Chapter 51. Sky and Water

After changing the perspective, right after the sixth collision, I couldn’t help but be very surprised when I saw the three cards the angel handed me.

『Cultural Diversity: It is highly likely that entities with different 〈cultures〉 will not conflict well and create new 〈cultures〉.』

『Desert Ritual: The results of rituals performed in the 《desert》 terrain are greatly improved.』

『Sky Habitat: Creations become more accustomed to living in the 《great sky》 or adjacent areas.』

The three excellent trait cards I received as the sixth collision reward are all useless.

“Useless? Their performance isn’t bad at all.”

“But no matter how good they are, they’re things I don’t need right now.”

Hearing that, the angel looked a bit troubled.

“If you say so, it’s a bit problematic. Most traits are meant to support the development of civilization. But since you’re playing without any civilization, most traits are useless to you.”

“Can’t you just give me good traits at your discretion?”

“Due to the angel’s rules, I can’t. Angels can’t guide players in a specific direction and must provide a variety of options. Of course, I won’t give you completely useless and inefficient traits, like those that benefit from the ‘forest’ terrain, but I can’t give you only the traits you want.”

Hearing that, I had nothing to say.

Well, the game itself is designed to make you fight in various environments and against different opponents, so it doesn’t make sense to specialize in just one thing. If I had only received traits related to ‘life,’ I might have complained and asked for something else.

So, the conclusion was what to choose. The world traits obtained as collision rewards are much better in performance and versatility than the specialized traits obtained by increasing abilities, so it’s better to choose now.

But thinking about choosing from these, there was nothing to pick other than ‘Sky Habitat.’

Anyway, the ‘culture’ of my ecosystem is all about the appearance and courtship activities of individuals. Different cultures don’t clash.

The trait that gives bonuses during rituals in the desert is the same. There are no intelligent beings, so even if I wanted to hold a ritual, I couldn’t. Of course, I could make the Yog-Tosos do it, but why bother?

Considering that, it’s better to have a trait that benefits living in the sky, which is good for the Gamchis and the Yog-Tosos or Yogurts flying around.

As I drew the card, the world didn’t immediately shake and change.

In fact, I don’t really know how this trait changes the world. What’s the principle? No, before that, what is a ‘trait’? As I was pondering for a moment, the Yog-Tosos spoke to me.

【Creator. Suddenly, the flow of the sky has become calm.】

“Can you feel it?”

【Yes. Originally, we had to properly utilize the flow emitted by the sky to fly, but now we can float by riding the flow emitted by the sky.】

Then, the Yog-Tosos showed that they were moving about 30% faster than usual. Saying 30% might not sound like much, but a creature that moved at 70 km/h now moved at 90 km/h, which is incredibly fast.


“Probably not…”

The points where my ecosystem touches the sky are the mountain range and the cloud islands. The creatures there seemed to live much more comfortably, with their life activities becoming more active. Moreover, the Yogurts that were just wandering around the aerial realm suddenly started moving faster, consuming more magical flow, and evolving to become larger or faster.

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It’s much better than I thought. A pure sky ecosystem doesn’t exist on Earth, so it’s unfamiliar but seems quite nice.


“Why? Is there a problem?”

【It’s not that, but if you would allow me to make the cloud islands and mountains my territory, I think I could create even better creatures. Would you grant me permission?】

What? Is it just a land grab?

But I couldn’t think of a reason to refuse. Rather than me, who doesn’t know much, it’s better for the smart and motivated Yog-Tosos to manage it directly.

But I can’t just give it away easily, so should I play hard to get?

“Yogurtos. In this world, the land is a fragment of the gods. Bestowing it is no light matter. To bestow it lightly means it can be taken away lightly. That way, it wouldn’t feel like your domain at all.”

【So, bestowing it as a domain means transferring ownership permanently…?】

It seems he’s excited about that fact. Well, he must have thought it could be taken away at any time.

“If you commit a colossal blunder, it could be taken away. But surely, someone like you wouldn’t do that, so it makes no difference.”

【That’s true.】

“Let’s say you’re the right person to rule the sky. But then, how much of the world should I hand over to you afterward?”


