The Anti-Fraud Bureau Asked Me To Shoot A Promotional Video, And I Shot All Or Nothing

Chapter 129: You Promised To Be A Weak Scholar, But You Come Up With A Combination Of Punches?

Then he reached out and struck again. Because Menyou Ping had special fingers, attacking with his hand was more severe than kicking him.

But it still had no effect. Instead, because he had closed the distance, the blood corpse found an opportunity and grabbed his shoulder.

After simulating the appearance of bleeding wounds from ripped clothes, Qin Feng struggled with the bloody corpse for a while with the "injury".

Thinking that Wu Xie and others must have gone far away, Qin Feng did a backflip, turned around and distanced himself, turned around and ran away.

The whole set of movements is very smooth, and the two people cooperate well. Although the shots of people kicking on the body are not real, they can still produce very good effects.

After all, Qin Feng and the others are not doing a martial arts drama, and many of the actors are not professionals, so some scenes don’t need to be too realistic.

Otherwise, if you accidentally break it, you will be hospitalized to recuperate and your shooting time will be delayed.

After performing this part, Qin Feng looked at Xiao Xiao while dismantling the wire and asked if there was anything he didn't understand.

Not to mention Xiao Xiao, other staff members were just dumbfounded.

What about the weak scholar you promised? You came up with a set of combo punches?

Many people in the crew came here with Qin Feng. They knew that Qin Feng was good at acting, but they never knew that he was so good in martial arts scenes!

What is there that this guy can’t do!

After all, Xiao Xiao had gone through a whole set of actions, and he was familiar with this kind of action.

Xiao Xiao is not a person with uncoordinated limbs. He can quickly complete other actions skillfully by himself, and he does not need Qin Feng's help to demonstrate.

Continuing filming, Wu Xie spurred the fat man to reveal the identity of King Lu Shang, and heard him say that he suspected that the entire tomb was fake. There was also a Western Zhou tomb underneath, and the two of them exchanged dialogues with each other.

Until Pan Zi intervened, Wu Xie asked why he left him alone. After Pan Zi explained, he said he saw something like a human hand in the crack of the stone and pinched his neck.

As the three of them chatted, they discovered that Menyou Ping knew the tomb very well. When they woke up from a break, a small hand was also placed on Wu Xie's shoulder.

It took a lot of effort to break free, and the three of them continued forward. After drilling through a small hole, they finally reached the center of the entire tomb.

They were on the cliff. The entire cave was a large cave with cracks on it, and the one they were in was only one of the small holes on the cliff. In addition, there were other densely packed caves.

The cliff cave is created through post-processing. After all, making so many meaningless holes is a waste of time and money.

The big tree Qin Feng found when he was watching the scene before was used in this scene.

"This is the main tomb chamber!"

The fat man wanted to go in and touch the treasure, but he was grabbed by his third uncle. The vines on the tree were the little hands he had seen before. Both the fat man and Wu Xie were hung upside down on the tree by the hands.

Wu Xie finally saw clearly. There were two corpses lying on the stone platform. The young female corpse was covered with white gauze. The male corpse was wearing a bronze mask with a fox face. He was holding the box with both hands. The eyes through the mask were open.

Wu Xie saw the dagger on the waist of the male corpse, cut the vines and freed himself, and dropped it directly on the female corpse. The female corpse covered Wu Xie completely. He stood up and took the corpse up.

The corpse's mouth was open and there was a key in it.

Wu Xie threw the knife to the fat man again, and the fat man dropped it directly on the male corpse, and the mask also fell off.

"Don't look, it's a blue-eyed fox!"

Wu Xie had already seen the corpse's pale face, with no hair on its head, a pointed and deformed face, and slit eyes, which were cyan.

Very scary.

Just when Wu Xie wanted to pry the female corpse's mouth to get the key, the third uncle spoke to him under the jade platform. Wu Xie followed the third uncle's words and took out the key, and he was able to escape.

The third uncle said that he saw the body of the fat man. Wu Xie was attacked by the fat man again when he was suspicious. In the confusion, Wu Xie ate a black and bitter thing and woke up instantly.

The fat man was still pinching him, so Wu Xie knocked him out with the box and he was safe.

After studying the box, Wu Xie carried the fat man to the flat road aside, and saw his third uncle coming.

Pan Zi blew the blue-eyed fox's head off, and everyone accidentally discovered the real coffin.

After opening it layer by layer, they found that the things inside were actually breathing. Just as the third uncle and others wanted to violently open the coffin, they were stopped by the fat man. With a move of his hands, the coffin opened.

Inside was a man covered in armor, a wet corpse with an extremely painful expression, and he was actually breathing.

Pan Zi wanted to shoot but was stopped. The third uncle discovered that it was a jade servant, which can make people rejuvenate when they wear it.

They wanted to take out the body, but the fat man found a thread, and just as he was about to pull it out, the black gold ancient knife grazed his head and was nailed to the tree.

The oil bottle is here.

He was covered in blood, with a green unicorn tattoo appearing on his body, and he was holding the bloody corpse's head in his right hand.

The fat man thought that he almost died just now and cursed loudly, but Menyouping glared at him coldly, and then explained that the jade servant could only shed her skin after five hundred years, otherwise she would turn into a bloody corpse.

And the bloody corpse in his hand was the owner of the previous jade servant.

Menyouping directly strangled the jade servant who was still shaking. When everyone asked him who he was, he pointed to the box.

When the box was opened, there was a silk book. Wu Xie recognized the words inside and told everyone the story described in it, which was the story of King Lu Shang getting the Ghost Seal.

Later, he found the jade servant with the help of a military scholar, but in the end the scholar was included in the jade servant.

Everyone chatted for a while, but then they saw the bloody corpse head rolling on its own, and a red corpse frog came out, which was the corpse frog king.

This corpse frog king was poisonous. Da Kui grabbed it and was poisoned directly. The fat man killed the corpse frog king in a panic. A large number of corpse frogs came and everyone hurriedly climbed up.

Pan Zi fired the explosive, and Wu Xie was pushed away by the air wave. In a panic, he saw a bloody face, it was Dakui, looking at Wu Xie very resentfully.

He dragged Wu Xie and wanted to bury him with him. Wu Xie had no choice but to beat him back to the ground with a pistol and bury him in a pile of corpses.

Wu Xie's hand was already red when he was caught, but it only reached his shoulders. The fat man carried him on his back.

A corpse was seen in the middle with a pendant in his hand. Wu Xie and Wu Xie took the pendant and quickly climbed to the ground.

When we got to the ground, Uncle San organized everyone to light the entrance of the cave, and the zombies were finally controlled.

"Ka! This scene is over!"

"Well! It's finally over!"

"I'm so exhausted. I haven't filmed such a tiring drama in so many years."

The person who spoke was Zhang Qianyao. He was relatively old, and the content about stealing a pen and entering the tomb was very intense. He was a little exhausted.

Not only him, but also Xiao Xiao and Qin Feng looked thinner.

Everyone didn't care about cleanliness, so they sat on the ground and rested for a while, then got up and prepared to go back to the camp to clean up.

This plot is simple to say, and it took more than half a month to shoot. Many plots were changed repeatedly, and they had to be produced frame by frame in the later stages.

It can be said that filming a TV series is more troublesome than a movie.

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