Chapter 40. Disaster Zone -First- 5

The Gamchi originally reproduced s*xually. As creatures that mixed birds, bats, and pterosaurs, they were quite dedicated to raising their offspring and had various physical structures, songs, and dances to attract the opposite s*x.

And now, it seems like one more thing has been added.

‘A house.’

“This is interesting. Are they using nests as dowries to attract mates?”

Of course, the materials used to decorate the nests are the tentacles and shells of jelly-like creatures, the shells of gummy corals, spines, and things like that.

When I think about it, looking at my traits so far, 『Expansive Architecture』, 『Comfortable Living Space』, 『Sturdy Structures』, 『Coral Industry』, 『Shell Industry』, 『Architectural Art』… Doesn’t it seem like they are blatantly encouraging me to build houses with corals and shells?

As a result, the Gamchi have built nests that are incredibly large, comfortable, sturdy, and beautifully decorated with corals and shells.

“Just with that, the cultural points must be significant, right?”

It seems so. And in my ecosystem, usually the bigger and stronger ones have more splendid and powerful structures, so just by building a nest with large and sturdy shells, it seems to prove their ‘strength’ or ‘competence.’

Should I say it’s a kind of display of combat power?

So at some point, the Gamchi became masters of house-building.

To the extent that building a house is more impressive than creating body structures, their bodies have been left with only a clean functional beauty, but their houses have become incredibly splendid. There are still those who create body structures or sing, but even those build magnificent houses.

“In the end, do you need a house to get married?”

It doesn’t seem like they do it just to attract the opposite s*x, but there are cases where couples build sturdy houses together to safely raise their children.

The migratory Gamchi still don’t build houses and continue to roam around.

But overall, ‘house-building’ was the most popular trend among the Gamchi.

They hunt jelly-like creatures living near the nectar springs and build houses in the desert, cactus forests, freshwater lakes, or even further in the grasslands or mountains.

This is crazier than I thought, some of them build houses traveling back and forth several kilometers.

In the case of the Bisya Kit, they tear off corals just to build large and sturdy nests in the ground nectar forest. Maybe they are showing off that they are this strong?

Every time they build a house, the cultural points soar. There is no civilization, but there is real estate…

And there are those who destroy houses built by others to steal construction materials, those who rob houses built by others instead of building their own, and jelly-like creatures that just eat houses built by others, so it seems the world won’t be overflowing with shells and corals.

“This is an interesting and impressive change. Maybe the obsession with 〈Culture〉 and 〈Charm〉 among creatures is also influenced by the disaster.”

Although it’s a low priority, more hero entities might be born. For me, it’s better to have high 〈Politics〉, but even if 〈Culture〉 is high for now, it’s not too bad.

“In the anti-intellectualism build, is the importance of 〈Culture〉 low?”

“Yes, it is. Social creatures centered around 〈Politics〉 can be quite useful. But the flower of the 〈Culture〉 build is ultimately religion and magic, and national happiness… I can’t use religion or magic well, can I? It’s hard for natural beings to master magic, and religion is only for intelligent beings.”

“That’s true.”

So, well… I will be satisfied with the occasional hero entity coming out of the cultural function. Or maybe unique structures like coral reefs might come out. That would be good too.

The cultural development of the Gamchi is quite positive.

But the problem with the Gamchi is parasites.

To be precise, it’s only a problem for the Gamchi. In fact, parasites weren’t such a big problem in my ecosystem overall.

That is… There were some that parasitized jelly-like creatures, but they just lost out in the survival competition.

“We lost. A level 5 disaster.”

Oh. I didn’t think my dessert army would lose either, but we lost quite miserably. Especially the formation of the immune system through [syrup] was unique.


“So, gel + topping = syrup, right? Now, with syrup, we’re connecting Creamland and Nectar Lake, creating the spirit world, making dough and yogurt, doing all sorts of things, and these guys are parasitizing jelly-based life forms on their own.”


Yokan is typical, but even if it’s not yokan, there are too many jellies, puddings, gummies, and candies that contain syrup inside their bodies.

But these syrups didn’t evolve into parasites; rather, they integrated with the body’s biological structure and became a kind of ‘organ.’

