Nanjing, known as Jinling and Jiankang in ancient times.

During the Southern Song Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, it was the capital of China.

During the Republican period, the National Government was also established in the city.

However, since the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Battle of Songhu has been lost one after another, and Nanjing has also been in danger, and the chairman of the committee has not allowed to move the capital to the inland mountain town.

As the former capital of the Republic of China, Nanjing is the economic, political, cultural and industrial center of the entire Chinese country.

For the whole of Huaxia, his importance is self-evident.

It used to be a beautiful place, with a cultural and natural scenery that makes people linger.

But now, the city of Nanjing has long been reduced to hell on earth.

After capturing the city of Nanjing, the little devils tried to break the will of the Chinese nation to resist by means of massacre, robbery, rape, intimidation and other means, so they created a massacre that shocked the world!

More than 300,000 people!

That’s more than 300,000 innocent people!

More than 190,000 people were buried alive and more than 150,000 were shot en masse.

After the massacre, under the threat of enemy bayonets, the survivors began to rebuild their homes in the ruins, like the walking dead, surviving.

Under the high-pressure policy of the little devils, these survivors are not even as good as pigs and dogs.

No dignity, no personality, no hope.

In everyone’s eyes, there is no longer the brilliance of the past, only numbness and sluggishness.


Thirty kilometers outside Nanjing, a squad of little devils was sweeping.

After the Battle of Songhu, many Chinese troops were still active in the enemy-occupied areas, and from time to time they appeared to fight the devils by surprise.

In addition, armed forces behind enemy lines and armed forces behind enemy lines spontaneously organized by some patriots often harass the strongholds of little devils everywhere.

Therefore, this routine sweep took place for a long time in the enemy-occupied area.

Of course, the purpose of the sweep is not only to eliminate these armed “four four zero” forces, but more often to satisfy the perverted desire to kill of the little devils.

Under the brainwashing of militaristic thinking, many little devils have become cruel killing machines.

Especially after the massacre, the bloodthirsty desire buried in the hearts of some little devils was also completely activated, and they were uncomfortable if they did not kill for three days.

This squad came out to sweep up this time, just to kill people.

The squad is the second-level combat team of the little devil.

It is generally composed of a squad of 7 people, including a team leader, juncao, correspondent, hygienist, and translation officer, plus three detachments of 13 people and an 8-person grenade canister detachment, for a total of 54.

When the configuration is strengthened, each detachment is increased by 2 people, bringing the total squad to 62 people.

Sasaki Saisai, as the captain, is a murderous maniac who is perverted to the extreme.

In the Holocaust, he even won the honorary title of “Thousand Beheaded”.

The so-called thousand-person beheading is a kind of killing competition held by the little devils in the massacre.

The rules of the contest are simple, whoever cuts off more heads with a katana within the allotted time wins.

The title of a thousand people means that Sasaki Saizai cut off a thousand heads of Chinese people in the game.

Receiving such an “honor”, even appearing in the newspapers of the Wakou Kingdom, and being worshipped as the god of war by the domestic people, this made Sasaki Sai’s desire to kill even stronger.

He liked to see the desperate and helpless eyes of that person, he liked to hear the crazy cursing and screams of that person, he liked to hear the sound of his head hitting the ground, and the warm feeling of blood spurting out and splashing on his face…

Whenever he recalled the scene of the killing match at that time, Sasaki Saisai’s heart would be restless again.

The thought of those lowly men being tied up like pigs, kneeling in a row with broken feet, waiting for his butcher knife to fall, his face would show a very perverted sense of satisfaction.

Of course, he also likes the taste of Chinese women.

The woman of Huaxia is pale and beautiful and full of defiance, which arouses his desire for conquest more than the woman of the Wokou kingdom who can only obey.

He likes to watch the scene where the Chinese woman keeps struggling, but in the end she can’t do anything and is ruined by him.

Whenever he experiences such a scene, Sasaki Sai’s heart will also be greatly satisfied.

All in all, he is a cruel, bloodthirsty pervert!

Of course, such people are common among little devils.

This is also the norm for that disgusting nation.

Just this morning, Sasaki’s squad slaughtered a village.

More than three hundred people in the entire village, except for women, were all cut off by him one by one.

As for the woman, she naturally sent it to the comfort center after some toying.

Recalling the feeble struggle and painful moans and moans of the village woman she had played with in the morning, a morbid desire once again appeared on Sasaki’s face.

Beside him, the dog traitor saw Sasaki Sasai’s expression, and immediately flattered: “Sasaki Shaosa, about three kilometers ahead, there is a damn village called Lijiazhuang. In the early years, I went to that Zhuangzi, and there were many flower girls in it. Why don’t we go to the village and enjoy it first, and then continue the sweep? ”

“Yo West! Only that man’s flower girl! ”

After listening to the interpreter’s words, Sasaki Sai suddenly felt hot and dry, and he was immediately interested.

