The Anti-Fraud Bureau Asked Me To Shoot A Promotional Video, And I Shot All Or Nothing

Chapter 126: Have You Heard Any Horror Stories About Shooting In The Mountains?

There were all big men in the group, so Qin Feng just thought of making do with it. Although the environment is indeed difficult, it will be over if you overcome it.

But thinking that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the actor who plays Aning will come over, and I wonder if I can be more prepared to make people's life more comfortable.

After a night's rest, everyone got up early the next morning to pack up and go up the mountain.

The road up the mountain was not easy to walk and not smooth enough. They could not go up in the car they drove, so they had to rent a few motorcycles in the village and load up some large equipment that could be put on them.

The rest of them, the actors and staff, can only take the car to the place where the car can drive, and the rest will go on their own.

A group of people walked sparsely for nearly forty minutes before arriving at the filming location.

Qin Feng first asked Qin Long to take a few people to count the number of people. After seeing that there was no problem, he greeted everyone with a loudspeaker.

"Everyone, let's take a rest first, pack up and set up the tent, and prepare for shooting."

In fact, it can't be said to be very far from the bottom, but after all, the road is not easy to walk. Not only will it take time to go up and down along the way, but it is also dangerous to go down the mountain too late.

Therefore, Qin Feng still plans to "set up camp" here first and see what the situation is.

He gave the order and everyone began to get busy. The actors were also looked after by assistants and set up tents.

An actor's agent usually doesn't only take care of one actor, so he usually only has an assistant following him during filming.

While the staff was busy, Qin Feng took the people he needed to film the next plot.

The extras are young actors temporarily hired from the village. The young men in the village are half-grown and run all over the mountains and plains every day. The family is relieved and doesn't care at all.

What's more, just come over and show your face and get money. Everyone is rushing to get this good thing.

Set up the machine and start shooting.

The child who led the way in the village took a few people to the mountain and saw a gully created by a mudslide.

Wu Xie asked the child to go. As soon as the child stretched out his hand and said it was Zhang Fifty, before he understood it, the third uncle handed over one hundred yuan.

After crossing the mountain, there is a canyon at the beginning, followed by a forest. In the canyon, someone is fetching water. If you look closely, it is the guide.

They rushed forward. When the old man saw the person coming, he turned around and started to run away. He was threatened by Pan Zi with a short gun and stopped quickly.

The old guide knelt down and begged for mercy. Wu Xie asked him how he escaped, and then he found out that there were many holes on the top of the cave, and the old man followed the holes to get out.

Pan Zi said that the boatman was dead, and the old man was also stunned. He lived in a cave on the side, with no land, no land, no children.

After thinking about it, the third uncle pointed to the forest and asked the old man to lead the way. Unexpectedly, the old man was startled and said that there were monsters inside and he couldn't enter.

He explained that a few years ago, there was a wave of people who gave him a lot of money to lead the way in. He was unwilling to leave until he reached the place he had walked before. In the end, he was threatened and had no choice but to continue in.

When we got to the place, we slept, but the next day our things were still there, but everyone was gone.

He was about to run when a woman in the team called him. When he looked back, he saw a dense mass of dead people hanging on the book behind the woman. He thought that the man who had grown up eating human flesh escaped and ran away.

The old man was tied up and led the way. As they walked, everyone saw a mobile phone with blood on it. When opened, it was a foreign phone number.

The old man explained that a wave of people had come two weeks ago, but they had not come out yet. After walking for a long time, he found a dozen military tents.

This is the tent Qin Feng asked them to set up just now.

The tent was covered with fallen leaves, some of which were rotten, but the tent was still clean, with many daily necessities and no corpses.

A few people made a fire and had a meal, and it was getting dark.

"Ka! Rest for a while, let's continue after dinner."

In Qin Feng's crew, everyone is busy until late every day. Fortunately, Qin Feng, as a director, although he is strict during filming, he is usually quite approachable.

No one felt that the atmosphere on the set was too depressing, and even because of the subject matter, everyone found it very novel.

When it comes to rest, everyone is very happy. Some of the more tired people just sit on the ground and wait for the staff to hand out lunch boxes.

The crew’s lunch boxes are all made and delivered from the farmyard below, so the lunch box fee is not a small amount.

While eating, everyone chatted in twos and threes, and even because it was dark in the woods, some people were telling ghost stories to others.

Qin Feng, Ju Yilong, Xiao Xiao, and Qin Long were sitting together. Ju Yilong was still unsatisfied after listening to Qin Long telling a scary story, so he poked Xiao Xiao.

"Hey, Brother Xiao, you are an archaeologist. Have you ever heard of anything mysterious?"

Xiao Xiao paused while eating, and then said: "No."

Qin Long also started chatting.

"Isn't it? Don't you say that there are many magical and terrifying things in ancient tombs? There were such stories before."

Qin Feng didn't know where he came from so many stories, and he looked at him with a smile when he heard this.

"Brother Qin, how do you know so many things?"

Qin Long raised the corner of his mouth and subconsciously wanted to brag again. Seeing that it was Qin Feng, he curled his lips and held it back.


Several people laughed.

Ever since Qin Long came to help him, Qin Feng has been controlling him not to talk nonsense, and he has also been trying to correct his previous bad habits.

After all, someone outside already knows that Qin Long is his cousin. If he speaks and acts without any sense, he will still be the one to be embarrassed.

But Qin Long, I don't know if it's because his second aunt always compared him with others, so he developed a habit of bragging.

Apart from this problem, his work ability and vision are quite good, and he is now very active in correcting problems. Qin Feng is quite satisfied.

"If you don't talk about this, does Brother Xiao really have nothing? Don't treat us as outsiders, you talk too little."

Xiao Xiao has entered an unfamiliar field and rarely communicates with people. He doesn't have many lines during filming. Qin Feng is afraid that he will be depressed.

So I told Ju Yilong to talk to him more and communicate with him more, which can be regarded as communication of feelings.

After he finished speaking, Xiao Xiao really lowered his head and thought about it.

"We did archeology before and discovered a destroyed ancient tomb."

As for how it was destroyed, even Xiao Xiao could guess it without telling anyone.

“Because the ancient tomb has not been opened for a long time, there is a fishy and musty smell inside, so we went in to make repairs.

Because there was a shortage of staff, a few people went in, cleaned up a wave of things, took them out, and then went in again. "

Having said this, Xiao Xiao paused.

At this time, people had heard the sound and gathered around. When they heard Xiao Xiao's pause, everyone was extremely nervous.

"Well...then what?"

"But when we came out again, the thing was gone!"

Ju Yilong's eyes widened.

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