"The criminals use false articles to guide public opinion on the Internet."

"And incite netizens to vote in favor of the option of detonating the bomb."

"We must stop the murderer from using a knife to kill!"

"Everyone needs to do it now."

"It's just downvoting."

"Stop the bomb from detonating and buy me enough time!"

Lu Ze said this.

There was a lot of response in the live room.

At the same time, the number of people online in Lu Ze's live broadcast room directly broke the historical record.

Come to a full fifteen million!

This also created the most popular history in the entire live broadcast industry!

【Brothers come to live! 】

【Finally it's our turn to go out! 】

【Do you fight? War! 】

[Back then, I Ze led the army to cut down 100,000 soldiers and fight Xixi, but today he has more than 10 million troops, why worry about the great cause of counter-bombing? 】

[This time... tens of thousands of strong men will go to war, and they must step down the gangster's voting link! 】

[Brothers, let them see... how powerful the Xiaolu Legion is! 】


at the same time.

Lu Ze's phone started beeping non-stop.

to this day.

Lu Ze's fan base on various social platforms is so large that he can't remember it himself.

Together, large and small, there are already more than a few hundred!

And this moment.

These hundreds of fan groups are very tacitly active together.

The group owner and various administrators organize spontaneously together.

The solitaire was performed by the group members, and the roll call operation began.

[A group of small road legions, the inventory is completed! The number of people online is 4,281. At present, all online personnel are in place and are voting together! 】

[Second group of the small road army, the inventory is completed! There are 4,156 people online, everyone is in place, and they are voting! 】

[Three groups of small road legions, the inventory is completed! There are 3,200 people online, and they are in place. The collective vote is in progress! 】

[The 382th group of the small road army...]

These group friends didn't waste any time.

Immediately after the roll call was completed, the voting operation was carried out uniformly.

Just ten seconds of effort.

The negative votes directly increased by millions of votes!

Just add two minutes to the time on the timer!

But...this is just the beginning!

Member of many trail regiments.

Except for voting.

I also sent the link to my family and friends group, classmate group, blowing force group, etc.!

And called on the people in the group to cast a negative vote!

After the group of relatives and friends voted, they called on relatives and friends to forward the link to their own communication groups!

Relatives and friends of relatives and friends, and forwarded to various group chats of relatives and friends of relatives and friends!

One pass ten.

Ten pass a hundred!

Chain reaction!

An extremely exaggerated phenomenon occurred.

The votes below the disapproval button began to change at a dizzying pace.

Start growing exponentially!

In just ten seconds.

Thousands of votes added!

And the bomb timer on Lu Ruitong.

The time has been directly increased from three minutes to twenty minutes!


at the same time.

Inside a black Mercedes-Benz van.

Zhang Erhai lay in the back row with his legs crossed, drinking tea leisurely.

On an electronic screen in front of him, Lu Ze's live broadcast room was displayed impressively.

The assistant in a suit sat beside Zhang Erhai, his hands constantly tapping on the laptop.

Always observe the vote ratio of the link background.

"Mr. Zhang, the number of positive votes in the background has exceeded one million negative votes."

"As long as there are 600,000 more votes, the bomb will detonate directly."

"At that time, Lu Song's daughter and the anchor named Yi Xiangze will be killed."

"very good."

Zhang Erhai nodded with satisfaction.

Although Tony looked dull, not very smart.

But the hand he designed to kill with a knife was beyond Zhang Erhai's expectations.

As long as the plan is successful, the bomb will eventually be detonated by the hands of netizens.

Not only can the purpose of revenge be achieved, but Lu Song's life is not as good as death.

It is also possible to transfer responsibilities to a minimum extent.

This Tony...

Not as stupid as his son in prison said!

After half a minute.

Zhang Erhai took a sip from the teacup again.

"How many tickets are there now?"

"The total number of positive votes now is 2.8 million..."

The assistant's hand on the keyboard suddenly stopped.

Look at the backstage in front of you.

He rubbed his eyes, almost thinking he was dazzled.

"Isn't it good, the number of votes has increased a lot."

Zhang Erhai suddenly realized something.

The number of votes has increased by more than one million... Why didn't the bomb explode?

"How many negative votes are there now? Has it also increased a lot?"

"Vote against... A total of three thousand... ten thousand."


The tea in Zhang Erhai's mouth immediately sprayed the assistant's face.

"How many?"

"Are you joking with me?"

Zhang Erhai just finished spraying, but one of the teacups was not steady and fell on the spot.

"Three thousand... There is another ten thousand?"

"Yes...three thousand...there are ten thousand!"

The assistant wiped the water on the computer and answered cautiously.

Zhang Erhai quickly turned to look at the computer in front of his assistant.

After seeing the exaggerated numbers below the objection button.

Zhang Erhai also took a deep breath.


real or fake?

More than 30 million negative votes?

All the way to Ze, this is to mobilize all the students in colleges and universities across the country to vote?

He looked back at Lu Ze's live broadcast room.

I saw that on the timer of the bomb, the time had increased to more than fifty minutes!

Lu Ruitong's face turned red.

He didn't look as nervous as before.

Lu Ze on the side even took the time to buy a bottle of mineral water for Lu Ruitong!

Too Nima outrageous!

The countdown is almost an hour away...

Even if Lu Ze ordered a takeaway.

After eating with Lu Ruitong, there is more than enough time to defuse the bomb!

"Impossible... Absolutely impossible!"

"All the way to Ze is definitely a ticket!"

"Tony, this rice bucket, doesn't it say that the bomb will explode when you swipe the ticket?"

Zhang Erhai looked sullen.

"boss Zhang……"

"Based on the background display."

"These IPs voted online all come from all over the world!"

The assistant's fingers on the keyboard trembled slightly, "And I just contacted the technical gang..."

"They said that no abnormalities were detected in the background... These votes were not swiped!"

"These are human votes!"

"Thirty million real people come to vote for this Xiang Ze all the way?"

"How busy are they!"

Zhang Erhai couldn't believe his ears.

Thirty million people...what concept?

This has reached the population of a province!

Spend a lot of money yourself, and find various media resources at the same time.

Use Tony's article to smear and slander Lu Song and incite public hatred.

A full layout for a few months.

To implement the vote today, only more than 2 million votes have been called in favor...

This is all the way to Ze...

I just moved my lips in front of the live broadcast room...

Just mobilized 30 million people to come and vote?

What a fairy!


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