Nowadays, it is best to find actors and schedules in advance. This way, you can start filming directly after the location and props are arranged, which saves a lot of time.

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Qin Long looked very embarrassed.

"Brother, you usually look after the protagonist by yourself. When have you asked me to look for it myself? If I can't find it, I can't find it."

There is a high probability that he would not be satisfied even if he approached Qin Feng, and he would not bother with the matter at all.

When Qin Feng heard that this was the case, he fell silent.

"If you can't do anything, just go back to the studio and take a good look at those live dads. Don't do any sneak attacks here. Go ahead."

Qin Long knew he was in the wrong, scratched his head in embarrassment, picked up the baseball bat on the ground and walked out.

"Then get busy. I'm going back first. When you're done and you have time, you can contact me. I can handle movie venues and everything."

Qin Feng waved his hand and watched Qin Long walk out of the room and close the door thoughtfully. Then he lowered his head and continued to read the manuscript in his hand seriously.

This time Qin Feng worked hard for two weeks to copy the entire script.

In fact, Qin Feng is a little reluctant to shoot this kind of archaeological suspense work, because arranging the venue is too troublesome, and many scenes are very grand. If you can do it, you have to do it, and if you can't do it, you have to rely on post-production.

However, the income of TV series is often not as high as that of movies. If the ratings of TV series are relatively low, the money invested in filming the TV series may not be recovered, and then it will be lost.

After all, this TV series has no preface or sequel, so it is very difficult to attract people.

Sighing, Qin Feng looked at the script he had already copied, and after a long moment of silence, he suddenly had an idea.


No one stipulates that all TV series must be filmed before being released on the shelves, right?

He just goes on one episode after another, and the ratings continue for a long time. If it doesn't work well, he will end it first, and then continue when it works!

It's not a bad thing to stop losses in time. Qin Feng feels that he is simply a genius.

After thinking about the broadcast plan, Qin Feng began to worry about the filming of the TV series again. If all the episodes were shot at once, there would be no problems in the broadcast, because the TV series was already ready-made.

But if it becomes a method of filming one episode and broadcasting one episode, then he will have to rush the shooting schedule, because a film of this type of subject is bound to require various operations such as subsequent editing, post-production, and even special effects production.

If the time coordination is not good, it cannot guarantee that the scheduled number of episodes will be broadcast every week.

I don’t know if this will be considered a breach of contract at that time.

In order to ensure that he does not breach the contract, Qin Feng decided to broadcast one episode every week at the worst possible time. Isn't hunger marketing also quite popular?

After finishing the script, the next step was to find actors. The protagonists of Nan Hai Guixu are still the Golden Triangle, Hu Bayi, Fatty Wang and Shirley Yang, the basic configuration of two men and one woman.

But the model of this TV series is similar to that of Tomb Raiders. The most important thing is to find good actors, and the second most important thing is to fit the original work.

After all, all TV dramas that abandon reality are just hooligans.

Finding roles is Qin Feng's biggest headache, because everyone has their own characteristics, and there are a thousand protagonists with different characteristics in the minds of a thousand viewers. It is not easy to find actors who fit the original work.

Fortunately, Blue Star's audience didn't have such a good-looking original work to watch, so Qin Feng just found an actor who fit the characteristics of the character in his mind.

Thinking this way, he is still taking advantage.

Turning off the system script, Qin Feng looked at the character introduction on the computer and fell into deep thought.

Hu Bayi is a veteran and the backbone of the Iron Triangle. He is calm, alert, brave and decisive, and a bit handsome in appearance.

Fatty Wang is a capable person and does what he is told. Although he is a little greedy for money, he is a funny man and has a life-long friendship with Hu Bayi.

Shirley Yang is the wise person among them. She is well-read, knowledgeable about ancient times and modern times. She has rich archaeological knowledge and understands many unknown secret texts. She plays an indispensable assisting role in the team.

The three of them helped each other in the story and saved the day from danger many times. The experience of exploring the underground tombs was very thrilling.

In fact, for the image of Hu Bayi, Qin Feng did not want to find someone who was too young. Of course, it may have been influenced by some filming in the previous life, and he also had his own understanding of the character.

He believes that Hu Bayi should be a charming middle-aged man, not a young guy who seems to have no experience.

Otherwise, Shirley Yang, who has experienced strong winds and waves, would not be attracted.

Thinking about it, he began to search for relevant information on the Internet and found suitable actors.

Qin Feng always believes that it is best to understand an actor from his film and television works. Not only can he know the quality of his film and television works, but he can also see how good his acting skills are.

For professionals like them, editing and face-changing can all be seen in film and television works.

After reading this, we can get a good understanding of the actor's professionalism and plasticity.

While thinking about it, Qin Feng first clicked on a Chinese suspense drama to watch. If he found something he thought was good, he would learn more about it. If not, he would watch the next one.

If you see something very suitable, just watch the other person’s other film and television works.

After watching half-baked works for a week, he finally found a few actors he liked.

"The two people who play Hu Bayi are Chen Tianao, who has made films about the Anti-Japanese War before, and Pan Ming, an actor who has made a suspense film before. You should contact these two actors first and see if they have any There is no schedule, but if there is, let me know if you are interested in auditioning."

Qin Feng said and handed Qin Long the two sets of short scripts he had and invited the actors to audition. He could not give them all the scripts until they were successful, so as not to affect the normal shooting of the film.

However, this short script is enough to attract people who like this book, so it has little impact.

After taking the script, Qin Long seemed to take it very seriously.

"Don't worry, Director Qin, we will definitely complete the mission successfully!"

"Wait, it's not over yet."

With that said, Qin Feng took two more scripts with different covers and handed them to Qin Long.

"The one just now was the protagonist. Now this script is for the female protagonist. You can contact Sister Zhao Qing to see if she has time to audition. This role is suitable for her. The remaining one is the actress who recently participated in a variety show, named Zhang Yuqi. , also make an appointment.”

In fact, Zhang Yuqi's image is more suitable for the script of the Ghost Blowing Lamp series, but because the protagonist's character in Return to the Ruins of the South China Sea has undergone some changes, Qin Feng felt that Zhao Qing was quite suitable for this one.

Instead of worrying about it, why not make an appointment to have a look.

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