The ancient god lord

Chapter 890 Two Tasks

Duan Wen took the list Jiang Chen gave him. Many of the items on it were 8th and 9th level elixirs, which Jiang Chen could refine.

There were also some spirit stones and the like. Jiang Chen could also help treat some rare and difficult diseases. These could all be used as rewards.

As long as it was written on the list, Jiang Chen could fulfill it.

"Your reward is not low. I believe it is not difficult to recruit a group of masters." Duan Wen smiled after looking at the list Jiang Chen gave him.

"What level of masters do you plan to recruit?" Duan Wen asked.

"The people I want to recruit have a minimum cultivation level of the tenth level of the Martial Saint Realm, and there are also strong men at the level of the Martial Emperor Realm. There are 200 places for the tenth level of the Martial Saint Realm. We will recruit as many as we can. There are 100 places for the Martial Emperor Realm. We will also recruit as many as we can."

"However, if you want to recruit these strong men, you cannot recruit masters from Nanyuanzhou and Guhuangzong, nor should you recruit in Beihaizhou and Luoanzhou. There is no limit to other states." Jiang Chen said.

"Oh? There is such a request, yes." Duan Wen said with a smile.

"This task requires a lot of financial resources to complete. You need to pay a deposit, and then we can release this task and let other branch halls help you recruit strong people." Duan Wen said.

This is a big order. If it is completed successfully, Duan Wen can get a huge income.

His performance will also be improved a lot.

This kind of big order is the most popular in the Mission Hall.

"Okay, how about paying you 20 billion spiritual stones in the early stage? After recruiting people, I will refund more and make up for less." Jiang Chen said.

"20 billion spiritual stones, this is OK, then we will sign a contract between us." Duan Wen said.

The two sides discussed some details in detail, and then signed the contract.

"By the way, just now it was just the first task. There is also a second task, which is to help me collect a batch of spiritual medicines. Many of these spiritual medicines are relatively rare. Even some drug dealers are not easy to collect them. I need a large amount. However, with the ability of your Mission Hall, if you want to collect these spiritual medicines, it should not be difficult." Jiang Chen said.

Let the Mission Hall help collect spiritual medicines. Although the price is 10% or 20% higher than the market price, the Mission Hall is efficient.

And the quality is guaranteed. What Jiang Chen needs most now is efficiency.

"Oh, if the price is good, we can help." Duan Wen looked at Jiang Chen in surprise. He didn't expect that Jiang Chen actually knew that their Mission Hall helped to purchase things.

"The above is the list of spiritual medicines I need. When you help me collect spiritual medicines, I am willing to pay 20% higher spiritual stones than the market price." Jiang Chen said.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he took out another booklet, which listed the spiritual medicines Jiang Chen needed.

"It's only 20% higher? Master Jiang, to be honest, if we want to collect enough spiritual medicines in a short time, it will be extremely labor-intensive and resource-intensive for our Mission Hall. 20% is a bit less. We need 30%." Duan Wen said.

"30%? Take a look at the list first. How many days can it take to collect it at the fastest." Jiang Chen motioned Duan Wen to look at the list first.

Duan Wen opened the booklet and estimated the rarity and quantity of these spiritual medicines.

"You need a lot of spiritual medicine, but our Mission Hall is not bad. We can help you collect it in half a month. However, before that, you need to pay enough spiritual stones, at least you have to pay half of the spiritual stones first." Duan Wen said.

Mission Hall also needs to collect deposits for helping people collect things.

What if the other party doesn't want it after the collection?

If someone doesn't want it at that time, the deposit doesn't need to be returned. No matter how to calculate, the Mission Hall can't work in vain.

"Okay, you can calculate how much spiritual stones this batch of spiritual medicine is worth." Jiang Chen nodded.

Duan Wen then called a few deacons and asked them to count the list of spiritual medicines on the booklet and what the market price is.

Afterwards, the number obtained was half of the price.

A total of more than 110 billion spiritual stones, this is definitely a huge order.

Collect a deposit of more than 50 billion spiritual stones from Jiang Chen.

If this transaction can be completed, 30% of the reward, then the income is more than 30 billion spiritual stones.

In addition, Jiang Chen recruited masters, and the amount is greater than this list of spiritual medicines.

Jiang Chen intended to refine these spiritual medicines into pills and pay those masters in the future, and then turn the spiritual medicines into pills.

The two parties signed an agreement, and Jiang Chen also asked Duan Wen to arrange those masters to wait for him in a certain area outside the city.

Duan Wen guaranteed that there would be no problem, and other masters could also reach Yongheng City in half a month.

Because the Mission Hall has its own exclusive teleportation array, once these masters are recruited, they can be arranged to take the Mission Hall's exclusive teleportation array, which is much faster than taking the public teleportation array.

"Okay, if I leave first." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Master Jiang, take care, I'll see you off." Duan Wen smiled and personally sent Jiang Chen out of the Mission Hall door, which shows his importance to Jiang Chen.

Many people were also very surprised to see that the master of the Mission Hall was so polite to Jiang Chen.

Yuan Hongjie also looked at Jiang Chen with admiration at this time.

"Brother Jiang, what did you talk about with the master of the Mission Hall? Why is he so polite to you?" Yuan Hongjie asked.

"It's nothing, actually. I just placed two orders with the Mission Master and asked them to help me collect spiritual medicines and other things." Jiang Chen said with a faint smile.

"Collecting spiritual medicine? You can ask me for this. Our Yuantong Chamber of Commerce has such an industry. As long as you ask Yuantong Chamber of Commerce, I will definitely help you collect it." Yuan Hongjie said.

"The efficiency of the Mission Hall is much faster than the Chamber of Commerce. The spiritual medicine I need is more than 100 billion spiritual stones. How long will it take for your Yuantong Chamber of Commerce to help me collect spiritual medicine worth more than 100 billion spiritual stones? I need a wide variety of spiritual medicines." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Yuan Hongjie's smile froze when he heard Jiang Chen say this. Spiritual medicine worth more than 100 billion spiritual stones?

Oh my God, what does Jiang Chen need so many spiritual medicines for?

Even if it is used for alchemy, how many pills do you need to refine?

"If we let Yuantong Chamber of Commerce collect it, it will take at least three months. If some spiritual medicines are too rare, it may take longer." Yuan Hongjie said with a wry smile.

"So, now I am in a hurry, I will hand this matter over to the people of the Mission Hall for help. I am an alchemist and need a lot of spiritual medicines." Jiang Chen said.

Now Yuan Hongjie also understood why Jiang Chen asked the Mission Hall to do this.

"Okay, let's go back first." Jiang Chen said.

On the way back, Jiang Chen met a team of more than 20 people. The clothes they wore had the same markings, and they were from the same faction.

One of the women in the Martial Emperor Realm covered her face, and she also saw Jiang Chen.

"It's you!" Jiang Chen recognized this woman, who was the woman on Yuan Hongjie's boat before.

I didn't expect that this woman had become a strong man in the third level of the Martial Emperor Realm after not seeing her for a while.

When the woman heard what Jiang Chen said, she was not calm, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

But she pretended to be calm and pretended not to hear what Jiang Chen said.

She didn't believe that Jiang Chen could still recognize her now that she had covered her face.

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