The Annals of the Flame Kingdom

Episode 221: The Necessity of an Intimidation System and a Good Wife, Sage Mother

"... Assault..."

To Ayano's words, Erica twists her neck small. To Erica like that, Ayano smiled and showed her.

"So. assault. I'm not going to say anything genetically, am I? I thought humans were unsuitable."

"... Specifically?

"Well... I think it's the best example of Theon and Aria, for example, Holla, both your father and mother are professors at Larchia University, right?


"Yeah, yeah."

I don't understand what they're saying right now. With that in mind, Theon makes an interesting appearance, and Aria nods in confusion.

"Assuming? If Scion or Aria's father and mother were florists or fishmongers, did Scion and Aria both aspire to the University of Larchia? Fellows from the Academy ahead, either."

"... that would be difficult. The University of Larchia accepts students without the concept of noble civilians, noble bitches or the state. It's a special college in a way, but for that matter, entrance exams are hard to special"

"Right? I've seen it in Terra and in the Kingdom of Larchia, but basically, teenage kids are a fine fighting force, of the family business. It's quite unusual to have an environment where you can concentrate on your studies."

Often, there are stories of athletes II, politicians II, or highly educated children of both parents going their own way to higher education. His or her qualities will also matter, but there is no doubt that there is a 'home environment' in the part of him or her that occupies a large weight.

"On the contrary? Theon and Aria, be king now! Can they say that?

"It's possible if I could just let you go broke?

"Mm, I can't! What a sudden king!

What you're saying is the opposite, but what you mean is together. When I look at it and nod one, I turn my gaze sequentially with Erica, Sonia.

"What about Erica and Sonia? Can you?"

"... well, it's" Her Majesty the Queen "in active duty for once."

"Neither do I… what I want, but I'll do everything I can if I can."

"Right? This is called education... there are places like" imperialism, "but you think it's ultimately a matter of consciousness. One day, are you saying that you are prepared as taking over the 'catachism' as the supreme power of the state? Of course Liz has this, right?

"... right"

"It's a little special in Emily's case... but well, if Emily has the ability herself, Maid... or is it close to a family order? You think you can take over the family order for the next generation, don't you? What do you say?"

"... right. If I and Kota's child are able to serve Erica's son, I think it would be... very good."

I just dye my cheeks a little and say that, Emily. In that appearance, Ayano took over the words in the face of 'Uehe'.

"Don't light it, Emily. 'Cause I can light this one up."

"And, lights, etc!

"Well no. Anyway... Well, maybe it's a bad way to say it, but I think it's just right for Emily's house to say 'Viscount'. Because when this becomes the Count or the Marquis class, I'm in trouble for being overpowered."

When "The Best Heavy Minister in the Home" becomes a homeowner, it will be the source of the home commotion, but if it is precisely "Intermediate Samurai of the Horse Row", there is less danger of overthrowing your home, etc.? Whether there are exceptions or not, we are talking about comparative theory.

"Erica would be nice, wouldn't she? Emily will always be there for you."

"Well... I'm sorry for Emily, but thank you. I also think it's a good story that the child between Coata and me will be accompanied by Emily's child"

"Right? So... well, yeah. As for the 'shape' of the state, the Flame royal family is inherited by the descendants of Erica and Emili. The Dean of the Academy, plus the Vice Dean, will be succeeded by the descendants of Theon or Aria. Does Emily's descendant feel like a royal decree?

"What will Ayano do?

"My descendants... I think the best thing is the prime minister position, Like Mr. Lotte, I can't bury you, but I'm pretty sure you can turn it around without difficulty, right? But well, this is about 'me', because I can't take responsibility until my 'offspring'... the status quo, the guerrilla position or whatever?

"The guerrilla position... do it anywhere," he said?

"Ma, like that. You can have 'play' in the system, right?

"... as far as I'm concerned, I think Mr. Ayano's prime minister position is good."


"Lotte Baumgarden is just unusual, and what is inherently the prime minister position in the Kingdom of Flame is the 'face role' during a compromise with another country. It's" The Virgin of Larchia, "and your father's memory is eye-catching...... after this civil unrest, shouldn't Mr. Ayano, the undoubted Medal, take office? In a capability sense, of course, in a 'facial role' way."

"What about my offspring?

"If you have the ability, you can also do your practice. If not, facial roles will suffice. The National Alliance of Lime Cities will have a certain respect for Ayano."


"You are a useful actor in the end of the war, Mr. Ayano. Doesn't that make my handling more subtle?

That's what I say and lean my neck Sonia. In the words, Ayano nods and shows one.

"Sonia's descendants will be King Fandelfend. Thinking about blood muscles, I think it's going to stick there.

"King Fandelfend, is it?

What did I just tell you? After all, you're all going to be brothers and sisters through Hota?


"Siblings don't make much of a difference."

"So to say, isn't there already a difference between Emily's child and Erica's?

"Sonia's royal, isn't she? I can't even connect without a certain degree of status. Besides, I think this is also quite effective"

"Effective, is it?

"That. It's bad for Sonia, but I, Carlos I, still think she's a raccoon father, don't you? As scariest as I think the Kingdom of Solvania is at present."

"... well, I won't deny it"

"So I'm sure 'interference' is expected to some extent. But what if Sonia's kid was King Fandelfend and Erica's kid was Emperor Flame... and those two were brothers and sisters? That's friendly too...... what if it's a good 'family'? I might be able to prevent Sonia from intervening through her children. More importantly, Sonia's children are those of Emperor Flame, but at the same time, you're Carlos I's grandson, right? A child who also draws the blood of the Solvanian royal family. If I put it that way, isn't that a threat? A man who draws the blood of the Solvanian royal family is the king of another country, plus Emperor Flame's" family "? Maybe you can get your hands on it badly and hesitate to get in trouble for being claimed Solvania's right to inherit the throne?

"... isn't that if it all goes well? Blood feuds don't even have to look at history.

"Right. So what?"

So Ayano looked around again.

"- We should study." Stand up "as the children adore Kota as their respected 'father'!! Specifically, go for 'Good Wife Sage Mother', all of us!!

I'm starting to talk weird.

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