"Clyde, I've got a form upgrade!" Kitome exclaimed. The young man considered hanging up but forced himself to listen to the normally hotheaded magical girl. She truly sounded excited. "I can be of better use. Get this, I've got an attack that can silence all non-friendly spellcasters for up to three minutes, within a mile radius. How awesome is that?"

"Well, that's fucking awesome," Clyde said. "Where are you? I need you to gather the Fireside magical girls and your brother. We're preparing to deal with Nezerath."

"Fine, but I need to talk to you after this," Kitome said.

"Okay. About what?" Clyde said.

"I'll tell you later, it's something silly," Kitome said.

"If it's—"

"I said I'll tell you later, dipshit," Kitome snapped then hung up. Clyde let out a sigh. Women. Mysterious and snappy at times—he wasn't sure if it was possible to ever understand them.

[Quest: Either call or visit Kitome in the late hours. Reward: 45,000 EXP and a relationship gain with Kitome.]

Another quest like this. He'd complete Chika's first before pursuing Kitome. Chika's seemed to be main story anyway. The other woman, not so much.

He made the phone calls to the others and waited. He tried to lay back and nap, but Natalia knee-slammed his stomach.

"Oh! You fucking—goddammit, that hurts," Clyde snarled. Natalia laughed until Alice glued her to the ceiling using the force. The loli pleaded, apologizing repeatedly, but the demoness held her for the entire hour. Yuki seemed fascinated by the TV, chatting idly with Alice. She let the loli down gently when Tear arrived.

"Alice bullied me," Natalia said, anime-diving into Tear's breasts. Her mood immediately dropped for reasons Clyde suspected, but didn't want to get into.

The others began to arrive one by one until at last the party was ready. Even Clare joined. The young man was glad that he mediated before they arrived—during the loli's silent weeping period.

[You have assembled a Raid Party for the first time. You have the option to keep track of all HP and MP. ]

"Here," Sahara said then stuffed a bottle of red liquid into his hands. "Drink when you're injured. It will magically recover you. Very valuable stuff. Don't waste it."

[You have received a Medium Health Potion. Potion level: okay. Item class: common.]

Clyde warped it to his inventory, getting an onlook of wide eyes.

"It still seems so unnerving to me when he does that," Alice said.

"Maybe should carry all of our things," Zera said.

"Let's not get carried away," Clyde said. "I only have so much room and I'm not wasting it being your bag boy. Now let's move out. It's all on you, Tear."

She nodded.

"I'm going to warp the entire group to the side exit of the Ashfall mansion. Be on your guards everyone. Nezerath heard the rumor and he's headed back to his estates. Uncle tried to go with him, but a riot broke out to our luck which means." She winked at her cousin. "Alice, you still have support."

Tear held a hand into the air and released the spell. Clyde's stomach lurched when the spell whisked them away.

Ashfall Estates….

Nezerath barked orders to his maids, anger dripping from his tongue. So many things went wrong—so many fucking things. His elite guards vanished, the absence of their bonds meaning death. Yuki included. His project, dead. There was no way some lousy adventurers did this—that Hades bitch was behind it. Maybe a secret team? Her father wouldn't have broken the agreement, not if he wanted good relations between the Ashfall and Hades family. Not if he wanted the Omen's sphere to seal the deal. Nezerath's father was a fool for offering such a priceless artifact, but one step to controlling powerful demon armies, meant a step toward controlling the world.

And now he had to confirm this rumor.

"Hurry up and find her! And you, clean up the latest dead sacks of trash in the room of No Return. Toss a few of the live ones into the incinerator as well. That will show any of you what happens if your fellows fail me."

Nezerath stormed to his interrogation room. The succubus was gone as he ordered, sent to the room of No Return. He'd torture her enough to make her wish she'd never been born. Intrude his estates, will they? Well, he won't idly stand by and let them do whatever they wished. He will not be humiliated.

He couldn't wait to see Alice's screaming face in that room. He'd keep her alive and nourished, then flaunt her off in front of her father. Maybe public torture sex. He chuckled to himself. He was the type of demon that topped them all when it came to dishing out pure pain.

Outside of the Ashfall Estates…

[You are about to enter a Raid. Difficulty: Hard. You've preselected yes, so no takebacks.]

When the light cleared, he examined the area. They were indeed in front of a side door for an enormous grey mansion. The air in this area seemed to be even colder. A group of succubus awaited the party, kneeling. Tear gave them orders.

"Melody's already checked the doors for any traps or wards," Tear said. "When we get inside, her magic will spread from me and begin the search for this mystery room. For now, let's split into groups."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, are you sure," Clyde said. "This isn't Scooby Doo—we all know the downside of splitting the party."

"Scooby what?" Tear shook her head. "We've got to cover more ground. Do you know how long it would take to locate anything in a mansion this huge? You and Alice should go with your friends. Natalia and I will go with the maiden and the magical girls."

"Not exactly what I had in mind for a raiding party, but fuck it, let's go," Clyde said. "Don't kill the maids but knock them out if they attack. Kill any Ashfall demon though—as they sure as shit will be trying to kill you. You know the drill."

"No, I'm going with him," Sahara said then moved into Clyde's group. Tear simply shrugged.

"Move out," Clyde said.

Everyone nodded. Tear sent her succubus agents in first, then everyone followed in deadly silence.

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