The Anti-Fraud Bureau Asked Me To Shoot A Promotional Video, And I Shot All Or Nothing

Chapter 142 Director Qin Is Responsible For Taking Beautiful Pictures For Others And Looking Bad For

Seeing that Captain Yang was so determined, Qin Feng didn't worry anymore.

Anyway, Tomb Raider Notes has to be put on the shelves no matter what, so you can’t just shoot it for a long time in vain, right?

"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news."

The two chatted for a while about the post-production promotion of the documentary. Someone came to Team Yang to report on their work, so Qin Feng said goodbye and left.

The anti-fraud bureau acted quickly. Less than a week after the promotional photos were taken, Qin Feng's photos were quickly hung on both sides of the escalators at the Imperial Metro Station.

Someone riding the subway saw the photo, took it and posted it online.

In the promotional photo, Qin Feng has a polite and professional smile on his face, crossing his hands and arms to make a big "X", and the words next to him are "Always tighten the string of security and beware of online fraud."

The other is a waving gesture, with the slogan "Shake hands with safety and have peace in all seasons, wave hands with freedom and everything goes well".

The two pictures were posted online, and the captions from netizens were extremely mocking.

"Hahahahaha, am I the only one who thinks Director Qin is really funny? It can be used as an emoticon, embarrassing and polite. Director Qin, if the Anti-Fraud Bureau threatens you, just blink your eyes."

The replies below were all hahaha, mixed with ridicule of Qin Feng.

"Okay, Qin Feng didn't blink, it must be voluntary. I didn't expect you to be like this Qin Feng."

"The idea for this promotional photo must not have been Director Qin's own idea. He is not someone with such aesthetics, hahaha."

"Director Qin is responsible for taking beautiful pictures for others and bad pictures for himself."

Everyone's ridicule of Qin Feng is mixed with intimacy. After all, the majority of netizens have now gone through various stages of ridiculing Qin Feng, being slapped in the face, falling in love with Qin Feng, and then mocking Qin Feng and being slapped in the face.

They still have to tell who is with whom.

Qin Feng has recently learned how to eat things online. As soon as he went online, he found that his promotional photos had been posted.

He clicked on the promotional photos of him that netizens had taken online one after another, and looked at all the awkward smiling expressions, and instantly felt bad.

What about the cool and crazy style you promised?

Didn’t you say you’ll shoot when you’re filming? How did you keep the awkward part directly? May I ask?

What does this gentle aunt mean when she tricks a little girl into buying her own clothes?

Not to mention others, even he wanted to have a chance with the scammers after seeing this promotional photo, but he wanted to see what these scammers were so good at!

Qin Feng looked at the promotional photos he took in embarrassment and wanted to find a crack to get in.

The ridicule on the entire Internet continued all day long, until the archaeological center’s public account posted an advertisement saying that its documentary would soon be broadcast.

At this time, everyone's attention finally turned to serious matters.

Of course it's not entirely serious.

"The archaeological documentary that everyone is looking forward to! It! It! It will be available to you soon! Do you want to know the 'thrilling' stories in the tombs? Do you want to know the history of those cultural relics? Every Monday Lock on channel 8 on the evening of the 35th and see you there for the quiz!"

At the end of this paragraph, Qin Feng was given a special comment.

Where is Qin Feng's flow? It doesn't matter. It's his work anyway. There's nothing wrong with Aite at once, right?

However, it does not need to be said by the Archaeological Center. Everyone has long known that Qin Feng accepted the commission from the Archaeological Center and made a documentary, so the audience who heard the news and got a taste of it have already crowded into the comment area of ​​the Archaeological Center.

"Ah ah, is Director Qin's new movie about to be released? I'm looking forward to it. I haven't seen anything recently. I've been watching Director Qin's works over and over again. I really miss Director Qin."

"Upstairs, don't worry this time. What Director Qin is shooting is not a movie, but a TV series. No, it's called a documentary, but I heard it's actually a TV series. Anyway, you don't have to worry about running out of things to watch."

"It's true, it's true. I will be really happy when I see this news. I miss Director Qin so much."

"Do you really miss me? You don't see her on the subway every day, hahaha."

The picture accompanying the last comment was a prank on Qin Feng, and he put a P on his promotional photo.

"Awkward yet polite smile."

The bottom is indeed all the same hahaha.

I thought that the archaeological center's promotional updates were accompanied by a promotional video that Qin Feng had edited in advance, so there were serious discussions about the actors and content.

"I'll go, I'll go, friends, have you seen that cool guy with long bangs and always wearing a hat in the promotional video? Is he a new actor? Why haven't I seen him before? He's so handsome!"

"Sisters feel the same way. I have also seen it. I am sure there is no such person in the entertainment industry! Director Qin must have discovered it himself! The entertainment industry cannot survive without Qin Feng!"

"The short three-minute promotional video attracted me directly. Is what Director Qin shot really a documentary? Why doesn't it look like..."

"It even looks a bit gangster, let's say!"

A group of people pulled out the three-minute promotional video and pondered it over and over again, and finally discovered that Qin Feng's aesthetics was indeed acceptable!

Let’s not talk about Ju Yilong, who has long been in line with the public’s aesthetics. It is this new guy who really touches everyone’s aesthetics!

Already looking forward to the TV series being released soon.

At this time, Qin Feng was on the phone with Team Yang.

"How about it? If I say it can be uploaded, it can be uploaded, right? There is no need to delete the content even if it is slightly modified."

After saying that, Captain Yang muttered to himself again.

"Our promotional video is so particular, nothing can be deleted, it must be shown in its entirety."

Qin Feng laughed when he heard this.

I didn't expect Captain Yang to be this kind of person. On the surface, he looks serious and polite, but once we get to know each other, he acts like an old naughty boy.

"It would be best if there were no cuts. Otherwise, many of the contents cannot be perfectly displayed, which would be a pity for the documentary."

"We can start arranging the film almost next week. You have to prepare and promote it. Let's strive to be an instant hit!"

Captain Yang doesn't need to talk about publicity, Qin Feng will definitely do it. After all, to put it bluntly, he wrote the TV series himself.

He is very enthusiastic about Tomb Raider Notes!

After hanging up the phone, Qin Feng turned on his mobile phone scarf, found the studio of the archaeological center, and forwarded their promotional updates.

"Yes, I made it up. I hope everyone likes it!"

The audience, who were still climaxing in the comment area of ​​the Archaeological Center, rushed to the bottom of Qin Feng's comment area.

The contents in the hot comments are all photo emoticons of Qin Feng’s promotional photos.

Qin Feng:......

Very angry!

He opened his scarf again and posted: "Can you please stop posting this emoticon?"

However, no one cared about it, and everyone was even more aggressive in using emoticons. Qin Feng finally became the new emoticon king, and took over the emoticons of the majority of netizens.

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