I roughly set the stage like this…

“So, let’s hear your plan for those magnificent creatures. If I can do it better, there’s no reason to hand it over. Surely, you’re not thinking of creating some lightweight creatures that live in the clouds and showing off?”

Because I was planning to stop at just that level.

【Of course, it wouldn’t be such a pathetic idea.】


【The sky is the point where it touches the flow, through the knowledge learned from Sesaisa, linking the powerful flow emanating from the mountains with the clouds and climate…】

Hmm~ Even if you say that, I don’t really understand~ I’m completely ignorant about magic.

【…So, I intended to control the climate of the entire world and create creatures that live as the climate itself.】

Wait, what?

“Are you saying that creatures can control the climate?”

【Yes. We already have cream and yogurt. I think we can create creatures that manipulate the climate and live as the climate itself. It’s petty and limited for me to use magic to sprinkle nectar in the desert.】

I don’t know what it means for the climate itself to become a creature, but if climate manipulation is possible, does that mean you can pour infinite rain on the opposing ecosystem or make it perpetually drought-stricken…?

Huh? I thought you were just going to create creatures that don’t come down from the sky, but this idea is more amazing than I thought? Hmm.

“It’s beyond expectations. Yogurtos.”

【That means…!】

“It’s worth investing in, beyond just bestowing it. However, since it uses a large amount of the ecosystem’s resources, it must not fail.”

【Oh…! There’s no doubt. It will never fail.】

So, I bestowed mountains and cloud terrains. Among my terrains, there’s a “constellation,” but you don’t need that. That’s a terrain that touches the universe, not the sky.

Yogurtos, who received new territory in addition to the space-time boundary, immediately started working. I thought Yogurtos would explain at length and confidently create it right away.

【Hmm! Excuse me, could you create a few creatures? I need creatures similar to [Topping] that live in the sky.】

It doesn’t seem easy… Well, I thought so, but is this guy just like a venture entrepreneur who gets investment with grand ideas?

Anyway, it was worth investing a clone in Yogurtos’s work, so I decided to go and see it myself.

───And my perspective shifts to the Nectar Lake.

The level of Nectar Lake has risen again as I am currently consulting with Sesaisa. Now, Nectar Lake has a diameter of 16 km and an area of 200 square kilometers. It occupies about one-third of my ecosystem.

However, as it grew this large, problems arose. The thing is, Apjuice couldn’t grow this big… Moreover, Nectar itself could only be consumed at the edge of the lake, so efficiency actually decreased. Even though Nectar is being extracted through the Syrup River, it is not being used properly compared to the enormous amount of Nectar available. In fact, the creatures existing in the Nectar Spring itself are not very useful.

“You’ve encountered a difficult problem. What will you do now?”

“Hmm, I think this needs to be solved in a game-like way rather than an ecological way.”

I brought the terrain that originally existed in my ecosystem and the terrain I obtained from the opposing ecosystem, originally inhabited by the hamster tribe, the “Valley,” and placed it roughly in the middle of Nectar Lake using divine power.


Then I brought parts of the rocky desert, sandy desert, and desert forest and placed them inside Nectar Lake. Since the terrain was too large, it became possible to insert other terrains, in other words, fragments of the gods.

As a result, four islands were created inside Nectar Lake.

The island that was originally a valley absorbed Nectar into the valley and flowed it underground, becoming a kind of cave terrain. The desert forest became even denser, providing a source for other creatures to inhabit, and the rocky desert and sandy desert, which were just high-magic terrains, had jellies crawling up to form gummy forests.

And as this happened, the jellies that were starving due to lack of food began to cling to the islands and eat them. Since these were also fragments of the gods, as long as magic was supplied, the islands would grow on their own. Thus, they became an inexhaustible vein.

I also connected this to the existing Creamland through Sesaisa, and artificially connected it to Nectar Lake with the Syrup River to further raise the level.

“Brilliant idea. When one terrain grows, it can encompass other terrains.”

“A rare pure compliment.”

“If it’s well done, it should be praised, right?”

Anyway, as four islands were created in Nectar Lake, jellies crawled around and creatures settled, becoming much healthier.

