The Anti-Fraud Bureau Asked Me To Shoot A Promotional Video, And I Shot All Or Nothing

Chapter 147 Parents Only Know That Their Children Cannot Be Wronged

"Why are you exaggerating? I just want this house to have good lighting."

Qin Long was speechless.

Nonsense, can the lighting be bad? If such an expensive house doesn’t have good lighting, then it’s just someone who bought it after being taken advantage of!

After carefully appreciating the new house Qin Feng bought, Qin Long still had work to do in the studio, so he went back first.

Qin Feng packed everything into the corresponding places. After thinking about it, he made a video call to his parents.

The phone beeped twice and was picked up.

The person who answered the phone was Qin Feng's mother. She seemed to have had her hair permed recently and looked much more fashionable. Ever since Qin Feng returned to Haicheng and his family knew that he was a well-known director, Qin's father and Qin's mother were much happier.

’ Qin’s mother was also very happy when she saw Qin Feng on her mobile phone. She waved to Qin Feng and asked her with a smile.

"Xiao Feng, why do you have time to call your parents at this time?"

Seeing Qin's mother smiling happily, Qin Feng was also happy, thought about it and asked.

"Mom, when you have free time, you and my dad will come to the Imperial Capital for a visit. I just bought a house and have a place to live."

Mother Qin's eyes widened when she heard this.

"Son, you bought a house? In the Imperial Capital? Where is it? It's the one you rented before."

Qin Feng had said before that he wanted to buy the house he rented because he didn't have much money at the time. Even the houses in the urban villages were not cheap. He had to save money and the money provided by his family to afford it.

"No, it's from another community. Zhou Ping found it. I'll show it to you."

After that, Qin Feng turned the camera around and faced the large and bright living room. In front of the large off-white sofa was a design coffee table, behind the sofa was a water bar, and the kitchen was semi-open.

The entire living room plus kitchen and dining room covers an area of ​​80 to 90 square meters, which looks particularly open and bright.

Qin's father and Qin's mother also made some money when they were young and bought a small two-story western-style building that was a bit remote at the time. Now it has risen a lot.

But the two of them have become accustomed to living in larger houses. Now seeing how spacious Qin Feng's room is, they feel like it.

Qin Feng held up his mobile phone and went into the house again. He looked at several bedrooms, the video room and the fitness room. Qin's mother nodded and praised them repeatedly.

"Okay, okay, this house is really well chosen. It looks bright and spacious, and the space is big..."

Qin's father was on the side, with only one ear exposed in the camera, watching with Qin's mother. It was Qin's mother who was talking just now, but now he suddenly spoke.

"How much did you pay for such a big house? Do you still have money on hand? If you don't have enough money, your parents will transfer it to you. Don't wrong yourself."

"Yes, yes, yes, the money you transferred to mom is still here for you. You brat transferred so much, where did we spend it? You have many places to use the money outside, so don't always transfer it to us. "

Qin Feng's nose suddenly became sore.

Qin's father and Qin's mother don't know how much money their children can earn. They only know that their children must not be wronged.

"Mom, I have enough money here. You two should take care of your health. Don't be reluctant to spend the money I transfer to you. Go for a physical examination and take care of your health. Have you invited an aunt at home?"

"Please, please. I said I could do it myself, but your dad insisted on hiring one, so he came over to clean up and cook. He won't be at home the rest of the time."

"That's good. Whenever you have time, let's bring my uncle and aunt over to play together. They should also miss Qin Long."

Qin's mother also wanted to come over and take a look at Qin Feng's house. If there was anything wrong, she could quickly clean it up. She didn't hesitate after hearing this.

"Okay, then we'll go in two days."

As soon as she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Father Qin.

"If you have nothing to do, just go and don't affect your son's work..."

"It's okay, Dad, I haven't had any work recently."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Feng sat on the soft sofa, closed his eyes and called out the system.

"System, open the script mall."

[Host command detected, open the script mall. 】

The discount activity in the mall has ended, and the current script prices are all original prices, but he took a quick glance and found that the price was only a little more expensive than before the discount.

He knew it!

After being speechless for a while, Qin Feng began to think about what to shoot next.

Now that the domestic market has opened up, if this TV series can win the Golden Gourd Award, he will be able to get tickets for the International Film Awards.

It seems like it’s time to make some movies with other themes and send them abroad.

Qin Feng's idea is very clear. First make a movie to open up the international market, and then promote Chinese culture and let them accept the impact of Chinese culture.

But he was a little worried about what he was going to shoot.

Looking at the contents of the scripts listed in the script mall, Qin Feng fell into deep thought, and finally decided to understand the market conditions first.

The tomb robbing notes were still being updated. At this time, everyone had entered the tomb chamber of King Lu Palace and saw the Seven-Star Suspicious Coffin.

At Dakui's reminder, Wu Xie also discovered the sixth extra figure.

"Don't worry, the ghost has no shadow hahaha."

"Dakui is really timid. Can such a timid person rob a tomb?"

"I guess someone's going to die."

As he spoke, everyone ran away, leaving Wu Xie alone in the dark tomb.

Not only that, but there are also various dangers.

"What should I do? Without the oil bottle to protect my body, it feels like it will be blown away by the wind."

"This fight can't be done without a bottle of stuffy oil!"

"The oil bottle went to the desert for archeology, hahaha."

At this time, the camera shifted to Menyou Ping, who was already fighting with the bloody corpse that burst out of the sarcophagus.

This bloody corpse is a big visual impact for everyone.

The whole body was red with blood and had a rotten appearance, as if it had no skin. The facial features could no longer be seen clearly, but the two eyes had become two holes due to the decomposition of microorganisms.

Although it was made as less disgusting as possible for the sake of factory power review, it still shocked the audience who saw it.

"Ahhh, a critical hit to the face, it scared me to death."

"Qin Feng is such a dog!"

"The quilt doesn't work anymore. I suggest you call Menyoupin over to look at it with me."

"It's a good idea to listen to Jin Ting."

The blood corpse is extremely strong, and Menyou Ping can't kill him, so he has no choice but to deal with him.

The camera turned to Wu Xie. After all the hardships, Wu Xie finally met Pan Zi before almost dying, and finally reunited with everyone.

Menyouping and Fatty came with bloody corpses. Everyone hid in the darkness for a while, and they didn't know who suddenly farted.

"I strongly suspect that the fat man put it there."

"I strongly agree. No one else seems so stupid except him."

"Next time you rob a tomb, you must not bring a fat person or a bad guy with you."

The blood corpse had already discovered everyone, and Menyou Ping fought with him again. He flew up and kicked him hard, but because the blood corpse couldn't feel pain, he was slapped by the opponent instead.

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