, the army, to control you. Of course, don't go too far, otherwise you will kill too many people, and our Great Zhou army will still take action. Be careful not to make trouble, and at the same time, protect yourself." The captain said.

Jiang Chen heard this and knew that this was also a world of martial arts.

Mercenaries have a high degree of freedom. As long as they are not enemies of the army, the army will generally not control them too much.

But if they go too far, the army will definitely take action.

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