The Anti-Fraud Bureau Asked Me To Shoot A Promotional Video, And I Shot All Or Nothing

Chapter 156 Qin Feng: The System’S Script Mall Is Actually A Profiteer!

It happened to be a typhoon day. When they got to the shore, Aning was taken to the hospital. They slept hard in the hotel until the typhoon was over before they went back.

There was still no business in Wu Shanjuzhong. Wu Xie was looking at the store boredly, when suddenly someone came looking for him.

The man said that the man had a short head and a stammer in his speech.

"It seems to be the same person that Big Golden Tooth was talking about when he first came."

"I remember, didn't you say he was Wu Xie's old friend?"

"Yes, yes, I remembered it too, you have a very good memory."

The plot of the last episode came to an abrupt end and ended amidst everyone's discussion.

The moment the ending song played, there was a roar on the barrage.

"It's over, and my heart is broken."

"When will the next season be? When!"

"I feel just like a grandpa who coaxes his child to go to kindergarten on the first day. I feel empty and empty."

Team Yang also called Qin Feng the next day.

"Director Qin, it looks like there will be a follow-up to your documentary?"

Qin Feng was lying when he said he didn't feel guilty. After all, he didn't tell the Archaeological Center or Team Yang about the follow-up when he started filming.

Qin Feng responded after clearing his throat.

"Ah, it's true that I didn't stop yelling. I want to take more pictures, but there is no need for investment from the archaeological center in the future! We can take the pictures ourselves, so you don't mind..."


Captain Yang yelled on the phone, and Qin Feng was startled.

"You want to kick us when you get angry, right? Qin Feng, you kid, the abacus beads are beating so loudly, do you think I'm a fool?

Your film, no matter how many you make, will be a documentary of our archaeological center! "

Qin Feng never thought that Captain Yang would think so, and was stunned when he heard this.

Naturally, Qin Feng had nothing to do with letting the archaeological center name itself.

After all, the Archaeological Center already has relevant professional equipment and its own popularity, not to mention that he also uses people from the Archaeological Center...

It is absolutely impossible to change the actor Zhang Qiling easily.

Seeing Qin Feng's silence, Captain Yang asked on the phone.

"What's wrong, you don't want to do it anymore?"

"No, no, I'm just afraid that the Archaeological Center is not willing to shoot so many documentaries. Since Captain Yang said so, I will definitely bring the Archaeological Center with me!"

There must be about a dozen tomb robbing notes, but I don’t know if Captain Yang will still be willing to name his name after knowing this...

"Okay, I feel relieved after hearing what you said. Don't even think about ditching the Archaeological Center!"

"No, no, definitely not, don't worry."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Feng breathed a long sigh of relief and slumped down on the sofa.

"System, open the script mall."

[Host requirement detected, open the script mall. 】

The script mall opened again, and there were still the familiar rows of scripts. Qin Feng started to select from top to bottom.

["Manjianghong" requires 10,000 points. 】

["Chinatown Detective 1" requires 12,000 points. 】

["Coco" requires 13,000 points. 】

Looking at the price tag under the movie, Qin Feng always felt that the price seemed to have become higher for some reason...

Obviously he didn't score such a high score when he watched "Man Jiang Hong" before!

He remembered that it was less than 10,000 yuan at that time...

Qin Feng, who could only blame his own bad memory, simply questioned the system directly.

"System! Your points for this movie script seem to be getting higher and higher, right?"

The system paused for a rare moment, and there was a sweaty expression on the display screen, and then Qin Feng heard the Siri voice answering him.

[Host, the script mall points in the system are random and have nothing to do with this system. There is too much information to comment on. 】

Qin Feng was speechless when he heard what the system said.

random! What a random one!

Doesn’t that mean that the price rise or fall is determined by the system itself? It’s useless no matter how many points he earns!

Speechless for a while, Qin Feng still had to work for the system, and then film TV series and movies to earn points before making new movies.

[It is detected that the host has won an award in the Music Awards, which has improved his reputation. The host will be rewarded with 10,000 points. Please keep up the good work! 】

Qin Feng was stunned.

He never thought that he could get points for such an unreachable music award. Originally, he didn't even want to go.

If I really didn’t go, I would have missed out on 10,000 points!

Qin Feng, who was suddenly refreshed, felt instantly satisfied and continued to read movie scripts and choose movies.

No one has come to him to shoot a new movie recently, so for a while Qin Feng was a little confused about what subject to choose.

But now he has a preliminary idea. If Tomb Raiders' award-winning journey goes smoothly, Qin Feng plans to make a distinctive movie with a wider audience.

Taking advantage of this emptiness, he suddenly wanted to challenge a suspense theme.

The previous "She Vanished" was said to be suspense, but the suspense methods were still lacking. Qin Feng thought of making a truly suspenseful movie.

Pique the audience's curiosity.

While he was thinking about it, Wang Chuanzhen, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, dialed Qin Feng's phone number.

"Director Qin, preparations for the Golden Gourd Award have begun. It is estimated that the shortlist will be out in a few days."

This news was something Qin Feng sent to Wang Chuanzhen a few days ago to ask him to inquire, because Qin Feng didn't know much about TV dramas.

But Wang Chuanzhen has just switched from the TV drama industry in the past few years, and has done some research on TV drama awards.

Qin Feng responded.

"What are the principles for selecting this award?"

Hearing this, Wang Chuan really laughed.

"Hum, you don't know about this kind of award for watching TV series. It converts the box office of the movie into the ratings of the TV series. Everything else is pretty much the same."

It seems to make sense!

Qin Feng stopped worrying for a moment. It was useless to worry anyway.

What is supposed to come will come.

"But Director Qin, you've finished filming Tomb Raiders now, and your acting is almost done. How about it? Do you have any ideas for making a new movie?"

This was considered a question, and Qin Feng really wanted to take the photo.

"Why are you asking?"

"The director from Love Community contacted me yesterday and said he wanted to make a funny movie. I thought you had never made a funny movie before. You can research it."

Qin Feng has watched a lot of movie themes recently, but he has never studied comedy movies.

One is because funny movies will become bad jokes if they are not shot well, and the other is that funny movies need actors.

Comedians are born to do this job, and they are not as easy to find as other actors.

However, if it is filmed well, it will definitely become a classic, so when he heard Wang Chuanzhen say this, Qin Feng's heart moved.

"I really have to study it and see if it can be done."

Many comedy movie scripts are ready-made in the script mall. Qin Feng can shoot them at any time. The main thing is to find actors first.

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