【What is this old man doing? 】

[Just watched... Isn't the prison food pretty good? Why is this big brother so thin! 】

[This brother is not going to do something, right? 】

[Fuck, there are still people who touch porcelain in prison? 】

[Upstairs...you think so clearly! 】


Heard the prisoner's movements.

The prison guard beside him frowned.

They have greeted all the inmates in advance and informed them that there will be a live broadcast today.

Today's performance is very important for their grading in prison.

This is closely related to the application for commutation or evaluation in the future.

At present, most prisoners are very disciplined.

But the prisoner's sudden restlessness.

Clearly broke the peace.

Facing the live camera, if the prisoner is allowed to continue shouting.

Obviously it will have a bad effect on the prison.

Just when the prison guard was about to stop the prisoner's behavior.

Song Huaisheng on the side stopped him.

Song Huaisheng glanced at the prisoner.

No. XXXX12354.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and then spoke to the prison guard.

"Wait a minute."

Lu Ze turned to look at the prisoner.

After seeing Lu Ze notice him.

The prisoner looked excited.

"Mr. Lu, I'm your fan!"

"Before I went to prison, I watched your live broadcast every day!"

【Puchi! I live in Bengbu! 】

【Ha ha ha ha! I didn't expect that I would like to mention a fan in prison? 】

[It turned out to be an autograph photo? 】

[It's awesome, my boss! 】

[This fan doesn't want it! At least wait until he's finished remodeling! 】

[It's a good one who watches President Lu's live broadcast every day. He dares to watch it for so long, and he has learned one trick a day in prison, right? 】


"Mr. Lu, I'm sorry to interrupt you during your live broadcast."

"I have something very important to tell you here."

The prisoner also knew that without the consent of the prison guards, as a prisoner, he could not talk to Lu Ze casually.

So he turned his eyes to Song Huaisheng.

Song Huaisheng knew the general situation of the prisoner.

It was clearer that he wasn't here to make trouble.

Song Huaisheng hesitated for a moment, then immediately contacted the prison leader.

After obtaining the permission of the corresponding leader.

Song Huaisheng then made a gesture to the prisoner numbered 12354, indicating that he could continue to speak.

"Mr. Lu, everyone called me Dawei before I went to prison, so you can call me Dawei!"

"I was jailed six months ago."

"The reasons for being imprisoned are very complicated, and I will elaborate on them slowly."

"Six months ago, my mother fell and hurt her head when she went downstairs."

"This incident is a huge blow to our family."

"Because I am an only child, my father passed away very early, and my mother had an accident and had to be taken care of."

"My wife was forced to quit her job and go home to take care of my elderly mother who was hospitalized."

"Hospitalization expenses, medical expenses, living expenses, children's reading expenses, and a fixed monthly mortgage payment."

"Because my wife has resigned."

"My family's expenses are all my responsibility."

"But my income from working outside is simply not enough to make ends meet."

"The days my mother was in hospital quickly emptied all my husband and wife's savings."

"Just when I was worrying about future expenses, the accident came again."

"The leaky house happens to rain overnight."

"The company I work for actually declared bankruptcy, and I don't even have a job!"

"At that time, my mother's treatment expenses were all borrowed from relatives and friends."

"And the home loan can no longer be repaid. The bank calls every day to urge the money, saying that if the money is not repaid, it will be subject to a credit investigation."

"And if the mortgage is cut off for too long, the house will even be auctioned off."

"At this juncture... I lost my job and I lost my source of income completely."

"Not to mention repaying the mortgage, even the daily living expenses have become a problem."

"I really have no choice but to find a way to borrow money."

"But my mother was hospitalized... I've picked up my relatives and friends, and I really can't find anyone to borrow money."

"On the Internet, I have also borrowed money from several formal platforms."

"At this time, a friend told me that there is a private lending company that makes it easier to lend."

"You don't need any mortgage, you can borrow money as long as you fill in certain real information about yourself."

"At that time, I heard that it was a private loan, and I was a little murmured in my heart."

"I'm afraid that the other party is a loan shark, a black network loan."

"But my friend told me that the loan company is in our magic city."

"There are office locations and staff. If there is a problem, you can go directly to them."

"I really needed money at the time."

"After thinking about it again and again, I added the lender's VX."

"I said I would borrow ten thousand to try it out."

"The other party directly sent me an electronic loan contract, which said that the loan was 10,000 yuan."

"I signed the electronic contract at his request."

"After the other party received the contract documents I signed, they started the so-called loan process."

"At that time, I never expected that the lender suddenly sent me a sentence."

"Through the head office, the branch will draw a tier."

"The sales department takes a commission, plus the salesperson's commission."

"I borrowed a total of 10,000 yuan."

"Actual loan - one hundred yuan!"

【Fuck! And this kind of shit? 】

[I always thought this was a joke, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen? 】

[Borrowing 10,000 yuan and actually getting 100 yuan? A few words of effort, this owes nine thousand nine? 】

[He obviously can grab it directly, but he insists on loaning you 100 yuan. 】

[This is even darker than the darkest dark internet loan I have ever seen! 】


"I'm all dumbfounded."

"Actually, I've also heard of high interest rates or 10% or 20% of dark net loans before."

"But I've never heard of a 99 percent cut!"

"Why doesn't he go grab it!"

"At that time, I was in a hurry, and I immediately reasoned with the other party."

"As a result, the other party told me that I had signed a loan contract."

"10,000 yuan loan, 20 points per month."

"12,000 yuan must be paid back within a month!"

[It's ridiculous to open the door to ridiculous, ridiculous to come home! 】

[This kind of black net loan is basically pure fraud, and the contract is useless]

[Yes, Brother Dawei, you don't need to pay any attention to him at all, and you're paying 100 yuan for whoring! 】

[The private loan with a monthly interest of 20 points is more usury than usury! 】

[It really shocked me for a hundred years...I didn't expect such a routine to exist in the rivers and lakes? 】



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