The Annals of the Flame Kingdom

Lesson 218: It's the Battle of 'Her Majesty'

Two days north of Viscount Notesfield by highway carriage, Duke Logan territory. The Duke of Logan is the brother of Erica and Liz's grandfather, the old man who has already exceeded seventy. Even though there is no secular power, say that it is a noble bloodline that leads the royal family and has already descended to the throne. Nevertheless, since Erica's reign in the throne, Duke Logan, who did not even donate people, was no longer trying to bring people closer in circles.

"... thank you for your time."

"No, I don't mind. Short old bones, anyway. There's plenty of free time."

The Duke of Logan, who says so and laughs. It's a noble blood muscle, but you can call it down - showing a nostalgic grin to Viscount Randolph of Notesfilt.

"... I'm afraid, my lord. I didn't expect you to respond to my interview."

"Are you kidding? Yes, it is. I didn't expect to see you, Randolph. You've been doing a lot of stuff at your place, haven't you? Then I just thought I'd listen and put it down."


"I don't care what you do. It's good for the loathsome Westerners, isn't it?

"Then my lord, will your lord stand?

"I don't like it."

That said Logan turns his gaze to Randolph looking funny.

"Nong came through" People Hate "to avoid meeting with the idiots who are trying to take charge of Nong. What do you like? You have to take the throne."

"Not interested in the throne," he said?

"Of course not. Isn't Noon single in the first place? This Duke of Logan will not end in the first generation."

"Is that... to avoid a successor dispute, is it?

"Georg is the only child I've ever had. Originally, it was necessary to leave blood behind as a spare... but still, shall we cut off the English?

"Try it now"

Suppose the Duke of Logan has a child. Liz's location is unknown, and Erica comes out with the status quo of being the usurper, and what's wrong with the forces that move Duke Logan's son around the throne? Whatever, because at the moment, he's the son of the first heir to the throne.

"Then well, after that, you should keep your mouth shut. Erica says a lot... but she's not my brother's grandson either. Then you're like a grandson even if you take it to Non. Non has no children."

As a usurper, Erica, as it stands, can be looked at surprised by the nobility of the entire kingdom of Flame. As Erica's body...... and the current situation of Erica is not pitiful if you try to make Erica and Liz's best acquaintance Logan.

"Because Master Liz and Erica were close. Well, humans change when they grow up... I don't think that Erica would harm Master Liz. I was wondering if you were familiar with it."

Logan sighs when he says that just a little bit lonely. To that appearance, Randolph nodded small and showed.

"That's very wise of you."

"What is a wise-eyed thing? Erica's maid is your sister, isn't she? If you do, you'll have more information than anywhere else."

"Really... no, I guess so"

"Do you understand the misdemeanor between your father and your daughter? Still, you, my brother, and Becker's son-in-law were close to your sister, right? Then I was wondering if you could give me an explanation of what the hell is going on."

Logan pointing a pleasant gaze. Don't make him feel old, Randolph looks up at his shoulder without thinking of his gaze as if he were a boy.

"… Now let me explain. I'll take it...... Actually, you know more about this matter than I do. May I call that person?

"... a human being more familiar than Randolph, then?

"Yes, I assure you there is no danger"

"... Hmm. I'm not worried about danger... but I am. Well, let me get that thing."

Pleasant Logan. One nod at him like that, Randolph stands and walks to the door.

"... Thank you for waiting"

"No. Thank you, Randolph"

That's the woman who came in the room - you could call her a girl, and Logan's mouth was empty for such a woman's appearance.

"Ah... eh...?

"... hehe. What is it, Duke Logan? Or... like old times, should I call you 'Grandpa Logan'?

The woman who came in - Logan's eyes moisten unknowingly at that figure of Elizabeth Orenfeld Flame, the former Queen of the Kingdom of Flame.

"... well done, Your Majesty..."

"Hehe. Duke Logan? Don't you know? I am no longer Her Majesty the Queen. Your sister is the queen now, isn't she?


"No matter what, there's no reason to rob me. Duke Logan...... you know Grandpa too, right? Me and your sister, we're close."

"Yep...... Yep!

Liz's safety is unknown, and Erica is the usurper. I was more than happy to take it to Logan, who thought neither could have changed, but still thought it might have changed somewhere, and Liz's survival and unchanging love for Erica. Not as the concept of royalty, but as the affection of flesh parents.

"... that was tough, Your Majesty... no, Master Liz"

"I wasn't either. Regardless, I felt lonely that Lotte had gone far... but I still had someone to support me."


"... Your sister stayed alone in the royal castle and worked day and night in government as Queen Flame. When I get muddy on my own, I'm alone in that royal castle with the 'enemies'."

Liz grips her fist tightly. My nails ate into the palm of my hand and a glimmer of red ran on Liz's white hand.

"... Dear Liz"

"... excuse me, Duke Logan. Just a little bit, I got emotional."

That's what I said, I pelo out my tongue, and with my right hand, I tap my cock and my own head to show you, Liz. To such a funny appearance, Logan's cheek also loosened just a little.

"... without much to think of."

"Yeah. I'm not going to give up my thoughts, but you can't even think too much. But, Duke Logan? I'm perfectly sorry, Your Majesty, that I'm just a muddy, protective former queen."


"So I want to fight. I can't believe your sister, Emily, Matsuyo, Scion, Aria, Ayano, and Sonia are fighting their own battles in their respective places, just being protected."

Take a breath.

"- I'm so sorry. What?"


Exactly what it looks like is impeccable to say Her Majesty the Queen.

"... come on! Ha-ha-ha!

"The Duke of Logan? Why are you laughing?

"No, excuse me... Kukukukuku... I thought Master Liz was a little more dear... right. You're Angelica's daughter."

"... it kind of leaves me somewhat dissatisfied when they say 'that' or something... well, that's right. I'm Angelica, your mother's daughter."

"You look just like a loser, Master Liz."

"Is that a compliment?

"Whatever. You don't seem to be losing and being hella, there's no growth."

Again, laugh funny.

"- Above all, there must not be an authentic successor to the Flame royal family, who was the champion of this continent of Orkena, who continues to worship the post-dust on the Western-style. Good, Master Liz. If this is what Logan Orenfeld Flame can do - no, let me try anything you can't do!

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