Thursday. Week 2. Year 1


Level 34.

Type: Noble. Martial artist.

Relationship: Friend.

HP: 100% (+7%)

MP: 100%

Stats: Dominating stat is Attack.

Special abilities: HA! Too bad your relationship status isn't high for this.

Skills: Your relationship isn't high enough for this, desu.

Magic abilities: your relationship isn't high enough for this, dipshit.

Secrets: your relationship isn't high for this, desu.

Clyde shook his head, chewing the blow pop, ignoring his imagination of Chika doing things to it. She wouldn't…right? He already had to accept that it came out of her mouth, well-coated. He passed it off as a pretend tongue kiss.

Toru got into an unfamiliar stance. Clyde took his. Fumi looked as if she was holding her breath, nervous. Quite adorable for a slime girl.

[Toru activated Brawler's shout. Toru gained 15% attack and 20% fighting spirit.]

A dim white aura surrounded Toru as he dashed toward Clyde yelling, "let's go!"

Clyde blocked his punch, returned one which also should've been blocked.

[Mystic powers and abilities replace all of normal attacks, etc.]

The punch sent a wide-eyed Toru skidding backward five feet.

[Toru's HP has dropped to 103%]

[Clyde activated Energy ball]

Toru dodged then reengaged Clyde. The young man closed his eyes, listening to the airflow, nature's whispers, Toru's mood, and breathing. He moved accordingly.

He opened his eyes to see Toru's satisfying surprised expression, his mouth agape.

"I'm not the same weakling," Clyde said.

"I suppose we should stop holding back, leader," Toru said.


"I'll show you my new skill. Fumi helped me train, though she doesn't like fighting."

[Toru activated Zen Mode.]

The purple aura that reminded Clyde of Frieza's from Dragon Ball, surrounded Toru. His eyes glowed pink, and holy crap was his movements different. He blurred toward Clyde, airflow undetectable.

Clyde braced himself for the blow. It came as a blast of air, his fist making no contact. Pain blossomed through his chest, spreading as he hit the ground.

[Your HP has dropped to 101% You have been stunned.]

[Toru activated Raining Blast.]

He watched the cloud of grey and pink energy hit him like a meteor. It felt like taking a steel bat everywhere.

[Critical! Your HP has dropped to 65%]

The airflow gave him only the barest of hints to get the hell up and dodge. Fighting the lingering pain was a challenge but he would not be beaten so easily.

[You invoked Mystic Wrath]

The two faced each other, grinning, standing as glowing titans. Like usual, civilians didn't see them. They also took other streets and paths, unfazed.

[You have attracted the attention of someone powerful…]

Clyde had no time to wonder about that message. He and Toru's fist collision shook the city with shockwaves that rattled windows. They matched blows again and again, laughing.

[Toru's HP has dropped to 70%]

[Your HP has dropped to 44%]

Clyde leapt backward, annoyed with the health point difference.

[You've activated Mystic Scatter Shot.]

His energy balls were green instead of yellow-white, launching out three at a time. Normally five emerged. He fired twenty at Toru. The balls moved incredibly fast—the noble struggled to dodge even half of them.

[You activated Binder's Hand. It has no effect on Toru.]

[Toru's HP has dropped to 54%]

Clyde darted toward the noble, reengaging him with everything he knew about combat. Toru danced too.

[Your HP has dropped to 30%]

[Toru's HP has dropped to 40%]

They panted, standing fifteen feet apart, fighting stances holding strong. Suddenly, the glow from Toru winced out like a blown-out candle.

"Dammit, I wanted to try some of my mystic lightning."

Clyde walked toward the panting man, smiling. He whistled Cell's theme song from Dragon Ball. Toru dropped to one knee.

"I expelled more than my limits, trying to keep match with, whatever that is."

"It's called Mystic Wrath," Clyde said.

"I see. Mine is called Zen Soul. Or Zen mode."

Suddenly, Fumi blocked his way, stretching her arms in a protective motion.

"Don't hurt him," she said.

"No need to worry," Clyde said softly, deactivating his Mystic Wrath.

"Well, you win," Toru said, laughing. "I'm a bit short of strength. I need more practice with Zen and chi."

[The spar has ended. You've gained 1 combat level for both intermediate combat and mystic combat.]

Chika was on Clyde in an instant, holding his shirt collar.

"I need to talk to you about this stupid hunt thing, alone. Maybe your place."

"Pretty sure Al—" he snapped his mouth shut at her raised eyebrow. "Let's just go take a walk."

"I insist we find somewhere private," Chika said quietly and urgently. She said aloud, "besides, let's leave these two lovebirds alone for a while."

Fumi's illusion returned, but not before kissing Toru. It appeared to have some kind of healing effect—the noble's strength returned to him.

Clyde caught Chika's meaning, her slightly jittery movements, brief but multiple caresses of his arm, the lusty yandere twinkle in her eyes, which almost shined.

[Your relationship with Chika has changed to closer level 3, ???, and very intense sexual desire.]

[Talent: main character stuff. Detect Status.]

[Chika has accidentally consumed aphrodisiacs.]

Clyde almost laughed, almost, but they were on a time crunch.

"Just use a vibrator," he hissed.

Chika gave him a severe look then hissed back, "never! You can't take a girl's virginity and not bear responsibility. My body is yours alone. Well… your body is mine. Now let's go to that love hotel across the street or I'll ride you right here in public. Don't think I can't."

Time crunch…but was it really that big of a deal? Of course. He made the decision to scout as a leader.

That's when he remembered all of the warnings. The succubus's taunt, Toru's exclamation, the uneasiness in the eyes of the others. He was just about to do something stupid again. If only he could tap into whatever power, he used the prior night—maybe this mission would be successful. He looked at the jittery girl, noticing the slight glisten of fluid that would soon run down her leg.

"Toru, I'm an idiot."

"Tell me something I don't know," he replied. "Have you come to your senses?"

"Yeah," he said. "Let's cancel the mission for now. We'll need to come up with another way to scout as well as a plan just in case the vampires decide we're better off dead. Maybe some training too. My power level's at thirty, which is kind of pathetic."

"Don't start being modest," Toru said. "You're different from us. You've got some kind of power that if you learn to control, will allow you to overcome level differences."

Clyde did take notice of him purposely avoiding the word "monster." He shrugged, doubting he could overcome the level difference. Maybe get lucky, but that was all.

"We'll still meet at noon—"

Chika pulled at him with both arms.

"Come on."

"What's gotten in you?" Toru asked the yandere.

"Didn't I tell you, I needed to speak with him alone," Chika snapped.

"Whatever," Toru said, walking toward a car that resembled a fancy BMW. Annoyed, Clyde pulled his arm away from Chika.

"Goddamn, is everyone around me rich?"

"Money is worthless," Chika countered. "You don't see me flaunting it. Besides, if you needed such a thing, I would know. I'd take care of you if you'd let me. Now come on!"

Clyde looked at her, surprised.

"Why? I mean, I've barely done anything that's worth your attention. Hell, I considered putting everyone in danger without thinking."

"Of course, you won't see it," Chika said bitterly. "And I'm not going to explain. It'd keep your ego in check. Sheesh—I'm trying my hardest not to jump you right now."

Clyde's eyes widened.

"Is it really that bad?"

"Clyde, there are many, many things I want you to do to me, things that I in my most out of control states wouldn't dream of, so don't start with me."

The pair took off. What made Clyde freeze was the sight of Gamen driving off in his old car. There was no mistaking that face, the posture, the look. He doubted the man would have a twin—but how the fuck did he survive? There was no way.

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