The Anti-Fraud Bureau Asked Me To Shoot A Promotional Video, And I Shot All Or Nothing

Chapter 237 If You Want Logic, Why Don’T You Watch A Documentary?

Doing something is better than sitting back and waiting for death. Anyway, many of them have no relatives here anymore.

Although even Moss said that the last time of life should be spent with family, but since there are no relatives anymore, why not take a chance on this last possibility?

Everyone drove into the steering engine control room and wanted to call on others to help. However, everyone felt that there was no hope for Blue Star. They wanted to spend this time with their families.

So in the end, they were still busy.

Li Yiyi had already explained in the car in advance what part of the plan everyone was responsible for. At this time, everyone was performing their duties and doing their own work.

The strength of a few people was limited, and everyone was quickly blown away and injured one after another.

When Han Duoduo cried and wanted to contact someone, she finally saw Liu Peiqiang's communication card and contacted the space station. At this time, Liu Peiqiang was almost ready to return to the dormant cabin.

After hearing what Han Duoduo said, Liu Peiqiang returned to the console excitedly and contacted the coalition government.

“Civilization without humans is nothing.”

"I have nothing left to lose."

Liu Peiqiang spoke to the coalition government, and tears welled up in the eyes of the audience.

Even the coalition government went uncharacteristically and asked whether he, as an individual, was willing to help them. Many people in the theater were already crying silently, and they didn't even bring paper!

Who knows? It’s not like I’ve never seen a science fiction movie before. There are so many sensational scenes. I never imagined that I would cry while watching this type of movie!

In the end, the coalition government agreed to give Han Duoduo a chance to find a rescue. After Han Duoduo told them their plan, waves of people came in the direction of the steering engine.

The plan was finally successful, and everyone was very excited. Everyone watched the energy emitted by the engine go all the way up, but when it was still some distance away from Jupiter, it could no longer go up, and the plan failed.

After wasting so much effort, the plan still failed, and everyone was desperate.

Liu Peiqiang was very anxious while listening to Moss's report at the space station. When he turned around, he saw the amount of fuel on the space station, so he immediately told everyone on Blue Star that he could complete the "Match" mission.

Just when Moss blocked it, Liu Peiqiang remembered the bottle of wine that Lao Ma had given him to celebrate his retirement. He took a sip and then smashed the bottle onto the computer in the main control room.

With Moss gone, no one can stop him from completing his mission.

Liu Qi screamed and refused when he heard this. He was standing on the shelf outside where he could see Jupiter best. He was alone, wearing protective clothing and almost running out of energy.

Qin Feng shouted "Shut up" at the top of his voice throughout the theater, sounding like a disobedient little kid having a tantrum.

But only people who watch the movie know that he is trying to save his father.

In the theater, several middle-aged men and women sitting in the seats were already covering their faces and crying. They are all parents of children, and they understand the sadness and pain of saying goodbye to their children.

"Qin Feng's acting skills are pretty good."

"Yes, the kind of child who is not very sensible but misses his father. But I really didn't expect him to be so young."

An elder sister said to her friend next to her while sniffling.

They don't pay as much attention to the entertainment industry as young people. They just go to see good movies when they find them. Only by listening to the people chatting next to them do they realize that the young man who plays Liu Qi is the great director Qin Feng.

I have watched a few of Qin Feng's movies. Children watch for fun, and adults watch for connotation. They can taste something different from the movie, so they feel that Qin Feng must be in his thirties after all.

I didn’t expect that I was only in my twenties.

"There is nothing wrong with this movie in terms of design and special effects. I didn't expect that China's special effects technology is now comparable to the level of major foreign productions."

An uncle who came to watch the movie commented with his arms crossed and said that he has always been a fan of science fiction movies and would never miss any science fiction movies.

During the New Year period, Planet Travel had a fight with fans of Rich Man in Xihong City, and he also spoke for Planet Travel.

This time he came to watch Wandering Blue Star with the intention of seeing what the movie would be like. Unexpectedly, the movie exceeded his expectations from the story setting to the special effects.

In fact, it seems... a little better than Across the Planet.

So delicious.


Liu Peiqiang interrupted Liu Qi and said that Liu Qi was only a few years old when he left. Now he is an adult. He has to perform the most important task and cannot fulfill his agreement with Liu Qi.

Liu Qi cried and said that his words did not mean anything. Liu Peiqiang was a tough guy in everyone's mind. At this time, his eye circles were also red, and tears were rolling in his eyes.

In the end, he rushed into the burning range of Jupiter without hesitation when Liu Qi said "Dad".

It worked.

Jupiter was ignited, and the little light that was ignited was particularly dazzling. Liu Qi knew that it was his father.

Everyone was busy escaping, but he stood there blankly. Everyone's shouts and the collapse of buildings around him could not affect him from seeing his father.

"Wow, wow, I'm crying to death. In just one day, Liu Qi became an orphan."

"Would Liu Qi be very proud to have such a father?"

"I think it's more about missing me."

When the movie reached the final escape part, many people were not in the mood to watch it, so they followed their friends. If the two of them cried together, they would cry in each other's arms, and if one of them cried alone, they would cry in each other's arms.

Those who take the girl they like to watch a movie never expect that a science fiction movie can have such a surrendering effect.

In fact, the two people just like each other, otherwise the girl would rather not cry than bury it.

In the end, everyone was successfully rescued.

When the camera turned, Liu Qi, as the hero of Blue Star, started a new mission with Li Yiyi and Han Duoduo.

The movie ended here. As the ending song played, the lights in the theater turned on, illuminating everyone's crying faces with red noses and tears streaming down their faces.

"Hahahaha, why are you crying so hard?"

"Aren't you the same? Come on, let's go. I'm going to call my dad when I get back soon. I missed him so much while watching the movie."

Some were in a hurry to leave, but more people were sitting in their seats, still thinking about the plot just now.

If you like emotional movies, you can review the fatherly love in the movie. If you like science fiction movies, you can talk about whether the "Wandering Blue Star" project can be successful in real life.

"...So I think this plan won't succeed. It would be a disaster if all the stones on the Blue Star were burned down."

"Nothing logical at all."

A girl who was about to leave rolled her eyes when she heard this and couldn't help but reply.

"I've been sitting here for a long time just listening to what you said. What's the point of showing off? If you want to see something logical, go watch a documentary or a science fiction movie."

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