
Lu Ze looked calm.

Raising your hand is a slap.

The muscular man was actually sent half a meter away by this slap.

The dagger in his hand also fell to the ground.

I already said...

I can't keep the image of my elegant boy...

Lu Ze sighed, then came to the muscular man and kicked the dagger away.

The muscular man looked at Lu Ze with fear.

Covering the swollen half of his face, he screamed.

Xu Guihua on the side was stunned.

My son has been working out for ten years...

He just... just slaps...

Beat up my son?

[Fuck... Is the anchor the Foshan Lu Wen? 】

[This slap, with decades of skill, this little brat can't stand it with a knife! 】

[I didn't expect that I Ze could fight so well! 】

[That muscular man is too empty, right? How can a slap fan go so far. 】

[The anchor looks so secure, I love it! 】

【This slap is so cool! 】


A police car was parked nearby.

Lu Song and Yang Jing got out of the car.

At the first time, Xu Guihua, who wanted to run away, was arrested on the ground.

Since the last time Lu Song arrested Deng Pingping and Guo Chenggang.

Lu Ze took down Lu Song's personal phone number.

After all, I often have to expose and report some criminals.

It would be much more convenient to leave the personal phone number of the deputy chief of criminal investigation.

Before the broadcast, Lu Ze had notified Lu Song in advance.

And Lu Song was also on his way, and opened Lu Ze's live broadcast.

I saw what Xu Guihua did.

The facts are already clear.

Xu Guihua's mother and son organized a blackmail operation, and even deliberately wounded people with a knife after being exposed!

These alone are enough for the two of them to drink a pot!

Lu Song put handcuffs on Xu Guihua's mother and son directly.

"This is the audio and video recording just now."

"I stayed here on purpose so that you can collect evidence."

Lu Ze took out another mobile phone from his pocket and sent the audio and video to Lu Song.

As an anchor, basically two mobile phones are necessary.

One dedicated to live streaming.

The other is used to check the live broadcast status, or for life.

Lu Song gave Lu Ze a solemn salute.

Just a few days.

Lu Ze has already helped him capture three groups of criminals!

This person in front of him is simply a criminal reaper!

[He even helped collect evidence for the police! 】

[This anchor can handle, he is too detailed! 】

【I Ze is awesome! 】

[Xiaolu is always the nemesis of criminals, real hammer! 】

[In the future, criminals will not detour when they see President Lu? 】

[Able to be both literate and martial, bold and careful, this is the coolest anchor I've ever seen! 】


After watching the police escort the two criminals into the car and leave.

Lu Ze shut down the live stream.

[Ding...Congratulations to the host for stopping and punishing the blackmailer, the attention score is 120, and the reward points are 20,000. 】

It's not a big thing though.

But also gave Lu Ze a reward of 20,000 points.

But there are other things at the moment.

Therefore, Lu Ze did not directly conduct the lottery.

Expose fraud, punish criminals, and earn rewards.

Lu Ze feels like he has more energy to correct than ever before!

Before Xu Guihua asked herself why she had to meddle in her own business.

Don't ask, you just can't put sand in your eyes!

"Thank you……"

The girl bought a bottle of mineral water at some point.

"They all took out their knives just now... I'm all scared for you."

The girl handed the water to Lu Ze, "My name is Hua Yaolu."

"Lu Ze."

Lu Ze was not polite and took a sip of water directly.

"Lu Ze..."

Hua Yaolu thought of Lu Ze's previous live broadcast on her mobile phone.

She was suddenly surprised.

"Which one are you, Xiang Ze?"

"you know me?"

"President Shen called you before and said that someone wanted to cooperate with you on a delivery project."

"It was me who she was talking about."

"I added you VX before, but you haven't agreed."

"I found out later that you often come here to eat, so I wanted to come here and try my luck."

"I didn't expect to meet you..."

"Which e-commerce company are you from?"

Lu Ze asked while agreeing to Hua Yaolu's friend request.

"I'm not here to work with you on behalf of a business..."

After hesitating for a long time, Hua Yaolu summoned the courage to speak.

"I want to ask you... to bring goods to the countryside!"

"The village brings goods?"

"My family is in X County in the next province."

"Most mountain villages in the county rely on growing crops for a living."

"The typhoon entered a while ago."

"Affected by the disaster weather, the crops in our village are almost rotted on the trees and the ground..."

"There are middle-aged and elderly people in the village. They don't know how to sell online, and some don't even know how to use mobile phones."

"They live off this harvest every year."

"This disaster means that their income will be greatly reduced this year."

"I want to do something for them."

"I know you're the big anchor of Douyin..."

"If possible, I hope you can help them find a way out..."

Hua Yaolu sends a document to Lu Ze.

"This is the planning book I wrote... President Shen promised me that he would do his best to help publicize this matter."

"Once such a thing is publicized, it may be able to take your career to the next level!"

"I see."

Lu Ze downloaded the file, "I'll go back and have a good look."

"I'm going back tomorrow."

"Many people in the village are waiting for me to go back and help."

"I'll wait for you at the gate of the long-distance station."

"I'm in the nine o'clock car."

"If you're willing to bring goods to our must come."

"it is good."

Lu Ze nodded.

As for what Hua Yaolu said, helping the disaster-stricken village bring goods.

Lu Ze himself is also very interested.

But I don't know what's going on with her for the time being.

Lu Ze didn't want to give a reply so hastily.

After saying goodbye to Hua Yaolu.

Lu Ze came to the barbecue restaurant opened by Zou Qiang.

"Brother Ze!"

Song Youjiang greeted Lu Ze directly.

Several familiar faces sat at a large round table in the store.

They are basically Lu Ze's college classmates.

"Where's Lao Zou?"

Lu Ze sat next to Song Youjiang.

"He's cooking in the back kitchen."

Song Youjiang Road.

"It's his birthday today, how can he let Shouxing cook?"

Lu Ze got up, "I'll go and help him."

"Brother Ze!"

Zou Qiang walked out with the dish directly.

"You just sit there, our brothers don't have to be so particular about it."

"I opened my own shop, and it's very fast to cook a few dishes."

"I'll get you a few bottles of beer, you drink first."

Finished talking.

There was a sudden noise outside.

A Porsche Panamera is parked in front of the store.


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