So Qin Feng found the actor for Fatty in two days.

The actor he found was called Cheng Tianhao. He was a fat actor who looked quite festive. He was not very popular in the entertainment industry and had always appeared in guest roles in various TV series.

But Qin Feng saw that his acting skills had always been good, but he just missed a chance, so he still thought they could have a chat.

The role of the little brother was very difficult to find in the previous life. Basically, anyone who plays the role would be dissatisfied, so Qin Feng must be cautious in his decision.

He searched various places on the Internet for three days in a row, but could not find a very suitable actor.

His eyes couldn't help but start to turn to the people around him.

Wu Xie in "Qixing Lu Palace" is still a young man who is inexperienced in the world. Qin Feng thought about it for a long time and finally settled on two actors. One is Zeng Xi, a niche actor who has filmed many TV series but has always been tepid, and the other is It's my old friend Ju Yilong.

He searched specifically and found that Zeng Xi was only in his mid-twenties and had only started filming for two years. He was young and had little experience. He was very suitable to play the role of Wu Xie in "Royal Palace of Lu".

In comparison, Ju Yilong is now in his twenties and has been acting in the entertainment industry for several years. He is a little more mature, but his acting skills are better than the former.

After weighing the two sides, Qin Feng decided to ask Zeng Xi first.

After all, Ju Yilong just finished filming his last movie. When chatting two days ago, he said that he has no shooting tasks recently and his time is still relatively flexible.

After searching for the entertainment company where Zeng Xi worked, Qin Feng made a call directly.

"Hi, hello, I'm Qin Feng. I'd like to find Zeng Xi, an actor from your company."

He called directly to the company's internal control department, and the customer service representative's face was filled with black lines when he heard Qin Feng's words.

Are today’s swindlers and illegitimate people so careless?

You don’t really think that they would believe that any phone call is from a big director, do you?

Besides, Zeng Xi is not a very famous actor. How could a director as popular as Qin Feng come to him just by calling him.

Speechless, the customer service sneered twice.

"Wrong number, this is KFC!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

When the customer service guy on the side saw him suddenly saying this, he laughed and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I met a lunatic here who said that his director Qin Feng wanted to meet Zeng Xi. Nowadays, the deceptive tricks used by illegitimate fans are really ever-changing."

"Pfft hahahaha, this is too ridiculous, no one will believe it, right? It's like losing your mind."

Qin Feng, who was hung up on, was stunned for a moment, then looked at the phone number given by Xu Zheng in his hand, wondering if he had dialed the wrong number.

After double-checking and finding out that it was correct, he thought for a while and made the call again.

This time it was another customer service person who answered the call. After the call was connected, Qin Feng was still in a good mood.

"Hello, I am really director Qin Feng. I am currently preparing a new movie and want to contact Zeng Xi for filming. Can you give me his contact information?"

As soon as the customer service heard this, he knew that he had encountered the illegitimate meal that his colleague had just mentioned, and he was speechless and a little angry.

"You don't have any shame in the illegitimate relationship now, do you? I've hung up on you and you still call me? If I call you again, I'll block you directly."

After saying that, the phone hung up again.

Only then did Qin Feng wonder. It turned out that they had misunderstood that he was a bastard.

Generally, the mobile phone numbers of major directors will be specially marked, so this situation will not happen, but what is special about Qin Feng is that he directly changed his mobile phone number before.

No one knew the new mobile phone number. The entertainment company had previously released a message saying it was willing to spend money to find Qin Feng's contact information.

But in the end no one provided it, so we had to leave it alone.

So now they don't know if the real Qin Feng calls them.

Qin Feng, who was puzzled, thought it was a bit funny. After thinking about it, he decided to go to the company to have a look in person.

After all, it’s rare to find an actor you like.

After driving all the way to Tianhua Entertainment, Qin Feng heard someone yelling when he walked in.


He was startled, and when he looked at the front desk of the company, a little girl with a bun was looking at him in shock.

"Director Qin! You are Director Qin, right? I admit it right!"

"I am."

Qin Feng reached out and touched his face in confusion. The other party quickly rushed out of the counter and stood in front of Qin Feng, looking up and down without forgetting to say hello.

"Director Qin, who are you looking for? Do you have an appointment? No, no, you don't need to make an appointment. Just tell me who you want to see."

Qin Feng, who didn't expect that he was treated so well, was amused when he heard this.

"I came here this time to ask for your company's Zeng Xi's contact information. I called just now but was hung up on."

Qin Feng made up his mind that he must save more contact information of entertainment companies in the future. Otherwise, a big director like him should just sit and wait for actors to come over for auditions, and why should he come and find them himself?

"Hang up?"

The receptionist showed an expression of disbelief.

"Who hung up on you? Actually, actually!"

Qin Feng explained the cause and effect, and the little girl also found Zeng Xi's contact information for him.

"Zeng Xi is on the set recently, please contact him directly."

After all, it was Qin Feng who made the appointment, so the receptionist didn't dare to make his own decision, so he decided to tell them and let them decide for themselves.

As soon as Qin Fengcai left, the front desk called the director of the Internal Control Department to explain the matter.

When the minister heard that, he was fine! Go directly to the customer service office.

"Did someone call just now and say he was Qin Feng?"

The two customer service staff continued to look indifferent and nodded.

"Yes, today's illegitimate meals have no bottom line at all, and they can tell all kinds of lies."

"That's so damn true!"

The minister yelled and hurriedly searched the phone for the call.

The two customer service staff were also shocked when they reacted.

They never expected that it was the real Qin Feng! If you don’t have a phone, who knows? After all, there were quite a few instances where bastards called and lied about who they were.

He found Qin Feng's phone number based on his memory. The minister copied it down as if he saw a treasure and walked out holding the phone number.

"Be careful and don't miss any clues in the future."

Qin Feng, who didn't know how much trouble his actions caused, took the phone and returned to the studio.

Directly dialed the number of Zeng Xi's agent.

The agent was accompanying Zeng Xi while filming in the store. He first received a message from the head of the company's internal control department, and the call came before he had time to listen to the voice.

"Hello, I'm Qin Feng, and you are Zeng Xi's agent. Could you please excuse me at this moment?"


The manager yelled subconsciously, and quickly covered his mouth when the field staff around him looked over.

"Hello, I'm his manager, Director Qin. It's convenient."

"It's like this. I'm planning to shoot a new drama recently, and there is a character called Zeng Xi who is more suitable. I would like to ask him if he has time to try out the role."

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