The Annals of the Flame Kingdom

Lesson 236: Sion-san!!

"... haa"

Akishi painted a picture of Akishi-that's why Aino sighed in amazement at Zion, who was driving normally.

What? This time it's Theon's turn?

Well, that's right. Next time, it's my turn, okay? Tori is Ayano, you're in charge. "

"... well, it's just the beginning, me"

Go ahead and nod to the eagle with your palm up. As usual, Zion's attitude toward Akishi is unassuming.

"Kota. I really... I... I... I... I... I... love you."

Attitudes, not attitudes. His face was dyed bright red, and even though he was moistening his eyes, Zion stared at Kotah carefreely, Kotah suddenly took a breath.

Ah, Mr. Theon?

"Hah, hahaha... what?" Just a little, uh... shiny. "

Still, Zion opened his mouth without turning away from Koda.

"... I know. I don't think it would suit my personality." Still... this is what I really mean. "


"...... Kota, I like you." If you want to cry, I want to cry for you. If you're sad, I'd like to encourage you. If you're having fun... I want to laugh with you "

"...... Mr. Theon"

"I want to stay with you for as long as I can."

I love it.

"... you didn't say you were in love with the world?"

"Hahaha. That's right. I used to think I was in love with the world. I thought you loved the world, but...."

If you know this emotion,

"That kind of thing is a mischief." This feeling, this feeling must be "love". If... if this feeling isn't a stingy thing "

I'm sure you won't fall in love with this world.

"That's all... I like you, I like you, I don't accumulate"

With moistened eyes, I was gripping Kota's sleeve.

"--So... please put me on your side?"

Such a pleading, sinister expression on the everlasting Theon Baumgarden. Kota took a breath in his expression.

"-Aria, who is that?" I don't know Theon Baumgarden, do I? "

"Master Liz, I don't know either." Who the hell is that? Is it onee-sama's imposter? "

"That's right, it must be Theon's impostor."

"Nevertheless, you're a poor imposter." If you were to look like me, you'd have to look like me a little more ingeniously, wouldn't you say, "Oh, I like you... I like you"? "

"Really. And I'll wet my eyes with that carelessness... where did Sion Baumgarden go when she was called the Ice Princess of Baumgarden?" Theon Baumgarden was described as cool and beautiful. "

“Really. It's about how cool it is.”

"Yeah, I'm a bad imposter."

"... you guys"

Theon's face was dyed bright red in a completely different way than the emotion he felt earlier. At the end of his gaze, he secretly talked with Zion, pointing to his beloved disciple and his beloved sister. To put it simply, it's a little awful.

"Hey, hey, Liz! And Aria!! There are good and bad things to say about how much Theon it is!! Excuse me!!"

Erica broke in as she panicked at the gaze of the two and the confidential conversation. I thought that Zion was pathetic for the flowing rocks, so to speak, because of Erica's kindness... but there are a lot of terrible things that make her true sincerity appear subtly around [How much Zion is].

"But, onee-sama?" Don't you think so, onee-sama? Who is it? !! It's Theon, isn't it? I am the only one in the heavens who respects my independence, and even I, who was the Queen Majesty, did not "flirt" with that sion! "

"Oh, that's right, Erika-sama!! It's onee-sama, isn't it? That onee-sama who wants to do whatever she wants, looks like a maiden like that. In a nutshell, don't you think your brain will rot!?"

"... you guys... especially Aria." It's not like you can say it because you're a real sister. It's polite to be close, isn't it? "

That said, Erica gently greeted Aria. Liz looks at Erica with suspicion.

"I guess... you know your sister, right?" Theon's [that] personality "

"That's... well"

"Isn't that a normal attitude?" I'm telling you, onee-sama? [Um], I'd like to introduce you to an ophthalmologist, if that's what Zion looks like. "

"... that's fine. My eyes are good." Besides, Lizzie's right... well, I can't even see that Theon is my usual Theon. "

Well then!

I controlled Liz with my hand.

"... lately, it happens sometimes." That "Maiden Mode" Theon "



"... so, well... I'm familiar with it." Honestly, I don't have the feeling that I can't stand looking at it... but if I get used to it, I'll be able to put up with it. "

"...... Is that what you have to see until you put up with it, Theon?"

"No, I don't think so... but it's Theon's turn now, right?" Well, let's put up with it a little bit. Somehow, Zion seems to like Kota... a little bit, right? "

"... well, I'm not against Theon being happy myself."

"... yes, me too. If onee-sama's going to be happy... that makes me happy, too."

"... yes, good boys. Now then, let's not disturb you."

Liz and Aria lightly patted their heads, and Erica turned a good smile to Zion.

"--Okay, Theon! You can continue!!"

Can you do it!!

Erica thumbs up, and a thump of Zion enters her body.

Ah, huh?

"Do you think you can do it!?" That means Liz-sama and Aria are just too bad!? What the hell, everybody do it!! Hmph!! Kota!! I'm teasing you!! Everyone's teasing you!! "

"Ahh... okay, okay."

To Theon, who was moisturizing his eyes as he stuck to Kotah's arm... well, he deserved it, but Kotah, who was a bit pathetic, stroked his head.

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