Chapter 19. World Conflict – Fourth –

“Yogo-Tosos 〈Legendary Unique Creation〉

Health LV.4: 1,943

Combat LV.6: 4,513

Skill LV.2: 422

Intelligence LV.4: 984

Charm LV.2: 398

Spirit LV.3: 801

Power LV.6: 5,196

Magic LV.5: 3,573

Total Individual Score LV.5: 17,830″

In fact, these numbers seem to explain everything about this strategy.

No, um. What should I say? Did this guy eat something wrong?

Even originally, objectively, Yogo-Tosos was an all-around legendary unit with high health, overwhelming magic, power, and combat ability.

However, after receiving special training from Sesaisa, his combat power literally increased fivefold.

His skills, charm, and spirit, which were originally low and hard to utilize, only slightly increased, but the most important power and the number and strength of spells he could wield skyrocketed, making his total score a whopping 17,000 points.

My military power score is 6,632 points, of which 3,000 points come from Yog-Tosos’s personal combat power. There’s no way individual combat power and world combat power correspond 1:1, but this crazy guy is objectively stronger than all the other creatures in my ecosystem combined.

“Angel, what do you think?”

“3,310 worlds.”

“A world that has even a ‘possibility’ of capturing Yog-Tosos?”

“Yes. As I mentioned last time, excluding the worlds that would capture and perish together, there are about 2,800 worlds out of the remaining 130 million worlds that have a practical possibility of capturing Yog-Tosos.”

“It hasn’t decreased by 90% like last time?”

“Rather, it’s because Yog-Tosos is too strong. In most worlds, it’s either impossible to harm Yog-Tosos at all, or they can’t even block his attacks. The condition is to filter out the worlds that can at least withstand and attack, so it’s either they can definitely capture him, or they can’t at all…”


“In short, his abilities are too focused on a specific magic system, so either a counter can be properly applied, or they can somehow deal with his relatively weak mental side… In such cases, if we add carnivorous candies here, there are less than 100 worlds that can face your world, Veen.”

The extreme power boost in the beginning led to this result.

“Well, yes. In the early stages, a single entity with higher individual specs is more threatening than the total power of civilization. Somehow, you obtained it, and now Veen, who you can wield, has gained invincible power.”

That’s right. To properly understand the world tuned by Sesaisa, I think I need to get a detailed explanation in the next game, but anyway, the current ecosystem is very stable.

“Can I take all the unselected traits at once now?”

“Of course.”

〈Life〉 1 excellent trait.

〈Military〉 1 excellent trait.

〈Industry〉 1 general trait.

〈Technology〉 4 general traits.

〈Mystery〉 1 general trait, 1 excellent trait.

Life = 『Artificial Evolution 2: Evolution efficiency through divinity increases by 200%.』

Military = 『Yog-Tosos Combat Mage Advancement: When the legendary creation Yog-Tosos gains experience, it follows the stat distribution specialized for combat mages, and related stats increase. The prerequisite is the 『Combat Mage Advancement』 trait.』

Industry = 『Rock Industry: Becomes efficient in industries processing 〈rock〉.』

Mystery = 『Mage Advancement: Each entity can advance to a mage. When an entity advances to a mage, the stat distribution changes upon gaining experience.』 『Combat Mage Advancement: The upper class of mages. Unlocks the combat mage advancement.』

Up to this point, it was easy to choose. In fact, there weren’t many options, and this was just the most efficient.

The problem was the 〈Technology〉 part.


“What’s wrong?”

“Well, I can’t tell the superiority of the traits I can choose.”

〈Technology〉 makes it easier to develop technology as a characteristic, or unlocks a job specialized in technology development, or simply gives you new technology.

The problem is that my technology is 100% focused on magic, and I can’t unlock a job like a technology developer, so all I got were magic spells, and I have no idea what’s good about them.

If it were just ‘attack magic’ or ‘fireball magic’, it would be easier to understand from a gamer’s perspective, but since Sesaisa is involved, the characteristics are filled with very specialized terms.

“Do you want me to explain each one?”

“No, I still don’t get it… Even after playing games for 50,000 hours, magic is too difficult and frustrating, so I only learned it superficially.”

“Uh… The community is about to crash, so it closed.”

I pondered for a moment, then suddenly came up with a new idea.

“Hey, Yog-Tosos. I have something to ask.”

【Yes, Creator. Command me.】

“I’m going to tell you the magic you can learn from now on, so tell me what you think you should learn.”

【Ah, are you giving me the choice? Then please tell me your intention. What would you like me to be useful for?】

“Hmm. As the commander of the first legion of the Dessert Legion, and since I’ve invested a lot in you, you need to be competent in many areas. Rather than being extremely good at one thing, I’d like you to handle most problems with your power, but overall, you should be good at ‘massacre’, ‘self-survival’, and ‘ecosystem control’.”

【As you wish, Creator.】

Every time I mentioned one of the three options, Yog-Tosos chose a magic on its own.