He nodded with a lewd smile on his face, turned his head to look at the dog traitor, and said in the language of the bokou: “Yours, very good at doing things!” The Imperial Army of the Great Wokou Empire is very satisfied with you! As long as you behave well, the Imperial Army of the Great Wokou Empire will not treat you badly! ”

“Thank you Taijun, thank you Taijun!”

The dog traitor suddenly nodded and continued, “It is a small blessing to be able to serve the great imperial army… Where dare you ask the imperial army for a reward! ”

“Yo West! If all those people were as knowledgeable as you, the soldiers of our Great Wokou Empire would not be so hard!” But fortunately, if there are more people who don’t know how to lift it, I can also kill more…”

Sasaki Zhai licked his lips excitedly, and he had already begun to fantasize about how to torture and kill the only person in Li Jiazhuang and how to humiliate the flower girl of Li Jiazhuang.

“Yo West.”

His saliva came out unconsciously.

“Everyone, full speed ahead! One should! ”

The Yokou motorcycle on which Sasaki was sitting accelerated sharply and sped towards Lijiazhuang.

The infantry in his squad also picked up and chased after them.

Soon, Li Jiazhuang arrived.

In the distance, Sasaki smelled a seductive aroma.

It is a unique smell of soap horn, fresh and fragrant.

Looking slowly at the scent, Sasaki’s eyes suddenly lit up.

I saw a woman of good figure and appearance by the river not far away, constantly rubbing her clothes in a basin with a soap horn.

While washing clothes, the woman’s eyes also looked at the entrance of the village from time to time, always maintaining due vigilance.

Suddenly, a woman saw a scene that made her desperate.

“Little devil!”

The woman shouted, dropped the basin and clothes in her hand, and ran frantically towards the village.

“Yo Xi, this flower girl is mine!”

Sasaki didn’t chase after him, just quietly watched the woman escape, licking her lips with excitement.

If you can run the monk, you can’t run the temple, the village is there, where can you run?

When he brought people into the village, arrested everyone, and threatened the lives of the entire village, he would not obediently obey the flower girl.

When it’s over, it’s not too late to kill others!

“Run, call! The louder I screamed, the more excited I became! ”

Sasaki licked his lips excitedly again.

However, he did not rush into the village with a few people around him, but stood in place and waited for the infantry who came on foot.



As the woman who washed the clothes shouted in horror, more and more people gathered around.

“Erniu, is the little devil really here?”

An old man in the village asked with a look of horror.

How ferocious the little devils are, they have long heard about it.

More than 300,000 civilians were killed in Nanjing, not counting the soldiers who died in the war and the civilians who were affected.

These more than 300,000 people were all slaughtered by devils after the war.

Such a big thing has long been spread in the surrounding area.

All the Chinese people also recognized what kind of beasts the little devils were, and in the face of this group of beasts that were inferior enough, it was inevitable that some people would be afraid.

“I don’t know, I just saw three little devils and a dog traitor, but I don’t know if there are others behind!”

The woman said breathlessly.

Three devils?!

The young and strong people who gathered around the village suddenly lit up, if there are only three devils and a traitor, then they are afraid of a dick!

In those days, which village did not have a few shotguns?

In Lijiazhuang village, the earthen hunting rifles add up to more than ten shots.

Although the earthen hunting rifle is not as good as the devil’s semi-automatic rifle in terms of reloading speed and lethality, the three devils are really not worried.

“Old Uncle Li, or should we fight with the little devils?”

“Yes, fight with them, let these little devils know that our Huaxia people are not muddy!”

“Old Uncle Li, you just give the order!”

Several bloody young people in the village looked at an old man who was smoking a dry cigarette.

This old man is the village chief of Lijiazhuang, and Li has a very high prestige in the village.

Without his approval, the young people in the village did not dare to act rashly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Old Uncle Li took two puffs of dry cigarettes, then looked at the youths and asked, “Have you ever seen a little devil act alone?” Didn’t they go out with at least one detachment that time? ”

“A detachment of a little devil, there are machine guns in it! What to fight, what to fight? ”

What’s more, the two girls have all run back to the village for a while, and the little devil has never appeared, and he must be waiting for support.

Old Uncle Li thought for a while, gritted his teeth and smashed out the smoking pot, turned his head to look at the people in the village and shouted: “All those who can move in the village will evacuate with dry food and back mountains.” If you can’t move, hide it in the cellar! ”

“Erzhuzi, dog, you take a few people from the militia team with me to the entrance of the village to explore the bottom, if there are not many little devils, we will fight!”

“If the devil is really fierce, let’s immediately retreat to the mountain!”

