The Annals of the Flame Kingdom

Lesson 224: Peaceful Daily Living

Returning to Rondo de Terra, the home of Notzfeldt Territory, Kota did not work at full rotation, but lived peaceful days that were too long. Well, I'd like you to take a look. Erica, the Terra lord, herself is making a black history called "autobiography creation". The Terra leadership is mostly closed. Except for Aria, who was in charge of the brain. Theon? She's in charge of the gag.

”Hey, Kota... I'm free ~”

"... well, I've been busy." I've never been able to come to Tera and spend so much time relaxing here... isn't that nice? "

Responding to Erica's query, Kota had it - she swung the fishing rod she had received in the Northeast Territory and dropped it into the sea. Without being a little clogged up by Kota's appearance, there was still something on Erika's head that was still staring dazzlingly.

"...... Ayano?"

"I don't even need to ask... how about the catch?" Look at that bucket. "

Ayano peeked into the bucket with a bitter smile as she placed a large bathtub on Erika's head. Kota returned a bitter smile to Aino.

"I knew it, kid." You don't seem to have any fishing talent, do you? "

"I see. Well, I don't think Kota's personality is suitable for this kind of [fishing]."

Really? I'm pretty indoors, aren't I?

Is fishing indoors?

"Isn't it indoor in the outdoors? Agano, can you imagine? I'm playing football or something every week."

"...... I'm sure. Then it would be more like a young man hanging a fishing line like this."

Saying that, Ayano laughed, and when he lowered his hips next to Kota on the left, he opened the bathing area and showed him. What was inside was a white rice triangle onigiri. It comes with seaweed, by the way.

"I'm going to make this dinner a fish that Hiota caught, right?" I'm looking forward to it. I made rice balls instead of sympathizing with them. I've been fishing since morning, and I wonder if I'm hungry. It's just lunch, and how about Erica? "

Erica didn't reply.

"--Oh! I-It's... I-It's not!!"

Because I heard a cute sound from Erica's stomach called "Curruru". Kota smiled gently at Erica, whose face turned bright red and she waved her hand in front of her.

It's okay.

"Oh, no!! Is this--- Kota?"

"It's a physiological phenomenon, isn't it? It can't be helped, Erica-san."

"... yeah. Somehow, I don't understand it very well, or maybe it's a little ridiculous... somehow, I feel that way, but, well, yeah."

Erica, who seemed dissatisfied, still had a slightly relaxed face, Kota continued.

"Besides... it sounded adorable." ”Kyururuuuuuuuuuu”

"OH!! stupid!! Kota 'S stupid!! Hm, normally you tell a girl that? It was embarrassing!!"

"I'm sorry about that."

Rudely, Erica slapped Poka Poka and Kota in indignation as she lowered her head.

"I hate it! I hate Kota! I hate Daikirai!"

"Oh? What do you care about me?"


"It's a shame..." Erica says, "I'm a daikon." What do you think, Aino? "

"Isn't that right? Personally, I'm starting to feel like I'm losing one of my rivals." Is it okay for Erica to drop out of Kota's battle? "

"Oh, you didn't say that!!" I-I don't hate Kota! "

Erica's face turned bright red and turned pale, and her hands fell apart in a different way than before. Kota smiled gently at Erica.

- Then, do you like it?

"--Oh!! Kota's idiot!" "... it's up to you!"

With a bright red face, Erica's cheeks were also loosened. With that loose cheek, I opened my mouth to add another word.

"... what are you guys doing?" Do it somewhere else, somewhere else. "

While blowing out a cigarette in a daze, Theon revealed himself behind his back. As usual, the white dress seemed troublesome - no, Aino leaned her neck at Zion with an unpleasant expression on her face.

"Huh? What happened, Theon?" I'll help Lady Emily cook! Didn't you say? "Don't worry! Even if you look like this, you can now eat with your daily special training!" Didn't you say that? "

For a moment, Aino was stuck with the words "Ugh" while scratching his neck. After wandering your gaze up, down, right, and left, it seems difficult to say.

"... have been kicked out"

"... what about you?"

"That's why they kicked me out!!" To Lady Emily and Princess Sonia!! I'm in the way, so get out of the way! "They kicked me out!!"

Zion's eyes were slightly tearful. With such sympathy for Zion, Erica asked strangely.

"That's why I told you... it's still too early for us to see that realm." You're Sonia, so you're allowed to do that? Somewhat unsuccessful, though. "

"Well, Sonia-chan is growing up." It might be a good idea to memorize the dishes in time. But Theon? Wasn't he confident? I'm just as good at cooking as I am at breakfast! I feel like I'm saying '. "


"... what?"

"Um... what? I'm nervous in many ways... I can cook decent food for myself." But that.... "

Saying that, he glanced at Kota a little bit.

”... I thought Kota would eat it... and I thought I couldn't fail”

"... or a maiden?"

Erika and Ayano's faces turned vermilion-colored on their cheeks, making them look like Tibetan snapped foxes. After catching their breath, they turned their gaze toward Kota.

"I-I 'm doing my best, too!" I-It's... I can't get nervous right now, can I? Yes, at some point, Kota said, "It's delicious, Sion-san! 'I'll make you a dish like that!!"

Sitting behind Kota, I picked the edge of my clothes and put my eyes on them like that. Shame, remorse, or both moisten her eyes.

"-Yes, I'm looking forward to it, Mr. Theon."

"Ugh!! Kota!!"

Kota said with a gentle smile, and Theon's eyes glowed gently. Kota Naomi kept smiling at Zion like that.

”... you told me to do it somewhere else, didn't you?”

Erica's sober gossip comes in. "Oh, no! Mine is different!! 'And Zion, waving his hands, looked at Kota with his dazzling eyes, and Ayano turned her gaze to Kota.

"I mean... you've changed too much, haven't you, Hiota?"

Kota smiled bitterly at Aino's words. A bitter smile, that smile is not only never bitter, but it is also a unique one that includes a sense of surrender and a little bit of happiness.

It can't be helped, can it?

Having said that, Kota skipped the line of sight with Erika and Theon and turned to Aino.

"--If everyone is going to be my wife... I'll have to change the way I treat them"

― ― The story goes back two days.

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