So Yog-Tosos learned four types of magic. I don’t know much, but they said this would be advantageous in all aspects of attack, survival, and ecosystem maintenance.

“But how was Sesaisa? Did they teach you magic well?”

Then Yog-Tosos seemed very pleased and praised Sesaisa.

【Oh, my Creator. Their wisdom seemed endless. Just by sharing a part of their infinite wisdom, my power has grown so strong, and my understanding of mystery, magic, and the structure of the world has deepened so much that I can’t even fully explain it with my intelligence.】

…Yeah. Sorry for not knowing magic, even as a god.

But isn’t that guy hearing something similar right now?

Meanwhile, in Sesaisa’s world.

‘When will Lord Biin come again? It would be nice if we could have the grace of abundance they bestowed upon us just one more time.’

“Am I your creator? Is that guy your creator?”

‘Lord Biin is not the creator, but the god of abundance.’

‘We serve the creator and enjoy the mysteries according to your will, but we only worship the one who has given this body prosperity…!’

“…Well, whatever. That guy must be hearing something similar from his creations.”

Sesaisa had no time to think further. The clash had begun.

The same was true for Biin.

A distant world. Not an infinitely expanding universe, but a narrow otherworld where So-on, a politician, had long since grasped the essence of this game.

“This game is not about leaving one last person standing. It’s about making a good defeat before that and getting out at the right time. And it’s a game that values cooperation over competition.”

In theory, if all players gave up on confrontation and formed alliances, they could all become gods of a unified world. Purely theoretical, of course.

In other words, this game is about how to form alliances and how big you can grow those alliances before getting out that determines victory or defeat.

So-on, therefore, formed an alliance with the opposing player at the first clash. The second clash, two opponents, formed an alliance. The third clash, four players, and a community of fate with eight members was born.

And So-on, a politician, fundamentally understood what was most important in this game.

“The essence of this game is politics. Only overwhelming political power can bring our tribe’s superiority among the eight tribes, the stability of our alliance system, and further superiority over the opposing players.”

During the protection period between games, So-on fully utilized his abilities as a politician. The ability his world and his tribe focused on the most was <Politics>.

With high <Politics>, the stability of the system increases, you can efficiently control your tribe, and build an efficient civilization united under a leader.

So-on’s tribe literally stood tall as the ruling tribe among the eight tribes without lifting a finger.

When other allied gods were surprised and tried to intervene urgently, it was already too late. So-on’s hero, who received direct orders from him, began to recruit key figures from other tribes, enact laws, and complete a system where completely different tribes lived together.

Breaking that system itself became a situation where you could lose the game. So-on’s tribe, demonstrating the virtue of the ruler, in other words, noblesse oblige, monopolized wealth and points in the game from the upper echelons, while other tribes demonstrated their strengths in various fields and operated their world stably.

“Let’s go with a cooperative stance with the next world as well. According to the angel, there are no factors that hinder cooperation ‘yet’.”

That’s right. He heard the rules of the game in detail from the angel. Every fifth game, a ‘disaster’ comes. After the disaster, you can’t cooperate unconditionally with the opposing players and inevitably have to choose the terrible means of ‘soul annihilation’.

But, conversely, until the fourth game, there was no reason to annihilate souls in this game.

Trying an aggressive strategy is a bad move. Until the fourth game, focus on internal affairs and have an above-average army but focus on defense.

This is probably the standard strategy. And So-on had logical confidence in this standard strategy.

This is a sure-win strategy. Not in the sense of winning unconditionally, but in the sense that it has the highest expected value.

‘Our world’s total score is 21,221. Originally, it should be level 3, but with cooperation, it reached level 5. Even the military strength is slightly over level 4 with 1,300 points. Even if the enemy has three or four times the military strength, we can defend sufficiently using palisades, earthen fortresses, and the <Mystery> that exists in this world. The slight problem is that the allied players’ process of trying to escape my control prevents the advantage of the eight-tribe alliance from being fully realized.’

That can be solved with political power. So, the fourth world clash that occurred, he wasn’t worried at all. This wasn’t the main battle anyway.

Would the opponent exceed 21,000 points?

Even if they did, would their military strength exceed 5,000 points?

Even so, wouldn’t they demand an alliance?

There was no worry. He had the overwhelming weapons of ‘reason’ and ‘logic’.

“The god of the next world is… ‘Bain’? Huh? Why aren’t the names of the allied gods or subordinate gods showing up?”

“It’s not that they’re not showing up, the player in question has annihilated all opponents and ascended.”

At the angel’s words, So-on felt his brain freeze for a moment.

Soon, the dimensional gate opened, and when the envoy his tribe sent beyond the gate saw ‘that’ floating in the sky, was instantly torn apart and killed, and then the shell-covered monstrous creatures that burst out of the dimensional gate started crushing and devouring the weak tribe’s civilians with body slams.

“Everyone, prepare for battle! A demon has appeared!!!”

Instead of letting go of his consciousness, So-on urgently sounded the highest crisis alarm and began to summon all defense forces within the world.

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