When things are gone, you can earn again, houses can be repaired when they are gone, and people are really nothing!

As the head of a village, Old Uncle Li must be responsible for the people in the entire village0…….


Several militia youths still wanted to say something, but they were glared back by Uncle Li.

“Everyone go home and pack up, quickly evacuate!”

Under Lijiazhuang’s arrangement, about three minutes later, more than 300 people in the entire village quietly evacuated from the path behind the village to the mountain.

Old Uncle Li, on the other hand, took twelve members of the militia team and touched the entrance of the village.

But just when they touched the entrance of the village, they suddenly saw a scene that they would never forget.

At the entrance of the village, the little devil’s squad has been assembled and is marching towards Lijiazhuang.

But before they could enter the village, they were suddenly torn apart by a black gas that fell from the sky.

In the entire squad of more than sixty people, only one ghost officer at the head was still standing, and the others were actually torn into countless pieces in an instant.

Oh, my God!

What is this black gas?

More than a dozen people in Lijiazhuang held their breath and slowly raised their heads to look up at the sky.

I saw a man in a black robe, with a cold face and full of anger, standing proudly in the sky.

Beside him, a dark golden soul banner fluttered in the wind.

There was also a cute little girl standing on the soul flag.

“Is it the Demon Lord!?”


It must be him!

Exactly as described on the small card dropped on the plane!

Many people in Lijiazhuang jumped out from behind the cover with excitement, staring directly at the black figure in mid-air in a daze.

Lord Demon is here, what else is there to be afraid of?

During this time, they have heard a lot of legends about the Demon Lord!

Although the area around Nanjing is an enemy-occupied area, they have also heard the legend of the Demon Lord.

This is also thanks to Chairman Jiang for sending quite a few planes to scatter pieces of paper in the enemy-occupied area about the deeds of the Demon Monarch alone in beheading 30,000 devils in Ping’an County and recovering Taiyuan City alone.

Someone in Li Family Village has picked up such a card, and naturally knows the name of the Demon Monarch Lin Xun.

However, until then, they were skeptical of the legend.

But just after seeing with his own eyes that the Demon Monarch Lin Xun destroyed a devil’s squad with one move, these doubts suddenly disappeared.

“Lord Demon Sovereign actually came to Nanjing from the northwest of Jin!”

“The blood feud of our Nanjing people can finally be repaid!”

“The end of the little devils is coming, I really want to see the expressions of the devils after knowing that the demon lord is coming…”

The young and strong people of Lijiazhuang shouted with excitement one by one.

In mid-air, Lin Xun did not care about the shouts of the Lijiazhuang militia, but directly shook it in the air, and the only remaining Sasaki Zhai on the ground was held by an invisible force and was violently dragged in front of Lin Xun.

“Who are you and what are you going to do!”

Sasaki swallowed a mouthful of spit fiercely and asked with a broken Chinese and a somewhat trembling voice.

“What do you want to know 3.3, I tell you all, don’t kill me, don’t kill me!”

Having killed countless people, before Lin Xun could speak, he actually began to beg for mercy.

Yes, he was afraid!

A squad of more than sixty people was destroyed in the blink of an eye?

And blown up into countless pieces?

Sasaki sniffed the blood stains on his clothes, glanced at the dozens of pools of blood stains hundreds of meters in the air, and suddenly felt hot under his crotch.

Scared to pee!

The so-called “thousand people beheaded” warrior is just a coward who only knows how to bully the soft and fear the hard, and slaughter ordinary people who are defenseless!

“Who am I? You little devil doesn’t deserve to know…”

Lin Xun responded indifferently, and at the same time the demonic energy in his hand surged and instantly crushed Sasakisai’s neck.

Then he pulled out a soul body from the ruined body and used the soul search technique.

As a large number of mixed memories poured into Lin Xun’s mind, Lin Xun’s originally indifferent expression became even colder.

In Nanjing, scene after scene of tragedy appeared in his mind.

The various cruel acts of the little devils are vividly remembered.

More than 300,000 people, more than 300,000 people!

Although in his previous life, Lin Xun had also heard some information about the massacre.

But little is known about the details of the massacre.

Now, through soul searching, he knows it all!

Beheading competitions, skinning people alive, skinning pregnant women alive, kicking people’s heads as balls, forcing Chinese people to eat the flesh and blood of their relatives, cutting off women’s breasts and then raping and killing…

In just over a year, they have carried out countless such killings around Nanjing.

No village does not wear filial piety, and there is wolf smoke everywhere!

“Little devil, damn it!”

Lin Xun was furious.

(Speaking of the update time, except for weekends, I update two chapters of 5,000 words in the evening, because I have to work during the day, and I can’t finish a chapter.) Ask for flowers, review votes. )。

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