The Anti-Fraud Bureau Asked Me To Shoot A Promotional Video, And I Shot All Or Nothing

Chapter 137 Good Director Qin, The Anti-Fraud Propaganda Department Is Here To Serve You Wholehearte

After all, he has signed many filming tasks for Tomb Raiders. The younger brother is the main actor, and he will not be replaced if he can. Qin Feng must be looking for him.

Xiao Xiao obviously thought about having to shoot so many movies in a row, and his face turned yellow.

The most frightening thing is that he doesn't know how many movies he will shoot now. I guess even Qin Feng himself doesn't know. After all, no one has finished writing all the scripts and then started filming slowly.

I have to say that Xiao Xiao was indeed wrong this time. Qin Feng still knew how many there were in total.

But if he knew it, he would probably be even more sad, so it was better not to know.

While chatting, they arrived at Qin Fengding's final banquet.

Some of the crew liked hot pot, while others wanted to eat seafood, so Qin Feng simply found a local specialty seafood hot pot restaurant.

There were so many people that they couldn't fit one table, so they simply booked a lobby that could accommodate many tables, and divided the seats according to groups.

The hotel manager was very discerning and even got a microphone.

"Everyone, although I know that the boss who spoke before the meal is very annoying, today is the closing banquet after all, so I still want to say a few words."

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

"Director Qin is fine, just tell me, we don't think of you as our leader!"

"Yes, Director Qin, please tell me."

"After getting along with each other during this time, we have made great progress. I am very happy and look forward to us working together to create a myth in the film and television industry. I hope we can continue to cooperate if we have the opportunity!"

Qin Feng's words were brief, but everyone's applause was thunderous.

Although the crew of Tomb Raiders was indeed very tired, because Qin Feng was very strict about the shooting locations, they either went to the mountains or forests or to the seaside.

But it is true that everyone was very fulfilled during this period. They learned a lot. Qin Feng himself is also a very easy person to get along with.

It can be said that they were very happy during this time.

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he returned to his seat. There were some leading actors on the table. They were often together, so they were very familiar with them.

Zhang Qianyao's role was very small in the second part, so he left after filming his part. Pan Zi, played by Wan Wei, did not appear in the second part, so he was not there either.

Apart from them, several other leading actors and the lead actor Qin Long are all on this table.

Everyone ate and drank for a while, thinking that they were about to separate, they felt a little reluctant to leave.

"I don't know if it's because our crew is so down-to-earth, but I'm a little reluctant to leave."

Adilai, the youngest, spoke first.

She was the only girl at the table, and she was young. Everyone usually took good care of her, so she was the most reluctant to leave.

Hearing this, Cheng Tianhao was also very reluctant to give up.

"Yes, Director Qin, you can't forget me."

Qin Feng laughed.

"Don't worry, you can't forget it. There are several more parts to this story. It's impossible for me to forget it even if you want me to."

He specifically noted this requirement when he signed the contract, so everyone knew about it and was very willing to do so.

After all, the word "Qin Feng" represents traffic. I don't know how many people are envious of being bound by such a director to shoot his TV series.

Cheng Tianhao looked at Ju Yilong and Xiao Xiao again.

"The same goes for you two. I see you often, Juju. Brother Xiao, you are not in our line of work. You might not be able to see each other when you come back. You must not forget it. We will keep in touch if we need anything."

He thought that Xiao Xiao came here to film because it was a documentary about their archaeological center, and that the actor who played Zhang Qiling would be replaced later.

Qin Feng understood what he meant and did not explain.

It was Xiao Xiao, who was silent for a moment before opening his mouth to explain.

"No, I'm just like you. I will still be the Zhang Qiling of Tomb Raider Notes from now on."

After saying that, Xiao Xiao suddenly thought that he was taking pictures like this because it was a collaboration between the Archaeological Center and Qin Feng.

But Qin Feng still wants to film the next few movies. Does Team Yang know?

Xiao Xiao, who seemed to have discovered something extraordinary, looked at Qin Feng with doubtful eyes.

The meal lasted for more than two hours, and when it was over, everyone dispersed.

Those who were in a hurry to catch up on other work left first, and those who were not in a hurry stayed one more night in the hotel booked by the crew, and then dispersed and went back to their homes the next day.

It has been a week since he came back from filming Tomb Raider Notes and diving in the sand in the angry sea. Qin Feng doesn't know whether he stayed up too late or caught a cold. He caught a cold the day he came back, and he still hasn't recovered yet.

So naturally I didn't contact Zhou Ping to take promotional photos.

The post-production side has completed the production of the first part and is now working on the second part.

Qin Feng's original idea was to broadcast the two films directly, but Qin Shimingyue's broadcast gave him a good inspiration.

He can broadcast one or two parts simultaneously, so that others can know that they are not the same story, but they will not be separated.

After waking up and taking medicine, Qin Feng was thinking about whether to record the theme song for the TV series.

The second part has just been filmed now, and he was afraid that the theme song would spoil the rest of the plot, but it would be a pity not to play the theme song.

After all, the title and ending of the TV series have not yet been decided.

Not wanting to delay things, Qin Feng contacted Zhou Ping directly after having enough rest.

"Okay Director Qin, the Propaganda Department of the Anti-Fraud Bureau will serve you wholeheartedly. If you have time, I will make an appointment with the studio?"

Qin Feng responded.

"But I have one request. The content of our filming really shouldn't be too weird."

All the skills given to him by the system are focused on acting. If he were asked to freeze-frame some embarrassing scenes and watch them again and again, he would definitely die.

"Don't worry, don't worry. When the time comes, you can design it yourself and we will fully cooperate. Didn't you design the poster very well at that time?"

After making an appointment, Qin Feng cleaned up and went out.

He doesn't have to worry too much about himself. Anyway, there will be a dedicated makeup artist to sort it out for him when he gets to the filming location.

Studio door.

Qin Feng just parked the car and saw Zhou Ping waiting at the door.

Seeing Qin Feng, Zhou Ping's eyes widened in shock.

"Brother, we haven't seen each other for a long time, why are you like this?"

Not to mention she has lost weight, but she has also become darker. Not to mention, if you look closely, you still seem to be a little bit sexy.

He shook his head to shake the ridiculous thoughts out of his head.

"The sun is relatively bright where the filming is taking place."

Although he is a director and usually stays in the studio, he also demonstrates many scenes together.

In addition, sometimes I can't take care of eating, so I may look darker and thinner.

"If Bureau Tan sees you like this, maybe they won't let you be the propaganda ambassador, hahaha. You look more like a terrorist than a terrorist."

Qin Feng also laughed when he heard this, stretched out his hand and punched Zhou Ping.

As they talked, the two entered the studio. The photographer and other staff had been waiting inside for a long time. When they saw Qin Feng and the others coming, they quickly dragged Qin Feng to put on makeup and change clothes.

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