The Annals of the Flame Kingdom

Episode Two Hundred Girls Talk

"This way, right? This is Koko. Recently, Abarte Ichi... No, it's not an exaggeration to say Lime Ichi, it's a popular cafe. I'm sorry, but I'm not so confident in my health… well, please note that I feel like a cafe from a cafe"


"If it was meant to be...... well, I guess it's also a pleasure to look around shops dealing with clothes and so on for popular women's items lately...... sorry about this one too, because I am indifferent to clothing. Yeah, I've been mindful of shades and stuff, but it's a good year, so I tend to pick clothes that are relatively dear. Your Excellency will say 'plain', etc., but personally -"

"... stop"

"- He said if I could wear clothes and such, there would be no problem... yes? What's wrong, sir?

That's what Clarissa says. She leaves the door pushed open with her hands and sends her gaze to her own 'dater'. I can't say anything about a date with a 'little' look on his face.

"No... why am I here with you in the first place?

- Dating guy, Clarissa shows a decent face to Erica's words of the same sex, and then puts her finger on her chin as if she often thinks.

"Why, what?

"No, didn't you just say you changed partners with each other?

"Right. Affirmative."

"So why are you and I together?" This isn't Alberto and me, Coata and you!

The right Erica's words in the sense of changing partners. To Erica's words like that, Clarissa shakes her head to the left and right for a little while and keeps her feet in the store.

"Hey, hey!

"Let me explain something about the situation. I'll take it... You're not even talking boulders in stores, are you? What do you think? It's a corner, so even a delicious cup of tea talks about it. What do you mean?

Keeping the door open, Erica nods at Clarissa and moves on. As she lowered her hips to the seats divided by partitions so as to flow, Clarissa, who followed her, sat face to face and offered a menu.

"Please don't hesitate to ask for anything you like, as I will put it out here for you"

"No, I'll give you my share."

"Don't hesitate. Because it falls on entertainment expenses anyway."

"... well, I guess so"

Even if it is a tea party with His Majesty the King. No more entertainment, but Erica opens the menu with a slightly dazed look at this chief aide, who usually relentlessly says nothing like that. Erica passes the order to the waitress as she discovers her favorite brand of tea and skips her mind just a little. Clarissa asks for the same thing and often waves gently at the waitress' slow 'words with a cup and pot of tea on the silver, and Clarissa returns her gaze to Erica.

"Well. Why, was it?

"Don't panic so much. Tea. Shall we make it?


"Fine, don't be so careful. Or do they think you're a princess who can't do that alone?

"No, I wouldn't say so, though. But isn't Your Majesty a shiny princess?

"My concubine child, I am. It's not that shiny."

If you say so and pour tea from your own pot into the cup, pour tea into the other cup and serve it in front of Clarissa. To that trick, which was obviously wolfish - enough to surprise my colleagues in the Lyme Presidency to see it twice - I indulge only a little bit in the rarity, and Erica leans slowly toward a cup of tea.

"... mmm... I knew this brand was delicious. Neither do you, Clarissa?

"… I don't know what it tastes like to have tea served to royalty, not to mention other countries"

"Don't be so afraid."

Erica smiles bitterly and waves to show. Clarissa tilts her cup of tea, as she noticed. I don't know what it tastes like, I don't know what to say. Show it, but still Clarissa also prefers the brand. Close your eyes to that familiar flavor.

"... so? It's why we're alone here right now."

After such a satisfactory look at Clarissa, Erica asks Clarissa in a low heart voice. To that word, Clarissa also pointed her gaze at Erica at the table with a cup of tea.

"As I mentioned earlier, it's a chance at a corner, so let's exchange partners and deepen mutual understanding."

"I know that. Me and you."

"Broadly speaking, there are four reasons. The first, I am biologically a woman and His Majesty is also a woman. Aren't these secrets better for same-sex people? What was it? but...... ru?

"... ayano"


"Nothing. It's nice to finally meet a girl, isn't it? I don't know, I don't know."

To Nodding Clarissa, Erica exhales in a small way to encourage her to continue with only her gaze.

"Secondly, Alberto Barbert, the supreme leader of our nation, is not quite as good at these 'secrets' stories. Regardless, I will read the back and do the abdominal arts to some extent more than I am a politician...... but it is still sweet, so. In addition, Madam President, when you feel better, you tend to make cheap deals."

"... what does that mean?

"In a physical sense, I can't leave such important talks to your Excellency."


Erica, there are no words. To put it bluntly, Mr. Clarissa, it's synonymous with saying, 'He's useless, so I'm putting him out'.

"... you say well to the supreme power of your country, don't you?

"I'm the supreme leader of our nation, but I'm not the supreme power. The supreme power is that the owners of this country are the people at all times. And I'm one of them."

"... you said that too. Damn... this is why Lime is so hard to understand."

"Of the royal system, that would also be true if you tried it from His Majesty the King. Because this is normal in my country."

"Well, I guess so, huh?

"Yes. Oh, I'm not denying kingdom, am I? Instead, we think it's a great institution institutionally."

"... heh"

Erica turns her gaze to Clarissa just a little surprised. under that gaze, and still plainly Clarissa tilted her cup of tea.

"I studied in college at the Royal University of Larchia in Larchia. It was four years short, but it was still a meaningful time."

