The ancient god lord

Chapter 781 Route to Wuxiang Sect

"Thank you, Master." Hearing Jiang Chen say this, many people have confidence.

Because Xu Li is a good example, Jiang Chen is indeed not an ordinary person.

In fact, Jiang Chen also gave Xu Li a technique, so that he could practice this technique and break through to the Martial Emperor realm with these pills.

This technique was given to Jiang Chen by the Devouring Sky Demon Dragon. Jiang Chen can pass it on to these people to make them stronger.

Jiang Chen stayed in Longmen for three months and felt bored, so he planned to go out.

"There is still more than a year left, and the six-year period is up. Unknowingly, more than four years have passed." Jiang Chen thought of Long Qingyao.

Now that he has entered the Martial Saint realm, it seems that it is time to go to Wuxiang Sect to find Long Qingyao.

More than four years have passed, and I don’t know how Long Qingyao is doing.

And Su Sheng, how powerful he is.

Wuxiang Sect is not in Nanyuanzhou, but in other states, so if Jiang Chen wants to go to Wuxiang Sect, it will take a long time.

"Master Xu, I have to go out for a while and go to Luo'an Prefecture. During my absence, Longmen will be managed by you. As for Qing Jiao, you can go with me." Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Chen thought it would be better to take Qing Jiao with him, as he had a martial emperor-level strongman to protect him.

"Master, you are going to Luo'an Prefecture? Luo'an Prefecture is very far away." Xu Li said in shock.

During this time, Xu Li also checked some information about Tianwu Continent and knew how huge Tianwu Continent was.

The entire Nanyuan Prefecture is very large, not to mention the inter-state.

"Yes, I have important things to deal with. During my absence, you should practice well and recruit some disciples."

"Disciples don't have to be many. Quality is more important than quantity. Do you understand?" Jiang Chen said.

"Yes, Master." Xu Li said.

Xu Li was once the lord of the City of Sin, and he has a set of management skills.

Jiang Chen was also relieved to let him manage Longmen.

As for the martial saints taking turns to go out, many people agree with this. Going out is to find suitable disciples, and at the same time, you can also travel around, which is a happy thing.

Jiang Chen left a lot of spiritual stones for everyone, which were obtained from the enemies.

Danqin and Anqing stayed here to practice. There are many resources here, and there are strong people to guide. It is a treasure land for practice, which is much better than returning to Taoyun Sect.

They don’t want to go back if they return to Taoyun Sect.

"Qing Jiao, you follow me in secret. You don’t need to show up at ordinary times. You will show up when I need you." Jiang Chen said to Qing Jiao beside him.

Qing Jiao now transforms into the appearance of the human race.

With the secret technique that Jiang Chen gave him before, he can completely disguise himself as a human race.

Because the breath he exudes is the breath of the human race, this is the power of the secret technique.

Unless Qing Jiao enters the combat state, the demonic aura on his body will be exposed, letting people know that he is a demon race.

"Yes, young master." Qing Jiao said.

"Lang Heng, you follow me too, but you follow me as a guard mount, so you need to reduce your size." Jiang Chen said to the Blue Striped Dragon Wolf King.

"Okay, Master." After Lang Heng finished speaking, he began to change his size, shrinking to two meters in height.

Suppress his cultivation aura to the seventh level, that is, the level of Wu Zun.

Because the eighth-level mount is too conspicuous, in fact, the seventh-level mount is enough to make many people envious, not to mention the eighth-level mount.

The seventh-level aura makes Lang Heng look more coordinated because his body size has become smaller.

In fact, Lang Heng's strength is the eighth-level third level. During this period, Jiang Chen gave Lang Heng some benefits, and he was promoted from the eighth-level second level to the eighth-level third level.

Jiang Chen sat on Lang Heng's back, and then let Lang Heng start running and leave Longmen.

Jiang Chen and Qing Jiao left marks on each other to ensure that they would not lose each other. No one knew that Jiang Chen was secretly protected by a ninth-level demon clan strongman.

The five major sects suffered heavy losses in the battle outside the Black Yin Secret Realm. A large number of talented disciples died in the battle, and some martial saints died. This was a slap in the face of the five major sects.

This made the five major sects hate Jiang Chen to the core, and they once again issued a bounty for Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's head reached 50 billion spirit stones.

You know, two years ago, Jiang Chen's head was only 10 billion spirit stones. Now that Jiang Chen has appeared again, the price has skyrocketed to 50 billion spirit stones.

All because Jiang Chen has now been promoted to the first level of the martial saint realm, and his strength has become even stronger.

In addition, he has killed more masters.

Many masters are ready to move, but hearing that Jiang Chen is protected by many martial saints, many people are quite afraid.

"Huaping City." Jiang Chen looked at the city in front of him, so he took Lang Heng into the city.

In order not to attract everyone's attention, Jiang Chen suppressed his cultivation to the fifth level of the martial honor realm.

This level of cultivation is considered high, but not too conspicuous. In some big cities, practitioners at the Martial Honor Realm level are still relatively easy to see.

However, Martial Saint Realm level practitioners are relatively rare and will be much more conspicuous.

Jiang Chen's current cultivation level is the fifth level of the Martial Honor Realm, and he also has a seventh-level monster as a mount. The guards know that Jiang Chen has a certain status and strength, and they are all polite to Jiang Chen.

After Jiang Chen entered the city, he went to the Mission Hall as soon as possible. He needed the Mission Hall's help.

"Sir, do you want to accept a mission or issue a mission?" A staff member of the Mission Hall said to Jiang Chen politely.

"I need your Mission Hall's help with something, so I'll just issue a mission." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"I see, then I'll arrange for the deacon to meet you, and you can discuss it." The staff member smiled.

"Okay, thank you." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

The staff member took Jiang Chen to a room where spiritual tea was prepared.

After a while, a middle-aged man came in and said to Jiang Chen: "Hello, I'm Deacon Zhao here. I heard that you want to issue a mission. What is it? Can you tell me?"

"I want to get a route to Wuxiang Sect in Luoanzhou. I wonder if your Mission Hall can help me arrange it?" Jiang Chen said.

"To Wuxiang Sect in Luoanzhou? Route?" Deacon Zhao was a little surprised.

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Five hundred thousand spiritual stones, we provide a feasible route." Deacon Zhao said.

Wuxiang Sect is too far from here, and you have to pass through countless cities along the way.

If there is an accurate route, you can take a teleportation array or something, which can save a lot of time and reach the destination faster and more accurately.

"Okay, when can I get the route map?" Jiang Chen agreed immediately.

500,000 spirit stones are just a drizzle for Jiang Chen.

"Half an hour later, you can wait here, we will help you find the best route right away." Deacon Zhao said.

"Okay, I have time to wait." Jiang Chen said.

It seems that the Mission Hall has a more detailed map of the South Region, otherwise it would not be possible to reply to Jiang Chen so confidently.

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