At this time, the little devil position.

Sakata United’s Wing Commander, Sakata Nobutetsu, observed the new position with binoculars in the trenches, and after a moment, he put down his binoculars and roared: “These abominable squeaky people actually blocked our Third Wing for such a long time!” ”

The third wing, but the elite of the fourth brigade!

In the Battle of Xinkou, he defeated two divisions including the 72nd Division of the Central Army.

During the Ling counter-sweep, the independent regiment of the 386th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army lost its armor and abandoned its armor, the regiment commander Kong Jie was wounded, and the political commissar was killed.

In Luye, he fought with the 358th Regiment of the Jin Sui Army, killing and wounding a total of nearly 300 people in just one hour.

If the 358th Regiment had not withdrawn in time, it would probably have been completely destroyed by the enemy forces.

Such an impressive record has long made Sakata a little fluttery.

But in this small Cangyun Ridge, he was actually blocked by an unknown new group for so long, and many people died, which made him a little unhappy!

The adjutant of the ghost next to him said: “Don’t worry, Sakata Daisa, our third wing has been invincible since entering the northwest of Jin, and this Eighth Route Army will be destroyed by us sooner or later!” ”

“Dazuo, you should also hear that the gunfire of the Eighth Route Army is becoming more and more sparse, indicating that they have suffered heavy casualties or lack ammunition, even if they have a geographical advantage, we are sure to take them down in a short time!”


A smug smile appeared on Sakata’s ugly face, and a pair of mouse eyes were full of contempt.

Obviously, at this time, he did not put the new lump in his eyes.

“Pass on my order, adjust the second and fourth brigades, prepare to attack the Cangyunling Highlands, and destroy their living forces before General Sano arrives.”


The ghost adjutant replied loudly.


In a small col about two kilometers away from the headquarters of the Bantian Wing, Lin Xun, who had just crossed over, poured demonic energy into his eyes, observing every move on the battlefield on both sides.

As a traverser, Lin Xun has naturally seen the classic anti-Japanese drama Bright Sword.

The specific experience of the battle of Cangyunling is still fresh in his memory.

Although in this station, Li Yunlong successfully broke through with his extraordinary strategic vision and also killed Sakata, the big sake.

But the casualties of the new regiment were also heavy.

As a Huaxia person, even if it is a demon cultivator, Lin Xun naturally hopes that the casualties of the new group can be reduced.

It’s nothing else, just follow your heart!

Magic cultivation pays attention to a rash action, and it is not necessary to do all the bad things to be considered a demon!

“In that case… Then kill directly to the command of the devil! ”

Without the slightest hesitation or the slightest pity, Lin Xun turned into an afterimage and galloped towards the devil’s headquarters.

In Yin Soul Mountain, he had already refined those eleven Blood Soul Pills, and his strength had been raised to the peak of the fifth layer of Qi training, and he was only one step away from being able to step into the sixth layer of Qi training.

Moreover, the Yin Soul Banner has also been refined.

Although this magic weapon has not yet contained any soul body, it is only a magic weapon that does not enter the flow, but it is more than enough to contain the soul body after the death of the ghost.

Lin Xun galloped all the way and was soon exposed to the view of the Sakata United.

“I’m leaning on, there seems to be a squeaky guy flying over there…”

A ghost scout rubbed his eyes and glanced again with some uncertainty.

But when he looked in the direction he had just looked in again, he found that it was already empty.


The ghost scout was a little unsure, but when he looked up again, he found a figure in a black robe beside him.

“Oh! Haunted! ”

The ghost scout was shocked and raised his gun to shoot, but before he could pull the trigger, he suddenly felt that the right hand holding the gun lost consciousness.

In the next second, the devil’s eyes suddenly fainted.

“Little devil! Count you unlucky! ”

Lin Xun lifted the ghost like a dead pig with one hand, and the demonic energy on the other hand was surging, directly printed on the brain door of the ghost scout.

Soul search!

This is a method that almost everyone in the Yin Soul Sect knows!

Some information can be obtained directly through soul searching.

Although Lin Xun has seen the plot of the bright sword and knows the approximate location of the ghost headquarters, he really does not know the specific location.

In order not to let Sakata United’s Wing Captain Sakata Nobutetsu run away, it was naturally the most effective means to search for souls to find out the exact location of the headquarters.

As the demonic energy in Lin Xun’s hands surged, some pieces of information kept emerging in his mind.

A few seconds later, the soul body of that ghost scout had been completely torn apart, turning into fragments of soul body.

However, Lin Xun also got the information he wanted – the location of the headquarters.

“It’s a pity… A lot of soul power was wasted! ”

Lin Xun took a greedy breath, devoured the fragments of the soul body scattered in the air, and then stopped hiding his figure and strode towards the devil’s headquarters.

Soon, he came to the periphery of the little devil’s position.

Not far away, there are hundreds of little devils guarding here.

“Yours, what kind of work!”

“Damn squeaky man, stop, if I don’t stop, I’ll shoot…”

Before Lin Xun could get close to the position, several devils immediately aimed their guns at Lin Xun.

(Just finished eating, worked hard to code a chapter, ask for flowers, evaluate votes!) )

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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