Instead of the simple immune systems of jellies, they roam inside the body and devour parasites that enter. I think if we improve it a bit more, it could even defeat bacterial diseases.

“That’s interesting. Of course, it’s common for disasters to be too easy for the world they affect.”

But now, it seems that it’s not compatible with the Gamchi, and the syrup is actually threatening their survival. It seems a bit difficult for the Gamchi’s own immune system to fight against both the syrup and the parasites.

“So, what will you do?”

Hmm. I’ve thought about it a bit, and I need to evolve the parasites.


“Can’t I do it? It’s a disaster, but they’re clear life forms that have entered my ecosystem.”

“That’s… true. Come to think of it, there aren’t that many Gamchi, and especially since you, Veen, have almost infinite divine power, you can handle it without any problems.”

That’s right. I seek a kind of co-evolution between the parasites and the Gamchi.

Parasites can’t have a high mortality rate from the start. If the parasites become too strong, they kill the host, and then they can’t reproduce.

So, I want to instill two directions of evolution in the parasites.

First, they coexist with the syrup. Gamchi + syrup doesn’t work, but by creating a form of Gamchi + (parasite + syrup), the parasites coexist with the syrup, accept the flow, extract energy more efficiently for the Gamchi, and at the same time, leave a role that performs a kind of immune system function.

“They’re already inside the body as parasites, so what are they immune to?”

“Magic. Since the syrups contain the flow on their own, when they flow inside the body, they increase magic resistance. Gamchi and jellies have trash-like magic resistance, so I need to increase it with syrup.”

“Oh… As always, your mind spins quickly in such game-like directions.”

And the second direction is that if there is enough energy supply, they don’t stimulate the host much. Fortunately, my ecosystem has the scam substance called nectar, so food supply is really excellent.

However, if the energy supply is insufficient. In that case, the parasites start to glow.

“Do they attack the host?”

“Of course not. It’s the opposite.”

The syrup combined with the parasites starts to release magic because it can’t consume energy. That magic release, that flow, extremely stimulates the mind of the parasitized Gamchi.

As a result, the Gamchi, feeling a lack of energy supply, becomes extremely ferocious. Not only that, but the magic emitted by the parasites greatly enhances physical abilities and makes them less sensitive to pain.

I infected the Visyakits with this.


Now, Biscuits had always been obsessed with nectar, but the moment they couldn’t properly consume it, they would go berserk, trying to shove that pure essence of life into their mouths.

But what if we put these Biscuits in a parallel world without nectar?

“It would be unimaginably horrific.”

Exactly. The Biscuits would try to put everything they could into their mouths, and still starve, going into convulsions. Let’s see if we can stop this frenzied predator in the next collision.

“Additional disaster resolved.”

“The parasites now coexist with the creatures of the dessert desert, evolving to spread even further instead of attacking them.”

Now, two disasters have been resolved. If we raise “Culture” to level 6, everything will be solved.

I still have some of my human senses left, so it’s confusing, but I’m currently controlling multiple avatars simultaneously.

I understand that this is ‘simultaneous’ in terms of time, but how should I put it? It feels like there’s an ‘order’ to it? Even if things happen at the same time, you can only watch them in sequence in a movie or a book.

So, while I’m clearly observing the Nectar Spring ‘simultaneously’ and solving the parasites’ problem for the Gamchis, I’m also checking on Yogo-Tosos… It feels like there’s an ‘order’ to it.

So. Hmm. It seems to be arranged according to the importance in my mind.

Anyway, I came to find Yogo-Tosos.

“Yogo-Tosos. The disaster has been resolved. The coral reef has met the condition of ‘Beauty’.”


I can feel the confusion. It must mean they haven’t properly researched magic yet.

Well, of course. I can get help from angels to acquire traits and work simultaneously with multiple avatars, but they have to do it alone with their abilities.

So, it was inevitable that they would lose. But the important thing is to make sure they don’t get stressed even if they lose.

“However, this is only in terms of ‘speed’ that I was ahead. Since you have met the minimum condition of overcoming the disaster, now you should focus on improving the completeness and quality as a true god.”

From noble mtl dot com

【What do you mean?】

“I made the coral reef ‘beautiful’ and raised ‘Culture’. But I can’t be satisfied here. If you achieve results that are not inferior to or far surpass the coral reef, I will reward you accordingly. Of course, it would be a far lesser reward compared to my failure and your success, but I could grant you a territory.”