"... I was from the University of Larchia, you"

"That's right. That university is...... whatever you say yourself, because if you're good, the easier it is to say you're from another country, the easier it opens the door. If you are willing to learn and have the strength to just pass the entrance exam. Sire, do you know where the operating costs of the Royal University are coming from?

"State spending, right?

"That's right. State spending is, in other words, the property of the state. Because we can't do it without a kingdom that sells off the country's property and still lets people from other countries learn."

"... Really?

"Undoubtedly in my country, there will be dissatisfaction. Because the owners are the people. With the presence of the owner, the king of nostalgia, we were able to learn at the University of Larchia. In that sense, my predecessors - excuse me, I can only thank His Majesty the King of my predecessors, His Majesty Georg."

"... that's not what your father decided to do, is it? For a long time, the University of Larchia has been offering young people from all over the Orkena a place to learn."

"Right. But it was His Majesty, Georg, who asked us to continue that system. I didn't mind quitting on the spot."

"... right. That might be true. Maybe it's better than thanking my ancestors hundreds of years ago."

That's what I'm talking about.

That said, Clarissa has another sip of tea. Staring at the appearance, Erica opened her mouth with a nasty ear.

"... what do you think? If you feel grateful for it, would you let us... get to Flame" Empire "?

"I intend to."

"Oh, right? As soon as the boulders..."

Take a breath.

"- What... Huh?

"Regardless, it depends on your thoughts. However, I am not so much the Flame Kingdom in the first place as I am somewhat dissatisfied with the current inauguration of His Royal Highness Regent Chris as Regent and his subsequent governance."

"... what about me? For once, Your Majesty the King?

"I can tell you in front of you… I have no responsibility whatsoever to His Majesty the Puppet King. I also know too well why I have to be a puppet to think about the process."

"... that was good, should I say?

"What do you think? Good things with puppets... well, not so much."

"... right. But why?

"Why, what?

"As it stands, there's no harm in His Highness taking it to Lyme, is there? Well, isn't there anything you hate so much?


"... Clarissa?

"... it's a completely personal matter, but as I said earlier, I learned it at the University of Larchia. It was a short time of four years, but the city of Larchia welcomed me warmly, even with a margin like mine. My first self-catering, I didn't even know what to buy or what to make, and you taught me how to make it, and it was your husband who ran 800 houses on East Street."


"The butchers, the fishmongers, they were all kind and loving people. Because there are a lot of people from other countries to and from… or from the existence of the University of Larchia, because Larchia was, in a good way, a 'eagle fried' city. We even think of it as a second home."

"... you don't have to. Thank you, Clarissa. You like Larchia."

"No, it's not to be thanked. Anyway, I liked a city called Larchia. No, not just me. Many of the humans I've learned at the University of Larchia like a city called Larchia. At least, many of the people who work in the government within the Lyme City National Alliance feel a lot smaller and angrier when it comes to this East Street fire. 'Cause that would be, wouldn't it? I was burned by fire to admire my second hometown and my favorite city. There's no way anyone likes an executor like that."


"... excuse me, I'm just a little hot. But in the sense that I said it already has a huge downside for His Highness Chris. If you have the same pros and cons, you will be on the side of the Flame Empire."

"... I see. That's what I'm saying."

"So is there really an equal degree of pros and cons? We need to identify this. We will not unconditionally attach ourselves to the Flame Empire until we destroy the nation on the boulder."

"... right"

"I'll change the story, in view of Terra's development, many of the measures would be the feat of The Demon King, wouldn't they?

"I won't deny it."

"If so, it is likely that the Demon King's Palace will be reused at least at the stronghold of the future operation of the Empire. Because you need to read the person's thoughts, the person's feelings, and the reliability of the person. I'm not good at difficult political entanglements, but I'm good at what I say, my lord."

"I mean... can you interpret me and you as being alone with Alberto and Coata? We interpret it as" leftovers. "

"... right. I'm not so wrong in that interpretation. If you go, Your Majesty and I will be the" leftovers. "

"I'll tell you what, you too. Isn't it terrible to have His Majesty the King on a boulder?

"Excuse me. But, Your Majesty, it's a word spoken on your own, isn't it? Besides... I don't think you're this light-hearted and angry."

In the dark, Clarissa tells me that she can't get along with someone this light and angry. It is a rude line against the royal family and His Majesty the King, but it is weaker to ask for negotiations at any time.

"... ok. Taken together, emotionally, the Lyme City National Alliance is... in favor of an alliance with the Empire. After that, how much benefit can Coata offer Alberto?


"Well, let's take our time and have some tea until it's over."

"That interpretation is quite a heel"

"Copy that. I'll leave you to Coata."

Say it, Erica holds her mouth. Erica twisted her neck to think about something and noticed what she was hooked on, opening her mouth with her neck tilted.

"... Hey, Clarissa?


"You said 'four' for a reason, didn't you? There are only three reasons so far. The last one, what?

Erica, I'll show you that with my face. To Erica like that, Clarissa opens her mouth just a little awkward.

"... this is nothing to flatter or flatter."


"Her Majesty Erica is a beautiful lady. Clear white skin, radiant golden hair and noticeable nose are very beautiful."

"Er... to? Oh, the... oh, thank you...?

I don't know why I'm suddenly being praised. Clarissa dyed her face bright red, shy of Erica twisting her neck like that.

"... Al with someone like that, I can't believe you two are dating... I don't like it,"

"…………… a maiden"

Erica sipped a cup of tea after dying her face bright red and kind of dusting Clarissa to say that.

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