The Anti-Fraud Bureau Asked Me To Shoot A Promotional Video, And I Shot All Or Nothing

Chapter 101 The Bodyguards In Ye Ying’S Family Are As Good As Mountains. How Dare Qin Feng Take Care

On the stage, the host was looking at him with a smile.

Qin Feng walked onto the stage. The host looked at his expression and spoke with a smile.

"It seems that Director Qin doesn't know that he has become this year's charity ambassador. Director Qin, although you don't know the people in the video just now, they all live a comfortable life because of your help. "

As soon as the host said this, the barrage was full of curses on him.

"Rescue? Rescue with mouth? How can we not know whether Qin Feng donated money or not?"

"Whoever does charity in the entertainment industry doesn't let people know about it. I don't believe Qin Feng has made any charity donations before, not even ghosts."

Everyone expressed their disbelief that Qin Feng would donate.

On the stage, Qin Feng suddenly remembered the money he had donated when he received his share of "Desperate".

He also donated a lot of money to other movies later, but he always entrusted Zhou Ping and others to donate secretly, and never thought of using these things as a bargaining chip to become famous.

What's more, for him, he really doesn't think that this money can fundamentally change all the poor mountainous areas and people living in poverty.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng was a little embarrassed and his face turned red.

The great director who had won so many awards at the film festival was a little stuttered when he spoke.

"I'm just doing my best."

The host looked at Qin Feng with a smile, then turned to explain to the audience in front of the screen.

"Director Qin has actually been doing charity work. I have actually seen what happened online recently. Several people in charge of the charity organization discussed it before deciding to advance our charity conference."

"Now I would like to invite Director Zhang from the Anti-Fraud Bureau of the Imperial City to come to the stage to speak."

The lights shifted to Zhang Ju, who was sitting in the first row of the audience. Zhang Ju walked onto the stage with a smile.

In the past two days, I have been hurriedly editing videos and contacting charities, and finally caught up.

"Hello everyone, my name is Zhang Ruitao."

Director Zhang usually seems a bit old-fashioned and approachable, but now in front of everyone, he looks very much like a big leader.

He sat on the seat assigned to him, and the table cards were placed.

"In response to the things that have happened online recently, I have a few things to say.

The first one is about donating money. After the release of our anti-fraud promotional video, Qin Feng immediately said that he wanted to donate money after the box office share was shared. He has been doing it for so long, always in the name of our imperial capital’s anti-fraud bureau. .

But we all know that Xiao Qin is a child with a righteous heart and a child worthy of admiration and love.

The second thing is about his housing. I read that everyone thinks that he did not donate money and even changed to a better house. They think Xiao Qin is rich and unkind. However, this house was originally rented to him by an investor. I still live in that small shabby house in the village in the city.

Not talking about others, just talking about everyone here, who still lives in such a shabby house? Even if Xiao Qin doesn't want to enjoy himself, he will be scolded by others. There are too many things that people do nowadays!

I think I should contact the Internet Information Office as soon as possible to strictly control and investigate! "

The little old man became more and more angry as he spoke, and his eyebrows stood up at the end.

The host listened on the side and continued to explain for Zhang Ju.

"In addition to those, we learned that the car driven by Director Qin was also given away by investors who misappropriated the box office, and there is a recent rumor on the Internet that 'Director Qin takes a beautiful woman out late at night'. Ms. Ye Yingye in the photo is from Ye's Security Company daughter."

Everyone was shocked when they heard Ye Ying's identity.

Maybe people in the Imperial Capital don't know much about this security company, but people who live in the Imperial Capital know it very well.

The messages on the barrage are all maxed out.

"Shall I go, Ye's security? I'm sorry I overestimated Qin Feng."

"Qin Feng, you kid is so strict!"

"No, can anyone tell me that Imperial City's Ye's Security Company is awesome?"

"Let's put it this way, almost all the security guards in the Imperial Capital are owned by their family, and their business is not limited to the Imperial Capital now, but also exists in other places."

"And I heard that his family eats both black and white. I don't know if that's true."

"Damn it, Qin Feng can't afford to support Ye Ying even if he makes eight hundred years of movies, right? Ye Ying has such a high status?"

"That's it! So Ye Ying can sit as Qin Feng's co-pilot because Qin Feng's ancestors burn high incense."

She never expected that Ye Ying's identity would become the most powerful weapon to clear Qin Feng's name.

Say Qin Feng supports female celebrities and has unspoken rules in the workplace?

It is possible for others to do this, but can Ye Ying be unwritten?

I’m afraid you’ve never seen their homes with security guards that look like hills. Do you think they are all vegetarians?

However, some people keenly caught the fact that Qin Feng really did charity.

"Am I the only one surprised? Qin Feng actually did charity work and donated so much money."

"The most important thing is that the donation has helped so many people, but no one knows about it for so long, right? Qin Feng really wants to keep a low profile."

"Now I suddenly feel that it's so funny that a bunch of people promote it when they do something for charity. I don't know if they really want to help others or just for show."

"Qin Feng is serious, I cried to death."

"I am really using my life to practice my noble personality. I suddenly feel that I deserve to die. I had doubted him before."

In addition to those who believed that Qin Feng really donated money, there were also those who expressed doubts about him.

"He just made a donation just by saying it in vain? Does he have proof? Just believe what others say. It's so funny."

"I always feel that he has a deep background, the donation may be fake, and everyone is helping him with public relations."

"They are all idiots upstairs. What is the anti-fraud bureau planning? What kind of background can make the leader of the anti-fraud bureau personally come to help refute the rumors? If you don't really appreciate Qin Feng, no one can do this."

"Same as above, I don't know what people's heads are made of nowadays."

Everyone was chatting with each other on the barrage. Qin Feng sat aside blankly, feeling a little moved.

He knew that Zhou Ping and Zhang Ju were just trying to help him this time. Otherwise, public welfare had nothing to do with them, and there was no need to come over and explain so much.

He must have held this press conference specially after seeing how badly he had been scolded recently.

Just as he was thinking about it, Director Zhang spoke again.

"In addition to the above video, we actually prepared a small surprise for Director Qin Feng at the request of the children."

"The children who were rescued by Director Qin prepared a talent show and wanted to thank their Uncle Qin Feng."

When everyone was still confused, the stage went dark and then lit up again, revealing a group of children wearing stage makeup and brightly dressed clothes.

They ran gracefully to the stage, stood where they were during the rehearsal, and started singing.

"Listen to me and thank you. Because of you, the four seasons are warm..."

Although the music was funny, Qin Feng was still a little moved when he looked at these little guys.

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