The ancient god lord

Chapter 877 The eldest prince wakes up

The surrounding fire attribute Qi surrounded the Demonic Netherworm.

The Demonic Netherworm sensed the danger and finally moved its body, running out to the gap left by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's goal was to force it out, not to fight the Demonic Netherworm in the eldest prince's body.

The eldest prince was already very weak inside. If he fought the Demonic Netherworm inside his body, what if the eldest prince died?

Soon, the Demonic Netherworm was forced to the eldest prince's abdomen by Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen immediately cut a hole nearby.

He took out the bottle and put it on the wound. There was a small piece of the fruit of life in the bottle.

This was a small piece cut by Jiang Chen. The fruit of life had a strong life force, which was the favorite of the Demonic Netherworm.

The Demonic Netherworm smelled the breath of the fruit of life, and indeed crawled out to the wound, and then got into the empty bottle.

Jiang Chen saw a gray worm, similar to a spider, which was the culprit for the eldest prince's transformation.

After seeing the Demonic Netherworm enter the bottle, Jiang Chen immediately sealed the bottle mouth.

The Demonic Netherworm realized that it had been fooled at this time, and kept attacking the bottle, trying to escape from it.

However, the bottle was made of special materials and reinforced with Jiang Chen's spiritual patterns. It was impossible for the small Demonic Netherworm to attack the bottle.

"Done." Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

The next step was to seal the wound on the eldest prince's abdomen and apply a special ointment so that the eldest prince could recover quickly.

Then he gave him acupuncture to restore the functions in the eldest prince's body and fed him some liquid medicine containing life force.

Jiang Chen used his true energy to help him refine the medicine. With the recovery of many medicines, and Jiang Chen also used his true energy to clear the dead air in the eldest prince's body, the eldest prince's face looked much better now.

His breath was also several times stronger than before, and soon his breathing became stable.

"Huh, done." Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, the eldest prince only needed to recuperate for a period of time to recover.

Now that the Demonic Netherworm had been taken out, the vitality in the eldest prince's body was no longer lost for no reason.

At this time, outside the room, Xia Feng and others were a little anxious. Jiang Chen had been in there for two hours and had not come out.

They wanted to go in and ask about the situation, but they were stopped by Long Fei, saying that the young master could not be disturbed by outsiders during the treatment, otherwise all the consequences would be at their own risk.

No one dared to take responsibility, so they had to wait outside the door.

Yao Chong sneered in his heart. Jiang Chen had not come out for so long. I am afraid he could not think of any treatment plan, right?

Even like them, he could not find out what disease the eldest prince had.

Just then, the door was opened.

Xia Feng hurriedly stepped forward and asked: "Master Jiang, have you found out the cause of the disease? Is there any way to treat it?"

"Fortunately, the eldest prince is fine. In the next period of time, he just needs to rest more and recuperate." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"What?" When Jiang Chen said this, everyone around him was shocked.

Jiang Chen said that he had cured the eldest prince's disease?

During that period just now, Jiang Chen not only found out the cause of the disease, but also cured the eldest prince's disease?

"Master Jiang, don't be so sure. How can you prove that the eldest prince has recovered? Don't you want to fulfill your promise and deliberately deceive everyone?" Yao Chong stood up and questioned.

If Jiang Chen really cured the eldest prince's illness, then he would have to apologize to Jiang Chen.

As a ninth-level alchemy master, Yao Chong usually looks high and mighty. Asking him to apologize to Jiang Chen is simply a slap in his face.

"How could I deceive everyone? I'm not so mean. If you don't believe me, you can go with me to see the eldest prince." Jiang Chen sneered.

He knew that Yao Chong would be anxious.

"Everyone, take a look at the situation first, and then make a conclusion." Xia Feng said.

Xia Feng is very unhappy with Yao Chong now. Jiang Chen has made a move, and this person has come out to make trouble again and again. If it weren't for the fact that he is a ninth-level alchemy master and has a great role in the Xia An Dynasty, Xia Feng would have asked someone to throw Yao Chong out now.

So everyone entered the room and saw the eldest prince lying quietly on the ground. His face looked much better, no longer as gray as before.

His breath was also much smoother and stronger.

"This..." Seeing that the eldest prince had such a big change in a short period of time was incredible.

This medical skill is too strong, isn't it?

"Master Jiang, what disease does my son have?" Xia Feng asked.

"In fact, the eldest prince is not sick, but is parasitized by a demon worm called the Demonic Worm, which is this worm." Jiang Chen took out a bottle.

This bottle is transparent, and everyone can see a small spider-like worm in the bottle. This worm is bumping around in the bottle, and it has sharp fangs and is very ugly.

"This is called the Demonic Worm. It likes to parasitize in the body of other creatures and devour the vitality of the host until the vitality of the host is devoured. Then it will leave the host's body and look for other hosts. It is a very evil creature. The eldest prince is parasitized by this demon worm." Jiang Chen said.

"What? It was actually caused by this insect?" Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

"How is it possible? If it was this demon insect, why didn't we find it before?" Yao Chong said.

"The demon insect is very cunning. In order to avoid being discovered, it will hide its breath and synchronize its existence with the host's pulse, making it extremely difficult to be discovered." Jiang Chen said.

"Then why can you find it?" Yao Chong shouted coldly.

"This shows that I am better than you, isn't it?" Jiang Chen sneered.

"You..." Yao Chong was very angry.

"Okay, the eldest prince will wake up in an hour or two. Of course, I can also wake him up in advance. Otherwise, I will wake him up and you can ask him about his condition?" Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

As long as he can wake the eldest prince, Jiang Chen's medical skills will be better than the other three ninth-level alchemy masters present.

The situation of the eldest prince before was just barely hanging on to his life, and he could die at any time.

"Then trouble you." Xia Feng said.

Jiang Chen then cast a spell, and a stream of true energy flowed into the eldest prince's body, giving him a strength.

The eldest prince woke up faintly, and was a little confused when he saw so many people around him looking at him.

"Father, why are you all here?" The eldest prince said. The eldest prince was still a little weak and his voice was not loud.

"Ye'er, you fell into a coma before and almost died. Now you finally woke up, that's great." Xia Feng stepped forward, holding Xia Ye's hand, and said excitedly.

He didn't expect that his son could actually wake up.

He had been mentally prepared before, because he had invited more than one ninth-level alchemist, but none of them could find the cause of the disease.

Later, he heard the name of Jiang Chen, who could actually refine a ninth-level super-quality elixir, so he sent someone to invite Jiang Chen to try it.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen did not disappoint him and really cured Xia Ye.

"I feel like I had a very long dream." Xia Ye said.

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