“Now, there’s no need to obsess over ‘Beauty’. As long as you raise ‘Culture’, it doesn’t matter what kind of magic you research, so feel free to do so.”

【Understood, Creator. Then, the ultimate magic beyond limits…】

Well. This should do. I don’t want Yogo-Tosos to be disappointed and give up on research or get their pride hurt.

I, too, am working hard for the development of the coral reef, so I hope Yogo-Tosos will do the same.

“If you need help, let me know. After all, it’s for the prosperity of the dessert desert… You deserve more support.”

【Then I need the authority to edit part of the spirit world.】

“Do as you wish.”

With that, Yogo-Tosos, who had received the authority, seemed to have trained to a satisfactory point after researching magic for a long time.

【It’s done. I will now reveal it.】

“Good. Go ahead.”

And then, the moment Yog-Tosos cast his magic.

From his tentacles and bubble-like body, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of gigantic bubbles burst forth explosively.

They all had strange hues and emitted light. The dance of the glowing bubbles resembled a kind of dance, or perhaps structures built from the flow of the spiritual realm.

Yog-Tosos’ magic, seemingly designed to maximize the bonuses of the traits I had chosen, spread across a vast area, filling the sky and the spiritual realm.

And the emotions evoked by those colors and lights were a mix of beauty and awe.

It was called reverence. Such reverence spread everywhere, causing a part of the ecosystem to worship him entirely.

What a magnificent performance.

“Truly amazing. It’s a magic that temporarily creates a spiritual realm and shakes the very minds of those who see it.”

It could be modified for offensive use, but as it is, it seems to have an immensely positive impact on the entire world. The culture score is skyrocketing right now.

And finally, it was achieved.

“The world’s culture score has surpassed 4,085 points, raising the level to 6. You can now choose a new culture trait.”

“An additional disaster has been resolved.”

“Inspiration from beyond has intensely stimulated the creations of the desert. They now seem fully satisfied with their appearance and have realized that they possess powerful weapons against others.”

“Success Bonus – ‘Monstrosity: Creatures become grotesque in proportion to their charm, causing their opponents to fall into feelings of fear and awe.'”

Oh. Wait a minute. If I get this trait…



Yog-Tosos, the most charming creature in my ecosystem, with a charm score nearing 5,000, almost surpassing Shikadoz, drove the terrestrial creatures into madness just by existing.

Even my other creatures, who had some resistance to grotesqueness, couldn’t withstand Yog-Tosos’ overwhelming charm.

“Yog-Tosos. Excellent. Your achievements are truly great, so I will reward you with the Boundary of Time and Space as your domain.”

【Oh. Thank you, my creator.】

And so, a happy ending. But the angel looked at me with a strange expression.

“Um, wasn’t the Boundary of Time and Space already Yog-Tosos’ responsibility?”

Is that important right now?

‘Truly excellent. Thanks to you, we have overcome the disaster, so I will reward you with the Boundary of Time and Space as your domain.’

‘Not quite up to expectations, but your efforts are commendable. I will reward you with the Boundary of Time and Space as your domain.’

‘Truly pathetic. There is no domain to give you, so as a punishment, I will assign you the responsibility of managing the Boundary of Time and Space.’

No matter what was achieved, the reward was the same, but if the recipient didn’t know, it just felt like a reward. Whether you know it or not, TRPG mastering roughly works like this.


「All disasters have been resolved. The remaining disaster sections will all turn into protection periods.」

So, I overcame all the disasters. Well, even though there were four level 5 disasters, my score was actually 210,000 at level 8. It would be strange if I couldn’t overcome them easily.

【I have my own territory! With this, I will complete the ultimate space-time magic that surpasses that insignificant Shikadoz!】

“The next opponent is going to be insanely pitiful. How on earth will they handle this······.”

Who cares. Let them adapt to the disasters I give them.

Hmm······. Since the remaining second protection period is quite long, should I refine my ecosystem a bit more? Not letting my guard down is the first step to victory.

Right. Come to think of it, [bread] and [yogurt]. These guys, which I worked hard to make before the disaster struck, seem to be quite sluggish now······. Should I check on them?

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