This is a computer that I spent 10,000 yuan to assemble!

Listen to the staff who assemble the computer.

The second-hand preservation rate of this computer is very high.

And the graphics card market has been in short supply recently.

If you ship the graphics card on your computer, not only will you not lose money, you can even make a small profit!

More importantly.

On this computer, there is still a lot of precious information of his own.

Including the fraudulent words that I have painstakingly written for many years.

Some citizens' personal information and telephone contact information purchased through illegal means.

Basically all the guys who eat are on this computer.

And accompany me through the lonely days and nights, as many as several T high-definition movies!

Can't just turn into a big brick!

To save your computer.

The liar began to think hard about the solution.

He once heard a passage on the Internet.

Problems with any electronic product.

The first solution, always reboot.

If restarting can't solve it, it's basically not a problem that can be solved by yourself.

You can consider taking it to the store for repairs or replacing it with a new device.

This law is really useful and helps scammers solve most of their problems.

So this time.

The crooks are still trying to reboot.

But he found that the restart button didn't respond at all.

I don't even have the qualifications to restart the computer!

Depend on!

The liar gets more and more angry.

Then cut off the power directly.

Make you arrogant!

Hack my computer?

won't let me restart?

The young man has cut off the electricity for you, so there's nothing wrong with this!

But after turning the power back on, the crooks turned it on again, and the familiar unlocking interface reappeared.

The lock screen on the computer is still there!

The liar finally understands.

This is not a small problem that can be solved with a reboot.

You might be messing with someone you shouldn't mess with!

Before I think of it, hackers controlled their computers to unlock all those locked mobile phones.

The liar suddenly realized something.

He quickly turned on the phone.

Send a message to Lu Ze.

"Dude, did you touch my computer?"

"Don't call me little big brother?"

In Lu Ze's live broadcast room.

Seeing that the liar finally sent a message, the audience also became active.

【Hahaha! The liar is probably going crazy, and he wants to make people coquettish and call the little big brother? 】

[We waited for this little liar in the live room for several minutes, and he finally found the source of the problem! 】

[This liar is probably a little old, and his reaction is a little slow! 】

【I didn't expect it? Let you lock other people's mobile phones every day! This time it's your fault! 】


Sure enough it was him!

The liar cried out in pain.

I thought it was a big fat sheep that I sent to my door.

Now it seems……

It seems that he is the sheep!

"Dude, you are too unkind!"

"It's good to log in the ID, why did you hack my computer?"

"I'm on the ID you gave me."

"But in order to prevent you from locking my device, I locked your computer first."

"Is that reasonable?"

Lu Ze chuckled.

"My computer is my personal property..."

The liar is in a hurry.

"How can you hack into my computer at will! It's illegal to do so!"

"Hurry up and unlock my computer!"

"Otherwise I'll call the police!"

"Anything like this?"

Hearing the liar actively requesting the police, Lu Ze spread his hands. "Then... hurry up and call the police!"

【Isn’t this sent to the bowl on your own initiative? 】

【Hahaha! Liar actually want to take the initiative to call the police? 】

[This is the first time I have heard such a cheap request, so I have to satisfy him! 】

[Actually, this is not the first time. When I watched Mr. Lu’s live broadcast for the first time, there were liars who were frightened by Mr. Lu and voluntarily surrendered. 】

【This liar is too funny! Hahaha! 】

[Little liar, call the police in a hurry, do you want me to help you charge a few dollars for the phone bill? 】


Hearing that Lu Ze doesn't eat threats.

The liar became more and more nervous.

A fraudster myself.

How dare you take the initiative to call the police!

Isn't that pure stupidity?

The liar gritted his teeth.

"Brother, I was wrong."

"Didn't I also lock your phone..."

"We don't make river water from wells. Tell me the number and help me unlock the computer."

[This is called using the way of others, and treating the body of others! 】

[Now feel the feeling of those who have been defrauded, the mobile phone is locked! 】

【Ha ha ha ha! You have today too, little liar! 】

[Brother Xu's gift has been swiped, it is estimated that he is hiding behind the screen and smiling! 】

[Just now, several students who were defrauded by this liar watched the live broadcast, and this time it was really cool! 】

[Mr. Lu, torture him, don't stop! 】


Lu Ze didn't answer the liar's question directly, and changed the subject, "How much money have you cheated this month by this method?"

"Brother, the general environment is not good recently, anti-fraud propaganda is being carried out everywhere, and fraud is not easy to do."

"I've been lazy this month. I managed to get into a large group these two days. I added a lot of fat sheep. In the morning, I was put together by someone, and all the meat in my mouth ran away."

"It's barely 10,000 yuan when it's full this month."

It seems to be to gain Lu Ze's sympathy.

Liar actually began to complain.

"We get up early every day to chat with people in the dark."

"Isn't it just for the sake of eating?"

"It's not easy for everyone, let's understand each other."

"I'll give you some compensation, you unlocked the computer for me, let's just let it go!"

【He meows! Is there any reason to defraud him? 】

【Cheat me for money and still feel like you are working hard? Do you want to go to your hometown and set up a monument for you? 】

[When you locked other people's mobile phones, did you ever think that those who were deceived might not even be able to eat? 】

【To deal with him, you must deal with him ruthlessly! 】

【Depend on! Sitting at home every day to deceive people earns over 10,000 a month! He must be caught! 】

[When the little liar squatted in the house, this matter will be ready to pass. 】


"How about this."

"Return all the money you defrauded this month to those victims."

The reason why only the scammers are asked to return the money for this month.

It's because the crook's computer is probably worth this price.

Once beyond the liar's ability to bear.

He obviously wouldn't agree.

In addition, Lu Ze has located the exact location of the liar.

Liars are not in the magic capital.

Lu Ze has contacted the local police through Lu Song.

The police are already on their way.

As for the other fraudulent income of the liar, it will be handed over to the police at that time!

"What? Want my money for this month?"

The liar's mentality is a little broken.

"I've never liked saving money."

"If this month's money is returned...then I won't even have to eat!"

"You let me drink the northwest wind!"

"Brother, you are killing me!"


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