The Anti-Fraud Bureau Asked Me To Shoot A Promotional Video, And I Shot All Or Nothing

Chapter 119 Preparation For \"Tomb Raiders\" Is Over And Filming Begins!

None of the interviewers came forward to explain.

Although they knew the truth, they were unwilling to offend either party.

So it's wiser to pretend you don't know.

Evening, seven o'clock.

After Qin Fengcai finished the interview, the actors who came to audition for the role of Pan Zi today were off work, and Qin Long came up to them with an angry look.

Qin Long has also suffered a lot recently due to work matters, and his condition has not been good recently.

So Qin Feng laughed the moment he saw him rushing over angrily.

"what happened again?"

Qin Long did not smile back, but walked over angrily, holding up a mobile phone.

"Xiao Feng, look! That idiot named Zhang actually complained online first!"

Hearing this, the smile on Qin Feng's face also disappeared, and he took the phone with a cold expression.

On the screen was the original text of a short composition written by Zhang Songyuan.

Qin Feng:......

He has seen shameless people, but never such a shameless person!

You want to take advantage, but you still blow yourself up online?

After Qin Feng finished reading the essay, he returned the phone to Qin Long without even clicking on the video.

Their company's surveillance systems are silent, so even if they call up the surveillance and put it online, they don't know exactly what happened.

But Qin Feng has second-hand preparations!

He opened the photo album and took out the video on his phone. Without editing, he opened the scarf and posted it online. Even the lyrics were very simple and rough.

“Those who are pure will themselves be cleansed.”

Everyone has been paying attention to this matter, and they can't wait to refresh it from time to time to see if there is any new progress.

So after Qin Feng posted the news online, netizens who smelled the gossip came running over again.

Clicked on the video.

Compared with the video posted by Zhang Songyuan, Qin Feng's video is much simpler and more crude.

The sound in the video is messy, and there are a few people vaguely blocking it in front, so it looks like it was secretly filmed.

Moreover, the video is shot to the end, with no editing in between. Compared with the video posted by Zhang Songyuan, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Qin Feng's video is more sincere.

After restoring all the contents of the video, everyone knew the truth of the matter.

It turned out that Zhang Songyuan wanted to take advantage of him, but Qin Feng refused and threw him out.

Zhang Songyuan was embarrassed in front of so many people. He didn't want to, and wanted to slander Qin Feng, so he edited the video to deliberately discredit him.

Qin Feng also felt that things were not that simple, so he asked the front desk to record a video when he came in.

This comes in handy.

Qin Feng's real, unedited video instantly received a lot of praise.

Let’s not talk about those who originally believed in him. Those who didn’t believe in Qin Feng didn’t know how to open their mouths if they wanted to criticize Qin Feng again after seeing this video.

"Director Qin is always on the way to slap everyone in the face."

"Knowing the whole truth and then seeing Qin Feng blast people out, I feel so hahaha... As expected of Qin Feng!"

"Is everyone praising Qin Feng? Then I'm going to start scolding Zhang Songyuan! What kind of thing are you used to being domineering in the entertainment industry?"

"My friend is an insider. I heard from her before that many of ZSY's movies were obtained through this method, and she even forced the female lead to kiss him."

"Eh, that sounds disgusting."

Public opinion began to become one-sided.

Qin Feng's posts are all about the male protagonist of "Qin Feng Shuangwen", while Zhang Songyuan's comments are all about him.

"Are you crazy if you want to make a movie? If you don't have a role, why do you force others to give it to you?"

"It's really ridiculous."

After a series of turmoil, Zhang Songyuan deleted the news in despair and did not continue to respond online.

Although things are not good, "Tomb Raiders" became popular before it was broadcast.

Originally, the fact that Qin Feng was going to film a new drama was very closely guarded. As soon as this incident came out, everyone knew that Qin Feng was going to film a new drama.

When the matter came to an end, Qin Feng ignored it.

Instead, I took the time to sign all the contracts and contact the actors to prepare to join the cast!

The preliminary preparation work is almost complete, and this is also the longest preparation time for Qin Feng's movie and TV series.

Because Team Yang is originally in the archaeological field, the props are quite well prepared.

After contacting the Juyi Longjin Group, Qin Feng went to a small village near a third-tier city in advance to inspect.

This place was also found by Ye Ying. There used to be a lot of hiking friends who came to climb the mountain, but they have stopped doing so in recent years.

Qin Feng didn't have much hope at first, but he came over first and saw that it matched the scene of the novel. He was instantly satisfied.

It seems that for jobs like finding a venue, you still have to go to Ye Ying!

On the opening day of the movie, all the actors went to the square downstairs of Qin Feng Studio and rented a venue to hold the opening ceremony.

As director and screenwriter, Qin Feng was the first to speak.

"I am honored to be able to meet with the crew of "Tomb Raiders". All the teachers are carefully selected by me. They are actors who are very suitable for the roles. So if we all cooperate well and help each other, we will definitely be able to produce a perfect work!"

Everyone applauded.

Several leading actors came out to speak one after another.

After everyone took the stage to speak, it was finally Xiao Xiao's turn.

He stood on the stage blankly, looking at the people in the audience with a silent expression. On the surface, he was calm, but in fact, he was panicking inside.

No one told him that he had to speak when filming a TV series!

Qin Feng stood next to him and knew instantly from his silent look that he must not have prepared a manuscript.

Feeling guilty...

He was already feeling guilty for semi-forcing him to film a TV series, but now he has to speak!

"Everyone, this is the actor who plays the younger brother Zhang Qiling and is also a professional archaeological team member. Xiao Xiao is participating in this kind of movie shooting ceremony for the first time and is not very experienced."

Xiao Xiao nodded.


How silly...

Everyone has this idea in their hearts.

After the opening ceremony, all the actors who had no roles left, and those who were about to start filming were all organized, and it was time for the first scene of the movie.

There are still too many scenes in the TV series compared to the movie, but Qin Feng still does not plan to directly shoot all the plots of each scene.

Except for the cemetery.

Because such a state transition is difficult to succeed, in order to make the movie better, Qin Feng decided to spend more money and shoot step by step.

After Ju Yilong's makeup was done, the movie started.

Inside Wushanju, an antique shop by the lake.

Wu Xie, who looked slovenly, was walking in the store when a man with gold teeth walked in mysteriously.

They came to Wu Xie to collect antiques.

I saw him take out a golden but dirty brocade silk from his arms, and carefully raised it in front of Wu Xie.

Wu Xie's eyes widened instantly.

"Let me see!"

He took out a magnifying glass and studied it carefully. After looking at it for a long time, his eyes widened even more.

"Where did you get this thing...?"

"Boss Wu, it's not like you don't know the rules and don't ask where they come from..."

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