Apjuice also had a reduced area to manage, making it much easier to manage the remaining space. However, the process of editing the terrain caused massive ecological destruction, but this should be resolved on its own.

Then, although there are many world collisions left, since the creatures in the world have already increased sufficiently, shall we organize it once?

“What do you mean?”

I proceed with the postponed task.

「[Gummy Coral Reef] is promoted to 〈Legendary Unique Structure/Unique Entity〉.」

“90% of the creatures existing in the Nectar Spring. And 70% of the creatures existing in the nearby basin are evenly sacrificed.”

All the vast creatures occupying one-third of the world’s area are sacrificed. Since it is 〈Life〉, 〈Industry〉, and 〈Culture〉, the value rises inversely as much as the number of creatures sacrificed.

So, although fewer creatures needed to be killed than expected, I decided to sacrifice about 80,000 creatures to make it as large as possible, and the final score was decided to create a monstrous coral reef with over 260,000 points.

【Yayayayayaya! Creator! More power!】

Apjuice also rejoiced and poured in power like crazy. Sesaisa also helped, and a massive amount of magic and 〈Faith〉 was dedicated to the coral reef.


This guy is not a dessert corps commander. It won’t even become an intelligent being. Its essence is a coral reef, a structure.

But this coral reef will soon become Apjuice’s palace. So, it deserves a fitting name.

Let’s see, hmm…

“The largest coral reef on Earth is called the Great Barrier Reef, right?”

“Yes? Yes.”

“And there is a place called Grey Barrier Peaks, which is mentioned in passing.”

“I don’t know where it’s mentioned, but yes. The pronunciation is similar.”

That’s good.

“From now on, this place is called Guremmy Bear Reafs.”


As soon as the name was given, the corals slowly transformed into a cute bear shape with two round ears.

「[Gummy Coral Reef] has been upgraded to [Guremmy Bear Reafs].」

「Guremmy Bear Reafs 〈Legendary Unique Structure/Unique Entity〉

Stats (Expand▼)

Description: A massive coral reef formed by the gummy corals, members of the Dessert Legion. It is treated as both a living organism and a structure. It enriches the ecosystem of the Nectar Spring, and many creatures living in the Nectar Spring inhabit the vicinity of Guremmy Bear Reafs. The colorful gummy corals, which grow in a way that reminds one of Earth’s bears, are characteristic. They have the power to physically repel intruders.

The beautiful Guremmy Bear Reafs inspire those who seek to create works of art, and even if not, they are strong beings with a will to transform themselves beautifully. They significantly increase the 〈culture〉 within the world and raise the probability of heroic entities being born in the Nectar Spring.

Moreover, Guremmy Bear Reafs protect [Apohjus] and extend beyond the Nectar Spring to construct massive structures that serve as homes.

Legendary Trait – 『Sacred Gummy Garden: The [Gummy] species thrives in proportion to the level. Additionally, [Gummy] species become much more 〈beautiful〉 and 〈attractive〉, and structures and equipment made from [Gummy] become exceptionally 〈attractive〉. Structures or works made from [Gummy] possess 〈authority〉 and 〈magic〉, and [Gummy] gains extremely high physical and mystical resistance.』」

The lake overflowed, and the gummy corals crawled up to the ground along with the nectar. It gave the illusion that the entire bottom of the Nectar Spring was filled with gummy coral reefs, stacking up from the bottom.

And in the deepest part, Apohjus shone without interfering with the activities of the tentacles extending from it, creating a flow inside and fostering numerous creatures, clearly indicating that it was an entity on par with Yog-Tothos and Shuk-Rimuras.

And, the level of the Nectar Spring increased by 1. With a diameter of a whopping 23 km, the islands inside grew larger, and the creatures thrived immensely.

Most notably, the Biscuits thrived. The number of Biscuits increased significantly, and they even underwent speciation, resulting in larger Biscuits, smaller (still large) Biscuits, Biscuits with different beak shapes, and so on.

「The world collision will begin soon. Only the surviving players will advance to the next round.」

“I expect an easy victory.”

So do I.

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